





4.9/5198 評價


We have stayed at hotels located in or very near major airports. Some have been good, but we have found those actually in the airport usually practice treating guests as prisoners who don’t have other good options. Service there is usually average at best and care of the property is often marginal. Not so with the Sapporo Portom International. We wish every major airport in the world had a hotel just like it. It is new, modern, comfortable, well maintained, and run by a professional helpful staff. Our room was a Superior Twin, a typical shoe-box shaped hotel room, this one on the big side. Those who frequent hotels know the typical shoe box room will suffice as long as it’s clean and the water is hot, but you also probably notice some owners do a lot more than others with their rooms to make guests comfortable. This room has all the latest high tech, from lights to tv to curtains to outlets for charging. There’s a safe, fridge, and nespresso coffee maker. The bathroom has a little wet room with separate tub and shower. However, unlike many Japanese hotel wet rooms we encountered, the shower was western style (rather than the onsen-style with both shower and faucet, sitting stool and big bowl). However, if you want an onsen bath, the real thing can be accessed on the 4th floor of the hotel where there is everything you need to cleanse and then soak in a public bath of hot mineral water. The hotel also appears to be designed to facilitate quiet and rest. It’s purposely dimly lit and located at one end of the international terminal away from other airport services. It has black-out curtains. The location, which helps keep it quiet, is about 15-minutes' walk from the domestic terminal where most of the airport’s services are located (just a Lawson's convenience store nearby the hotel as well as a Visitor Welcome Center type place). Even if your itinerary doesn’t take you to the domestic terminal side of the airport, if you have time, you’ll likely want to peruse the many shops and restaurants over there. If you’re technology challenged, make sure to quiz the staff member who accompanies you to your room on room features and how they work. At checkout we were provided an airport cart and they loaded our luggage on it for us. This cart together with moving walkways between the international and domestic terminals removed a lot of the burden of crossing the airport on foot with luggage. We wanted to avoid rushing from the Sapporo city center to catch a 40-minute train or taxi to the airport for an early morning flight. The Sapporo Portom International was perfect, plus it afforded us a final onsen experience in Japan. Please build more.



4.6/567 評價


2天1夜,帶花園露天浴池的特別房間“ Mizuasagi”禁菸日西風格房間,2名成人(特別菜)鐵板燒烤套餐/延遲退房12:00計劃有點難以理解,經過大型停車場後,沿着通往湖岸的道路行駛,在禁止通行的招牌上右轉,您會發現帶有酒店名稱的燈籠和入口,然後向左轉,然後將汽車放在入口處。(入口處的停車位不是很大)我到達了酒店,但是人們不容易出來,所以當我自己卸下行李時,酒店工作人員出來搬運行李。我被要求將汽車停在前門的停車位,所以我停了下來,辦理登機手續時,我在可以看到湖邊的大堂喝糖果和茶,然後決定晚餐時間和早餐時間。在去房間的路上,我得到了大廳的指導,房間在地下一層,我進入房間,放行李,並得到了房間的簡要指導,房間很大,可容納兩個人,茶室,榻榻米房間,臥室,有室內浴池,露天浴池等,房間很乾淨,但是照明開關感覺很舊,我立即去公共浴池,因爲它在同一樓層,所以我可以立即去,一個中等大小的浴缸感覺很好,露天浴池和岩石浴池的溫度恰到好處,但是室內浴池感覺很冷(上樓後告訴前台不冷不熱),然後在1樓的休息室免費提供自制水果凍和咖啡我有一個紙杯,所以我在房間裏喝了一杯,在二樓有一個休息室,在那裏我可以一邊看湖邊一邊喝茶,然後回到房間,在沙發上放鬆。晚餐時,您可以舒適地坐在沙發上,在地下一層的“ Moss-an”享用鐵板燒烤,用酒杯喝支湖的水製成的湯汁,伸出,生魚片村,在烤架上,魚和肉菜繼續,最後是一頓飯,我可以選擇白米飯或梅子茶泡飯,最後是甜點,很高興在我面前烤並吃熱的食物,魚,鮑魚,白老黑和牛非常好吃(食物出來的時間也不錯),我收到了稻荷先生在回家的路上吃午夜小吃,回到房間,在房間裏洗了個露天浴池。露天浴池沒有洗身體的地方,您必須在室內浴池中洗身體,但是距離有點遠(我先在大型公共浴池中洗身體然後進入)熱水的溫度恰到好處,您可以永遠進入。洗完澡後,我躺在沙發上,連接到大廳的Wi-Fi並看着智能手機,不知不覺中我失去了意識,我吃了午夜小吃的稻荷先生(我吃飽了,但是很好吃)我困了,所以我決定上牀睡覺,臥室,榻榻米房間和茶室之間有台階,所以我操作了房間的燈開關,試圖使它更亮一點,但是它不起作用,所以我沒有做過,所以在地板之間打開燈我睡着了(仍然很明亮),這是一個工作日,所以我睡得很安靜,可能是因爲我沒有住太多,早上醒來,在房間裏洗個露天浴池,如果房間裏有露天浴池,可以隨時洗個澡。早餐時,您可以在Mossoan後面的樓梯上,在1樓的“ Soan”享用日式套餐,飲料包括牛奶,綠色冰沙,西紅柿鞋和酸奶,每張桌子上都有一個水爐。這是一頓美味的早餐,溫暖而美味,包括“小費”和“魚”自制炸薯條,我還剩下時間回到房間退房,所以我決定在湖邊散步。,有很多人在湖邊散步,天氣有點冷,所以我回到房間,再次洗個露天浴池,退房時前台的人很少或有點時間。早上,您可以在一樓的休息室享用咖啡和羊角麪包,因此在休息室等一會兒可能是個好主意。我覺得時間的流逝有點慢,因此將其用於情侶或情侶可能會很好。另外,由於小牧沒有便利店,因此請注意,從千歲起,FamilyMart將是FamilyMart或7-11。





