





4.3/566 評價


杜夢灣 塔穆寧|距離市中心1.77km
The only negative I have is that some aspects of this hotel are dated/in need of repair, but nothing too bad. OK, maybe a second negative was the nightly live music in the lobby that my co-workers could hear from their rooms on lower floors. The inside of the hotel is open all the way to the top (21 floors). The music was not an issue for me, but I was on the 20th floor. Now for the positive…. The proximity to town is great - you can walk to shopping and dining. The beach was excellent and right on the calm bay. There’s a water sports equipment rental place on the beach right by the hotel pool. You can get pretty much anything you’d need, other than motorized equipment. I rented a paddle board and enjoyed paddling around the bay for a couple of hours and would highly recommend it. There are chairs and umbrellas in the beach. There is also a large, resort style pool with bar. The drinks were good and affordable. While there could stand to be some updating of the pool area (maybe cement patch work and painting), they seemed to be working on it because the second, smaller pool and hot tub were under renovation. It seemed to me that a lot of places in Guam are just now starting to come back from the impact of COVID (low tourist numbers so limited staffing and repairs/updates to properties and restaurants). The Westin Club Lounge was great - good food, wine and beer, plus it’s on the top floor with excellent views to the south and west. The breakfast buffet had a lot of quality options. The gym was a little small for the size of the resort, but it worked. Bonus - plenty of garage parking. The staff was friendly and helpful across the entire resort. I’d absolutely stay here again!!





4.4/546 評價


杜夢灣 塔穆寧|距離市中心0.5km
My childhood memories are filled with fond recollections of the days when this hotel was known as Daichi, and the Seahorse was its neighbor. It's heartwarming to witness the tremendous growth in the form of the Crowne Plaza, now in its third iteration. Despite the substantial exodus of people from Guam and the challenges faced by the hospitality industry, my experience at the Crowne Plaza was nothing short of spectacular — even amidst the aftermath of the most devastating natural disaster to hit the island in over 20 years. During my visit, the hotel experienced sell out occupancy for several days before and after my stay. To complicate matters, some rooms were rendered unavailable due to storm damage. Yet, to my amazement, both of my rooms were seamlessly upgraded without request, including one room to a one-bedroom suite. This exceptional resource management and commitment to their loyalty program and customers leaves me truly impressed. The hotel honored all Diamond Elite benefits, and with the Club lounge temporarily closed due to the storm, we were accommodated with equivalent offerings in the Lobby lounge. The Crowne Plaza's complete makeover, featuring a contemporary design, elevates it to the status of a brand-new hotel rather than a simple update with - and this distinction is important - new yet outdated hardware. For example, their innovative digital elevator is a fresh concept on Guam, separating them from their local competition. I want to extend my sincerest appreciation to Abegail. Her exceptional service and assistance with check-in and resolution of an issue with our room rate demonstrated her expertise. I booked the best flexible rate and even that somehow doubled. Abegail took charge and resolved the matter. Her proactive approach and willingness to be our point of contact for any requests or concerns displayed remarkable initiative whilst juggling her duties at the counter. My gratitude extends to Abegail, the housekeeping, facilities, F&B, and the entire team for the outstanding care they provided during such challenging circumstances. A special thank you goes out to Tan Holdings and IHG for their continued investment in and commitment to the Crowne Plaza to ensure not just a future, but a brighter future, for Guam's hospitality industry.



4.4/583 評價


杜夢灣 塔穆寧|距離市中心0.57km
杜夢區新裝修的超讚精品飯店!在塔諾酒店住了大約一個月,這家酒店是我們在關島遠距工作/度假、在孩子暑假探望家人和朋友時的完美住所。這家酒店剛完成裝修並改建為新裝修的精品酒店。我們喜歡酒店和我們住的尊貴套房的現代設計和理念。我們也喜歡杜夢灣的景色和從我們的套房看到的日落。飯店也位於圖蒙市中心,我們每天步行前往藤田海灘,步行約 5 分鐘,步行約 10 分鐘即可到達圖蒙主要購物場所。正如其他人在這裡提到的,工作人員非常出色。他們以哈法阿代精神歡迎我們,在我們住宿期間關注我們家人的需求,有時甚至提前幾步以確保我們住得愉快。他們確實讓我們感覺像家人一樣。這些人包括(布蘭登、羅賓遜、山姆、雷伊、奧茲、米斯蒂、喬許、傑伊、馬克、謝麗爾和傑米)奧茲和米斯蒂是讓我們的住宿改變得格外特別的幾個特定的人。當我們離​​開酒店開始新的一天時,Oz 大廳的主人一直向我們致意,並在晚上當我們結束充滿樂趣的一天回到酒店時歡迎我們回來。奧茲也會檢查我們的情況,以確保我們住得愉快。我們的客房服務員米斯蒂(Misty)始終如一地為我們的房間提供服務,並且會不斷地檢查我們在住宿期間是否需要任何額外的房間設施。結束一天的工作回到乾淨的房間真是令人耳目一新。我的孩子們也很喜歡米斯蒂對他們的動物的照顧。總的來說,這是一次很棒的住宿,我們期待再次入住,並將向正在尋找關島酒店的美國朋友和家人推薦塔諾酒店。




