鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店

Barco Telamon encallado附近酒店


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優秀 4.5+非常好 4.0+很好 3.5+滿意 3.0+

Barco Telamon encallado附近人氣酒店

巴塞羅蘭薩羅特活躍度假村 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店
巴塞羅蘭薩羅特活躍度假村 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店巴塞羅蘭薩羅特活躍度假村 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店
距離Barco Telamon encallado1.7km
巴塞羅蘭薩羅特活躍度假村位於蘭薩羅特島的黃金地段,入住期間探索此處最方便不過。 酒店鄰近市內部份熱門景點,距離Try To Escape Lanzarote189m、距離Pilates Lanzarote BMB191m,距離Playa BASTIAN亦不過是1.53 km。您可以在住宿的游泳池曬太陽或盡情暢泳。另外,一定不要錯過它的恆溫游泳池。 巴塞羅蘭薩羅特活躍度假村位於沙灘附近,方便您參加滑浪風帆、浮潛和潛水等海上活動。 用住宿的按摩室或日光浴區消除疲勞,放鬆身心。 健身室於開放,讓住客可以好好鍛鍊身體。 住宿提供高爾夫球場及釣魚,讓您可以好好鍛鍊身體,十分適合一眾熱愛運動的人士。這裡有餐廳,為您的住宿提供各種餐飲選擇。 不想外出?享用由住宿內的餐廳精心準備的送餐服務和美味佳餚。 在住宿內的酒吧與親朋好友共度美好時光。此酒店亦提供花園和自動售賣機等設施。 住宿提供24小時前台服務,全天候照顧您的需要。 住宿設施齊全,提供貨幣兌換、行李寄存和洗衣服務。最近的機場是蘭薩羅特機場,車程為12 min。 住宿設有停車場,適合自駕遊旅客入住。

當我們入住酒店時,我們的想法是額外支付180英鎊,以升級到皇家水平。我們覺得這非常值得,當然使這個假期更加特別。升級給了我們一個更好的更大的海景房間。它讓我們可以進入皇家游泳池 x2,其中1是一個無邊泳池,可以欣賞到海洋。我們大部分時間都在這個游泳池周圍度過,因爲它有一個酒吧,也做食物。我們爲所有包容的選擇支付了費用,只是爲了添加。皇家級別還讓我們進入自助餐廳,這是現場所有3箇中最好的自助餐。升級還給我們在意大利餐廳免費用餐/飲料,或者您可以在隔壁的Koi餐廳使用代金券。這2家餐廳和香酒吧不包括在全包中。在我們的酒店房間裏,我們有一個迷你酒吧,裏面有免費飲料。但是,如果需要更換,你必須支付這些飲料。因爲我們不喝酒或全脂可樂,這給我們留下了2xoj 2xwater。我們對此感到失望,但後來意識到我們可以從酒吧裏拿飲料,把它們帶到我們的房間,所以說實話,這不是問題。我們房間的乾淨,游泳池,公共區域都很好,g假期的食物也很好,選擇很多。。我們遇到的所有工作人員都很棒。我們假期的亮點絕對是一個50米的游泳池,我們每天都充分利用早上和晚上。在任何時候都有救生員值班,給你一條小巷,即使它很忙,它都流了下來。請注意,游泳池必須佩戴游泳帽,游泳大約需要3歐元。對我們來說,這是一個可愛的假期
巴斯蒂安科斯塔藍海酒店 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店
巴斯蒂安科斯塔藍海酒店 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店巴斯蒂安科斯塔藍海酒店 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店
距離Barco Telamon encallado2.4km
入住巴斯蒂安科斯塔藍海酒店,您將可以在結束一整日忙碌的行程後好好放鬆身心。所有客房均嚴禁吸煙。到室外的游泳池做舒展手腳,或好好放鬆身心。這裡有餐廳,為您的住宿提供各種餐飲選擇。 到酒吧小酌一杯,為忙錄的一日畫上完美句號。此酒店亦提供花園、兒童遊樂場和遊戲室等設施。 住宿提供24小時前台服務,全天候照顧您的需要。 為方便住客,住宿亦提供貨幣兌換和行李寄存。如果您打算開車前來,可以考慮停泊在停車場。