3.3/54 評價


一天最多也只有五組。可以體驗非日常的住宿。在全國無論你找哪裏,經營房間以下的住宿的地方很少。更何況,如果是個人經營的旅館還是第一小組經營的旅館,小組的服務能接受。這傢俱樂部本身的旅館是完全別墅,不是廉價的別墅,而是用泡沫時期的資產購買的別墅,這是很久以來第一次訪問的旅館。所以,因爲是昭和的復古建築,所以也看不到WIFI、互聯網、網路閃光等動畫電視。但是,您可以體驗昭和時代懷舊的泡泡按摩浴缸巴士。在泡沫時代有很多這樣的旅館。曾經是會員制的阿爾法度假村湯瑪姆這樣的泡泡巴士。另外因爲一天只有五組,所以平日的淡季成一組的概率很高。這次只讓我體驗了一組,簡直體驗到了我家的別墅的感覺。好的一點1.可以體驗私人感覺。2.可以輕鬆地接送本館的巴特勒鹽谷先生也非常容易請求,工作也順利,能夠享受比本館更特別的感覺。3.水果酒、葡萄酒、軟飲料均可飲用,晚餐時飲用啤酒也可飲用 愛喝酒的服務。如果在1000日元的酒廊喝的話,這裏最小的房費會比較輕。4.因爲有休閒用餐,完全沒想到,但是可以品嚐到意大利菜的課程,而且還有很多適合啤酒的菜餚。我認爲女性不能全部吃。5.有休息室和酒吧櫃檯,所以您可以在酒店的酒吧喝酒。特別是租借的話,一邊聽音樂一邊悠閒地把租借酒吧做成自己的心情,更加滿意的計量提高了。6.休息室旁邊的雲,氣氛很好,吃飯和景色都很美。從雲的角度來看,景色是最好的。您可以不去支湖就看支湖。不好的地方 1.可惜設施陳舊,昭和、平成、令和時代正是昭和泡沫時代的建築,所以設施的處所々的老化很顯眼。最新設備是鶴雅集團在對面,但與之相比,平成、令和出生的人々似乎覺得不熟悉的設備不方便。2.牀品被老化也嚴重,但最低也要低反彈的枕頭和牀墊。3.很遺憾,毛巾類從一開始就有一套,至少要一個2組。4.魚類有臭味,鮮度不太好,印象很深。應該半途不提供魚類,徹底不作爲肉類或西餐出太多臭味的菜。我經常吃新鮮的魚,所以很在意這一點。5.泡泡巴士出入時,老年人感到很難進出。如果不行的話,可能會受傷。沒有欄桿,所以有摔倒或受傷的恐懼。壞處終究是個人主觀。雖然寫這篇文章也受到了相當不好的批評,所以很擔心地訪問了,但實際上我感到很不錯。對於想體驗寧靜的非日常空間的人,對於平時過着雜亂的日常生活的人來說,這是我們希望入住的旅館。最後印象深刻的工作人員巴特勒鹽谷先生,在本館山崎先生。下次還會照顧你。