塔果灣(Pago Bay)


Agaña Historic District


East Hagatna Wall


Resort Onward Waterpark



4.6/579 評價
호텔의 청결위치는 좋았으나 15시 체크인에 맞춰 도착했으나, 16시넘어서 체크인을 하게되었습니다. 방정리가 다 되면 이메일을 준다고했고 40분기다렸다가 이메일을 받고 문의하러갔지만 한국인남자직원이 썩은표정으로 가서 기다리라고만 하고 한참뒤에야 체크인을 할수있었습니다. 연박을하여 청소를 부탁했지만 18시가 넘어서 방청소를 하게되었습니다. 중간중간 2번을 부탁했지만 18시반이 넘어서 청소를 시작하였습니다.
4/5110 評價
4.1/5105 評價
它距離圖蒙市有點遠,所以如果您不租車,那會有點不舒服,但是對於那些想要安靜舒適地使用度假勝地的人來說,這是一個很好的選擇:-) 工作人員們也非常親切 在里加皇家住了2晚後,我搬到了杜吉海灘,又住了2晚,杜吉海灘感覺很吵。 無邊泳池很漂亮,房間的海景也很好。我沒有使用早餐之類的飯廳,房間條件和設施有些欠發達。但是沒有期待就去了比想象中的要好不潮溼適當的乾淨很好性價比高的酒店!
3.5/599 評價
4/5103 評價
4.3/566 評價
The only negative I have is that some aspects of this hotel are dated/in need of repair, but nothing too bad. OK, maybe a second negative was the nightly live music in the lobby that my co-workers could hear from their rooms on lower floors. The inside of the hotel is open all the way to the top (21 floors). The music was not an issue for me, but I was on the 20th floor. Now for the positive…. The proximity to town is great - you can walk to shopping and dining. The beach was excellent and right on the calm bay. There’s a water sports equipment rental place on the beach right by the hotel pool. You can get pretty much anything you’d need, other than motorized equipment. I rented a paddle board and enjoyed paddling around the bay for a couple of hours and would highly recommend it. There are chairs and umbrellas in the beach. There is also a large, resort style pool with bar. The drinks were good and affordable. While there could stand to be some updating of the pool area (maybe cement patch work and painting), they seemed to be working on it because the second, smaller pool and hot tub were under renovation. It seemed to me that a lot of places in Guam are just now starting to come back from the impact of COVID (low tourist numbers so limited staffing and repairs/updates to properties and restaurants). The Westin Club Lounge was great - good food, wine and beer, plus it’s on the top floor with excellent views to the south and west. The breakfast buffet had a lot of quality options. The gym was a little small for the size of the resort, but it worked. Bonus - plenty of garage parking. The staff was friendly and helpful across the entire resort. I’d absolutely stay here again!!





關島是位於西太平洋的島嶼,美國海外屬地,也是距離中國最近的美國領土。此外,關島也是美軍基地,美軍基地佔地約全島的1/4,主要位於北部。關島先後被西班牙人、美國人、日本人統治過,至今島上保留著眾多文化融合的痕迹。這裏是渡假勝地,有著碧海藍天,還是免稅購物天堂,也是結婚拍婚紗照的好去處。如果你是歷史愛好者,關島上的二戰遺址、戰地、博物館等著你來觸摸歷史的痕迹。在關島,你可以嘗試到開飛機、潛水、射擊等各種刺激驚險的項目,還能品嚐到各種當地的查莫洛美食和日式、美式料理。作為太平洋上的小島,關島自然少不了隨處可見的椰樹、柔和的海風、蔚藍色的海水、潔白的沙灘和耀眼明媚的陽光。島上最繁華的杜夢灣沿綫遍布著眾多高檔酒店,走出酒店,目光所及之處是一片蔚藍的大海,眼前便是藍綠色的菲律賓礁湖,以及潔白細膩的沙灘向遠處綿延,形成了一個月牙形。渡假的美女穿著火辣的比基尼,在沙灘上拍照、曬日光浴,或是在近處的礁湖中嬉水、遊玩。關島在二戰的太平洋歷史中佔據了重要的一席之地。你可以前往Paseo de Susana廣場看看,這裏曾是一片海灘,在激戰中被炸平了。如今這裏綠草如茵,是當地人休閒之地。你還可以去太平洋戰爭博物館,參觀門口的雙管機關炮,或是登上皮提炮據點,站在當年的防衛要塞處眺望整個太平洋海面。查莫洛文化是密克羅尼西亞文明中最古老的一個支脈。在查莫洛文化村內可以看查莫洛當年如何把巨木打造出堅韌而高速的獨木舟,看復原的以拉提石為地基建築的房子,還有現在的查莫洛人為你演示手剝椰子,磨椰肉到做椰子油的過程。此外,他們還會向你演示如何將一根樹葉演變成一根可用的繩子,還會邀請你與他們一起做。
