正在尋找Cedar Tree Village附近的酒店?不妨參考真實旅客的評價。


探索Cedar Tree Village附近的熱門酒店


4.1/537 評價


弗雷斯諾|距離Cedar Tree Village2.72km
我住在這裏弗雷斯諾鎮廣場套房,有些問題。我去找經理表達我的憂慮。她不喜歡我說的話。第二天,我的房價在前幾週一直保持不變,突然一夜之間跳了$19.00到$46.00!我問前台爲什麼我的房價突然上漲,他們試圖說這是因爲我延長了住宿時間,我已經延長了,但我在10天前延長了住宿時間。經理也不喜歡,拒絕調整我的利率回到以前的水平。我是終生白金精英,所以我打電話給萬豪精英。萬豪給酒店打了電話,和經理阿什利·伯尼(Ashley Burney)談了談,顯然阿什利也不喜歡這個。阿什利告訴萬豪公司代表,她將尊重我目前的預訂,但不會將我的預訂再延長19天。我已經通過萬豪預訂線預訂了19天,並按我原來的較低每晚費率確認了。阿什利取消了我的預訂!這個地方還要求我妻子在打掃房間時離開,不是因爲Covid,而是“爲了我們所有員工的安全,也不例外”,但維修工被允許進來,而且只有我妻子也在房間就像我們倆在場時一樣!虛僞!我的A**也不例外。其他員工對每件事都總是彬彬有禮。我注意到的一件事是那裏的員工沒有一個微笑,我不記得有一次我碰到過任何一位員工。看到他們時,會微笑。這讓我相信,他們都很討厭在微操老闆手下工作。好幾次不同的員工都說:“很抱歉我不能這麼做,我不想惹麻煩。”這是爲了一些小事,我認爲不會違反“規則”。如果你想住在一個氣氛更好的地方,去索尼斯塔ES,更漂亮的房間也便宜!過去是住客客棧!
4.1/5104 評價


弗雷斯諾|距離Cedar Tree Village2.72km
This hotel has construction, and we were only told upon check-in to expect an 'inconvenience.' The noise beginning early in the morning on Monday, the second night of our stay, was absolutely unbearable, and ruined our morning on the day of preparation for a relatives funeral. Literally sounded like a jackhammer on the wall outside our room. They’re doing stonework. There's dust flying everywhere. There's loose plaster on the carpet in the elevators and the hallways. Construction workers come and go in the elevators alongside customers with all their equipment and mess and noise. There's an operating cherrypicker in the registration area of the parking lot with no safety cones. You walk out the East guest door on the first floor into a total hardhat situation with people doing stonework on ladders overhead, construction material blocking the exit, and the door is usually propped open all day. I politely told the front desk that we unfortunately needed to check out 2 days early due to the noise, and requested a late checkout to 3pm because we had appointments at the church, and funeral home, and hadn't planned to have to change hotels today. Note that I'm a platinum member, and didn't expect this to be an issue whatsoever given the unusual circumstances. I was denied, and asked for the manager, who promptly flatly denied my request with literally the rudest most uncaring expression and flat tone possible. I reinstated my request and attempted to explain my situation, and the manager admitted that the hotel was not booked (obviously because my room was already spoken for for 2 more nights), but still, she flatly denied me. She finally told me it was because the hotel could experience 'loss of revenue.' So I'm here to tell you that if revenue is more important than customer experience or showing compassion to a customer you placed in a difficult situation, I will no longer be staying at La Quinta. I'll certainly never step foot in this one again, in a town I visit every month. And I’ll be demanding a full refund from La Quinta Platinum Customer Service, let’s see where that gets me. I also recommend anyone else over the next few months seriously reconsider. I don't care about your loss of revenue. Close this place, finish it up, and reopen. With a new manager. There are several really nice hotels with similar rates in the immediate area.
美國長住酒店 - 弗雷斯諾 - 北
3.4/5101 評價

美國長住酒店 - 弗雷斯諾 - 北

弗雷斯諾|距離Cedar Tree Village2.73km
我最近在這家設施住了47天,上週退房。上下文:我已入住了從Motel 6到Ritz Carlton的各種各樣的酒店,以商務和度假爲目的。這家酒店是按名稱規定。它是爲了延長住宿。我看到的大多數客戶都是建築承包商、卡車司機和其他類型的企業。還有一些長期租戶似乎將此作爲公寓住宿。優點:-價值:對於價格來說,價值是無與倫比的。有壓力的熱水淋浴。牀很好。我每週一次得到乾淨的牀單。我有全尺寸的冰箱、爐子和微波爐。沒有垃圾處理和洗碗機,但價格我可以理解。服務:前台專業友好。記住價格。人們不指望Ritz禮賓服務。相反,它更像是幫助你的友好鄰居。我遇到各種不同的前台工作人員在工作日和週末的一天的不同時間,都對我專業而有禮貌。前台確實晚上10點關門,但有一個外接電話你可以用。我不得不在凌晨1點用,因爲我下班回來時,我的酒店鑰匙就壞了。它每週換一次,那天我不得不加班。但是,我到前廳外面打電話去了。過夜服務員接了電話,給我擦了兩把鑰匙,對此非常友好。保安:整個停車場和走廊都燈火通明。總體感覺安全。我認爲他們沒有任何安全巡邏,但是照明很好,而且在犯罪率低的城鎮中。-物理工廠:房間有油地板。沒有地毯。房間雖然有些過時,但再次感覺性價比還不錯。我對房間的傢俱很舒適。電視是平板電視,有常見的有線電視分類,和showmax和showmax2。洗衣店:現場有洗衣機和烘乾機。前台提供零錢和清潔劑,收費。-便利:在Costco附近。一家Shop'n Go便利店在拐角處。就在高速公路旁邊。-便利設施:WiFi免費,強大。我也聯繫了技術支持,呼叫中心的人可以連接我的筆記本電腦,iPhone和iPad免費wifi使用3周,直到月底,而不是讓我每24小時更新wifi連接。這很方便。空調很好,我用過它。他們給我提供了很多肥皂、洗髮水、毛巾和廁紙。小廚房不提供鍋、鍋等。您從前台訂購所需的設置,然後取回包。這對價值來說是很好的。我有兩個桌子,我可以在那裏工作,這真的很好,在我的下班後,我能夠趕上筆記本電腦的工作,他們也給了我一個t