4.9/5198 評價


We have stayed at hotels located in or very near major airports. Some have been good, but we have found those actually in the airport usually practice treating guests as prisoners who don’t have other good options. Service there is usually average at best and care of the property is often marginal. Not so with the Sapporo Portom International. We wish every major airport in the world had a hotel just like it. It is new, modern, comfortable, well maintained, and run by a professional helpful staff. Our room was a Superior Twin, a typical shoe-box shaped hotel room, this one on the big side. Those who frequent hotels know the typical shoe box room will suffice as long as it’s clean and the water is hot, but you also probably notice some owners do a lot more than others with their rooms to make guests comfortable. This room has all the latest high tech, from lights to tv to curtains to outlets for charging. There’s a safe, fridge, and nespresso coffee maker. The bathroom has a little wet room with separate tub and shower. However, unlike many Japanese hotel wet rooms we encountered, the shower was western style (rather than the onsen-style with both shower and faucet, sitting stool and big bowl). However, if you want an onsen bath, the real thing can be accessed on the 4th floor of the hotel where there is everything you need to cleanse and then soak in a public bath of hot mineral water. The hotel also appears to be designed to facilitate quiet and rest. It’s purposely dimly lit and located at one end of the international terminal away from other airport services. It has black-out curtains. The location, which helps keep it quiet, is about 15-minutes' walk from the domestic terminal where most of the airport’s services are located (just a Lawson's convenience store nearby the hotel as well as a Visitor Welcome Center type place). Even if your itinerary doesn’t take you to the domestic terminal side of the airport, if you have time, you’ll likely want to peruse the many shops and restaurants over there. If you’re technology challenged, make sure to quiz the staff member who accompanies you to your room on room features and how they work. At checkout we were provided an airport cart and they loaded our luggage on it for us. This cart together with moving walkways between the international and domestic terminals removed a lot of the burden of crossing the airport on foot with luggage. We wanted to avoid rushing from the Sapporo city center to catch a 40-minute train or taxi to the airport for an early morning flight. The Sapporo Portom International was perfect, plus it afforded us a final onsen experience in Japan. Please build more.


Pokemon Store(新千歲機場店)

4.9/5198 評價


千歲|距離Pokemon Store(新千歲機場店)1.09km
We have stayed at hotels located in or very near major airports. Some have been good, but we have found those actually in the airport usually practice treating guests as prisoners who don’t have other good options. Service there is usually average at best and care of the property is often marginal. Not so with the Sapporo Portom International. We wish every major airport in the world had a hotel just like it. It is new, modern, comfortable, well maintained, and run by a professional helpful staff. Our room was a Superior Twin, a typical shoe-box shaped hotel room, this one on the big side. Those who frequent hotels know the typical shoe box room will suffice as long as it’s clean and the water is hot, but you also probably notice some owners do a lot more than others with their rooms to make guests comfortable. This room has all the latest high tech, from lights to tv to curtains to outlets for charging. There’s a safe, fridge, and nespresso coffee maker. The bathroom has a little wet room with separate tub and shower. However, unlike many Japanese hotel wet rooms we encountered, the shower was western style (rather than the onsen-style with both shower and faucet, sitting stool and big bowl). However, if you want an onsen bath, the real thing can be accessed on the 4th floor of the hotel where there is everything you need to cleanse and then soak in a public bath of hot mineral water. The hotel also appears to be designed to facilitate quiet and rest. It’s purposely dimly lit and located at one end of the international terminal away from other airport services. It has black-out curtains. The location, which helps keep it quiet, is about 15-minutes' walk from the domestic terminal where most of the airport’s services are located (just a Lawson's convenience store nearby the hotel as well as a Visitor Welcome Center type place). Even if your itinerary doesn’t take you to the domestic terminal side of the airport, if you have time, you’ll likely want to peruse the many shops and restaurants over there. If you’re technology challenged, make sure to quiz the staff member who accompanies you to your room on room features and how they work. At checkout we were provided an airport cart and they loaded our luggage on it for us. This cart together with moving walkways between the international and domestic terminals removed a lot of the burden of crossing the airport on foot with luggage. We wanted to avoid rushing from the Sapporo city center to catch a 40-minute train or taxi to the airport for an early morning flight. The Sapporo Portom International was perfect, plus it afforded us a final onsen experience in Japan. Please build more.



