如何從最近的機場前往Infinite Seaview with Penang Bridge Suite?
距離Infinite Seaview with Penang Bridge Suite最近的機場為檳城國際機場,行車距離8.7公里(約12分鐘)。
Infinite Seaview with Penang Bridge Suite可提供甚麼餐飲選擇?
Infinite Seaview with Penang Bridge Suite內並無餐廳。
Infinite Seaview with Penang Bridge Suite附近有哪些熱門景點?
Infinite Seaview with Penang Bridge Suite位於Quaywest Residence, 120, B21-29, Persiaran Bayan Indah。鄰近Infinite Seaview with Penang Bridge Suite的熱門景點有BT BEAUTY STUDIO SUMMERTON,距離您的搜尋地點440米(直線距離)。
Infinite Seaview with Penang Bridge Suite是否提供機場接駁服務?
Infinite Seaview with Penang Bridge Suite為顧客提供機場接駁服務,建議事先致電以確認詳細資料。
Infinite Seaview with Penang Bridge Suite的價格是?
Infinite Seaview with Penang Bridge Suite價格可能會發生變化,例如日期或酒店政策等因素。請輸入您的出行日期以查看價格。