正在搜尋Cedar Tree Village附近的酒店?比較房價和評價,找到您的理想酒店。
4.1/5104 評價
This hotel has construction, and we were only told upon check-in to expect an 'inconvenience.' The noise beginning early in the morning on Monday, the second night of our stay, was absolutely unbearable, and ruined our morning on the day of preparation for a relatives funeral. Literally sounded like a jackhammer on the wall outside our room. They’re doing stonework. There's dust flying everywhere. There's loose plaster on the carpet in the elevators and the hallways. Construction workers come and go in the elevators alongside customers with all their equipment and mess and noise. There's an operating cherrypicker in the registration area of the parking lot with no safety cones. You walk out the East guest door on the first floor into a total hardhat situation with people doing stonework on ladders overhead, construction material blocking the exit, and the door is usually propped open all day. I politely told the front desk that we unfortunately needed to check out 2 days early due to the noise, and requested a late checkout to 3pm because we had appointments at the church, and funeral home, and hadn't planned to have to change hotels today. Note that I'm a platinum member, and didn't expect this to be an issue whatsoever given the unusual circumstances. I was denied, and asked for the manager, who promptly flatly denied my request with literally the rudest most uncaring expression and flat tone possible. I reinstated my request and attempted to explain my situation, and the manager admitted that the hotel was not booked (obviously because my room was already spoken for for 2 more nights), but still, she flatly denied me. She finally told me it was because the hotel could experience 'loss of revenue.' So I'm here to tell you that if revenue is more important than customer experience or showing compassion to a customer you placed in a difficult situation, I will no longer be staying at La Quinta. I'll certainly never step foot in this one again, in a town I visit every month. And I’ll be demanding a full refund from La Quinta Platinum Customer Service, let’s see where that gets me. I also recommend anyone else over the next few months seriously reconsider. I don't care about your loss of revenue. Close this place, finish it up, and reopen. With a new manager. There are several really nice hotels with similar rates in the immediate area.
4.2/5102 評價
4.2/5100 評價
Sonesta ES Suites Fresno
4.2/5102 評價
上週末,我和我的妻子住在我們平時在北弗雷斯諾(North Fresno)住的酒店,我們的住宿再次達到了萬豪提供的通常的高標準。安靜,非常乾淨的房間,方便前往街道。艾格尼絲醫院適合家庭參觀,並且方便當地餐館/購物。該設施目前正在進行重大翻新,但在晚上/晚上仍然很安靜,工作人員非常貼心!儘管進行了裝修,仍會毫不猶豫地推薦您入住這裡。 (最好的酒店早餐之一)。
3.9/5102 評價
3.9/5101 評價


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弗雷斯諾有59家服務不錯的酒店。在弗雷斯諾尋找酒店時,準備每晚758 HKD左右的預算,應該能找到不錯的住宿。弗雷斯諾有1家四星級酒店,平均每晚1289 HKD。弗雷斯諾有25家三星級酒店,平均每晚932 HKD。弗雷斯諾有33家二星級酒店,平均每晚601 HKD。弗雷斯諾匯聚了眾多知名連鎖酒店,無論您是商務出行還是旅遊入住,都很合適。弗雷斯諾有華美達的連鎖酒店,喜歡這個品牌的遊客可以選擇入住,享受華美達提供的優質服務。如若您對旅行住宿比較有要求,在弗雷斯諾還是挺容易找到舒適酒店的,像華美達旗下的酒店就很好。弗雷斯諾貝斯特韋斯特鄉村酒店(Best Western Village Inn)是Trip.com客人最喜歡入住的酒店之一。除此之外,弗雷斯諾品質套房酒店(Quality Inn & Suites Fresno)也是遊客們常去的酒店。

若想與家人度過一個愉快假期,可以到巨衫國家公園一遊。除了之前介紹過的景點外,Maya Cinemas Fresno 16, Airways Municipal Golf Course也是比較有名的。弗雷斯諾的商業氛圍比較濃厚,如果想購物您可以去Modern Pharmacy, Uncle Tom’s Liquors, Vallee Food Store。