4.3/59 評價
3.7/543 評價
4.7/59 評價
4.4/5133 評價
贊:酒店允許您選擇您想要的枕頭類型 - 酒店大堂有一個架子陳列,您可以選擇您喜歡的!不錯的選擇 - 例如羽絨枕,海綿枕等。JR Inn 千歲酒店非常中心,就在千歲JR站旁邊。酒店外面有兩個7-Elevens - 購買早餐物品很方便,然後可以在2樓的酒店微波爐回來。酒店2樓還有室內熱水澡,有車的話現場有免費停車場。房間很乾淨,大概是其他日本酒店房間的大小。廁所是日式大小,但很乾淨,設備齊全。不喜歡:酒店的早餐選擇非常有限,酒店隔壁有一家Yayoi餐廳,由內門連接。從凌晨開始,Yayoi只爲酒店客人提供服務,有900日元的基本早餐套餐。價格還可以,但是套餐味道不太好。可以嘗試一次,但之後你可能更喜歡7-Eleven!
3.9/567 評價
4.9/5198 評價
We have stayed at hotels located in or very near major airports. Some have been good, but we have found those actually in the airport usually practice treating guests as prisoners who don’t have other good options. Service there is usually average at best and care of the property is often marginal. Not so with the Sapporo Portom International. We wish every major airport in the world had a hotel just like it. It is new, modern, comfortable, well maintained, and run by a professional helpful staff. Our room was a Superior Twin, a typical shoe-box shaped hotel room, this one on the big side. Those who frequent hotels know the typical shoe box room will suffice as long as it’s clean and the water is hot, but you also probably notice some owners do a lot more than others with their rooms to make guests comfortable. This room has all the latest high tech, from lights to tv to curtains to outlets for charging. There’s a safe, fridge, and nespresso coffee maker. The bathroom has a little wet room with separate tub and shower. However, unlike many Japanese hotel wet rooms we encountered, the shower was western style (rather than the onsen-style with both shower and faucet, sitting stool and big bowl). However, if you want an onsen bath, the real thing can be accessed on the 4th floor of the hotel where there is everything you need to cleanse and then soak in a public bath of hot mineral water. The hotel also appears to be designed to facilitate quiet and rest. It’s purposely dimly lit and located at one end of the international terminal away from other airport services. It has black-out curtains. The location, which helps keep it quiet, is about 15-minutes' walk from the domestic terminal where most of the airport’s services are located (just a Lawson's convenience store nearby the hotel as well as a Visitor Welcome Center type place). Even if your itinerary doesn’t take you to the domestic terminal side of the airport, if you have time, you’ll likely want to peruse the many shops and restaurants over there. If you’re technology challenged, make sure to quiz the staff member who accompanies you to your room on room features and how they work. At checkout we were provided an airport cart and they loaded our luggage on it for us. This cart together with moving walkways between the international and domestic terminals removed a lot of the burden of crossing the airport on foot with luggage. We wanted to avoid rushing from the Sapporo city center to catch a 40-minute train or taxi to the airport for an early morning flight. The Sapporo Portom International was perfect, plus it afforded us a final onsen experience in Japan. Please build more.





在Trip.com網站或者Trip.com APP上您可以找到最新的千歲酒店優惠。Trip.com誠意為您推薦熱門的千歲酒店及酒店預訂優惠。千歲不大,在千歲遊玩,住宿可以安排在市中心區域。千歲是個安靜的城市,來這裡度假,您一定能感受到一份獨有的悠閒與愜意。


雖然千歲這個城市並不大,但依然有性價比不錯的酒店。當地酒店平均價格大概是876 HKD一晚,千歲有各種各樣的酒店,定能滿足您對不同旅行的住宿需求。千歲有1家五星級酒店,平均每晚2488 HKD。千歲有2家四星級酒店,平均每晚983 HKD。千歲有12家三星級酒店,平均每晚815 HKD。千歲有3家二星級酒店,平均每晚278 HKD。千歲沒有太多知名連鎖酒店,但入住當地特色的酒店也能讓您體會到賓至如歸的感覺。如若您對旅行住宿比較有要求,在千歲還是挺容易找到舒適酒店的,像皇冠假日旗下的酒店就很好。千歲有皇冠假日的連鎖酒店,喜歡這個品牌的遊客可以選擇入住,享受皇冠假日提供的優質服務。千歲千歲永安國際酒店(Hotel Wing International Chitose)是Trip.com客人最喜歡入住的酒店之一。假若您還有猶豫,Trip.com推薦您入住機場航站樓酒店(Air Terminal Hotel)

千歲市區有不少出名的特色景點,例如:千歲鮭魚故鄉館。在千歲適合度假的景點也頗多,您可以去Okotanbeko Lake。另外,當地評價最高的景點還有:箱根牧場, 支笏湖, 哆啦A夢驚喜空中樂園。千歲的商業氛圍比較濃厚,如果想購物您可以去Hello Kitty Japan, 永旺 千歲店, 千歲奧特萊斯。
