

4.4/563 評價
At a guess, we have stayed at this Hotel 8-10 times over the past years. I am sorry to say that after our last experience, we will never stay there again. As a 5 Star Hotel, it was slipshod and dissappointing. On arrival, at 16.45 there was nobody on the Reception Desk, but there was a sign which said ” There is nobody on Reception at present, please take a seat and wait ! There is still construction works going on at the adjacent ****** and there are now only 4 parking spaces for guests. which includes one for disabled and one for electric car charging. The only parking is an unattended open car park some 800 metres from the Hotel and I was not prepared to leave a £200,000 car loaded with luggage, laptops, phones and personal items there. The Receptionist agreed that I could occupy a disabled person's bay on the proviso that he could move it if required. The suite on the mezzanine floor was fine apart from the following;_ - Only 5 TV channels none English. - No Notepad or pen. - No list of Telephone numbers to call reception or room service. - Ony 2 towels for 3 persons, when charged extra for 16 year old granddaughter to stay in the suite. Same for Glasses, cups, Tea bags milk. Just 2 for 3 persons. - The Wifi was awful and kept logging you off. Later found out that you could log in using any old name name and email address you cared to enter ! _ One Loo roll ,part used and no spare. - A Huge Stag Beetle was discovered on the sofa and at that point we had not opened the doors to the balcony. We were aware that the main Restaurant would be closed on the Tuesday that we arrived ,but shortly before we left England I received an email that room service would not be available either but we could have a cold meal in our room.Oh well onwards and upwards ! The cold meal turned out to be a choice between smoked salmon, cheese or cold meats each served with bread and butter. No desserts, not even Ice cream. Anyway, we opted for 2 salmon and 1 cheese. After a long wait, the receptionist knocked on the door with the salmon and cheese and a basket of bread which he had himself prepared and it comprised a single baguette cut up into slices and 3 pats of butter. The salmon was just as if it has come out of a packet and there were 6 miserable slices of 3 different cheeses. The cost for this gastronomic extravaganza was €127.00 which included Room service and a warm bottle of white wine( No Ice bucket either). Total cost for a nights stopover with breakfast with hard sausage and rubber bacon was €603.60. Sorry Pavillon, don't expect to see me again.
4/557 評價
我剛剛在貝濟耶美居酒店住了 10 晚,從貝濟耶開車很長一段時間後於 2340 小時抵達酒店。我沒有受到微笑的歡迎,甚至沒有打招呼……我是雅高酒店金卡會員,在所有其他美居酒店(除了這家酒店),我總是得到微笑和熱烈的歡迎。我付了房費,並詢問我是否可以睡前喝一杯冰啤酒。作為雅高酒店會員,您將獲得一杯免費飲料。女接待員嚴肅地看著我說:「我知道你是雅高會員,她會給我一張飲料券,然後我被告知酒吧關門了。所以……沒有啤酒。然後我被要求(非常不禮貌地)證明疫苗接種狀況,我很高興地遵守了。然後我問我是否可以獲得商業收據,並被告知我會在早上透過電子郵件收到一張。這位女性的態度完全是不屑一顧、敵對、誹謗和遲鈍。然後,她在一名更不令人印象深刻的男性的監督下離開了酒店。我到達我的房間,發現這是有史以​​來最小、最沉悶的房間之一。迷你吧是空的,床架上掛著一盞燈,房間裡有尿騷味。我一點也不誇張。我問男主管是否可以給我應有的迷你吧物品……他搖了搖頭,然後走到廚房,找到了迷你吧的一些物品,他一點也不高興。大約 0130 時,我聽到房間裡有嗡嗡聲,卻發現房間裡到處都是蟋蟀。一隻落在我的胸口並咬了我。我收集了幾隻相當大的蟋蟀,把它們放進紙杯裡,然後洗了個澡。我收集了我的物品,離開了房間,我告訴男工作人員發生了什麼事,並向他展示了我收集的棕色蟋蟀。杯子。他說在法國房間裡有蟋蟀是很正常的!說完,他轉身朝自己的小辦公室走去。我問他經理什麼時候進來,他說0700。然後我就坐在大廳過夜。 。經理到達了,我可以看到兩人之間正在交談。然後經理徑直從我身邊走過,檢查了早上的早餐設定。我自我介紹並問他為什麼不理我。他說我應該要求換一個房間而不是在門廳裡坐一整夜!這可能是有史以來最糟糕、最缺乏同理心的經理。我給他看了蟋蟀,獲得退款後離開了酒店。可怕的酒店。避免。美居酒店,請評論這家酒店


  • 沙博尼耶爾萊班有哪些設有酒吧的熱門酒店?

    無論您是到沙博尼耶爾萊班公幹或遊覽,聖廷苑酒店里昂莎波涅美居酒店里昂沙波尼埃雷斯保利爾酒店 都是您的首選酒店。

  • 沙博尼耶爾萊班設有酒吧的酒店的平均價格是多少?

    沙博尼耶爾萊班設有酒吧的酒店,平日的平均房價為EUR 176;週末(週五至週六)的平均房價為EUR 174。

  • 沙博尼耶爾萊班哪些設有酒吧的酒店為豪華酒店?

    沙博尼耶爾萊班許多設有酒吧的酒店為豪華酒店。聖廷苑酒店 非常熱門。

  • 沙博尼耶爾萊班設有酒吧的酒店有哪些推廣活動?

    Trip.com 全年為用戶提供各種推廣及折扣。您可前往promotions page了解 Trip.com 有哪些推廣活動。


最高價格EUR 528
最低價格EUR 72
平均價格(平日)EUR 176
平均價格(週末)EUR 174