麗笙藍標度假酒店-蘭薩羅特島 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店
麗笙藍標度假酒店-蘭薩羅特島 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店麗笙藍標度假酒店-蘭薩羅特島 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店
距離Barco Telamon encallado2.94km
蘭薩羅特萊迪森布魯度假村 - 僅限16歲以上成人位於特吉塞,靠近海灘,距離巴斯蒂安海灘和Las Cucharas Beach (拉斯庫查拉斯海灘)不到 5 分鐘車程。 此酒店距離特吉塞海濱高爾夫俱樂部 2.1 英里(3.3 公里),距離塞薩爾曼裏克基金會 3.8 英里(6.1 公里)。不妨享受按摩、身體護理和麪部護理,放鬆一下身心。一定要去體驗4 個室外游泳池、蒸汽浴室和健身中心等度假設施。此酒店的其他設施包括免費 WiFi、禮賓服務和宴會廳。酒店設有 2 間餐廳,您不妨選擇去TREMOR享用美味佳餚。想放鬆一下?這裡有 4 間酒吧/酒廊供您選擇,可以小酌幾杯,輕鬆一下。每日 7:30 至 10:30 提供免費的全套早餐。特色服務/設施包括快速入住、24 小時前台服務和行李寄存。酒店提供收費自助停車。有 225 間空調客房提供迷你吧和智能電視;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒適。提供數碼電視,可滿足您的娛樂需求。浴室提供淋浴設施,配有大花灑淋浴噴頭和吹風機。便利設施包括電話,以及保險箱和電熱水壺。
米拉瑪酒店 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店
米拉瑪酒店 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店米拉瑪酒店 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店
距離Barco Telamon encallado3.16km
米拉瑪酒店為忙碌一天的旅客提供一個放鬆身心的好地方。 米拉瑪酒店是您遍覽阿雷西費美景與親近大自然之聲的理想選擇。 酒店位置方便,距離蘭薩羅特機場僅有短短7km車程。 附近的Iglesia de San Gines,La Boca de Puerto Naos和Castillo de San Gabriel都可以讓你增添旅行的色彩。 在忙碌的一天結束時,旅客可在酒店放鬆身心或外出享受城市。

訪客 2024.01.16
I enjoyed staying at this hotel. It’s a good base for exploring the city of Arrecife and other parts of Lanzarote. Conveniently situated on the sea front, it has great views and is close to restaurants and other amenities. Rooms are clean and comfortable. The staff and management go out of their way to be helpful and clearly take a pride in their hotel. Breakfast is on the 6th floor roof terrace. It’s an enjoyable experience having breakfast either al fresco or under cover, in each case with views out to sea and of the city.
阿瑞斯弗格蘭酒店及水療中心 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店
阿瑞斯弗格蘭酒店及水療中心 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店阿瑞斯弗格蘭酒店及水療中心 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店
距離Barco Telamon encallado3.76km
阿雷西費格蘭温泉酒店坐落於阿雷西費中心地段,距離威爾斯海灘和El Reducto Beach (埃爾羅杜託海灘)不到 15 分鐘車程。 此海灘酒店距離馬塔戈爾達海灘 6 英里(9.7 公里),距離卡門港海灘 8.1 英里(13 公里)。您可到 SPA 慰勞一下自己,這裏提供按摩、身體護理和麪部護理。您可以充分利用室內游泳池、熱水浴缸和桑拿等度假設施。此藝術裝飾風格酒店還提供禮賓服務和接待大廳。酒店設有 2 間餐廳,您不妨選擇到La Buena Vida享用無國界融合菜,也可以待在房間裏,享受 24 小時送餐服務。此外咖啡館還供應美味點心。歡迎光臨池畔酒吧,喝一杯,放鬆一下;此外還有 2 間酒吧/酒廊供您選擇。特色服務/設施包括24 小時商務中心、乾洗/洗衣服務和24 小時前台服務。計劃在阿雷西費舉辦活動?這家酒店擁有 600 平方米(6456 平方英尺)的空間,包括會議場地和會議室。酒店提供收費自助停車。有 160 間空調客房提供迷你吧;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒適。提供衞星電視,可滿足您的娛樂需求。配備浴缸或淋浴的私人浴室提供免費洗浴用品和坐浴桶。便利設施包括電話,以及可存放筆記本電腦的保險箱和書桌。

訪客 2023.06.01
This has been the most wonderful holiday. I'm standing here looking at The Arrecife Gran Hotel and Spa and I want so much to run back in. Its a marvellous hotel but it's the staff that are the heart if it. They are the most friendly and helpful staff that I have ever encountered. The reception is not the old counter style, it is 3 beautiful tables and comfy chairs and there are so many of the reception staff and they all seem to speak English so well. I must give a shout out for Ruth who is just starting her career as a member of the reception staff. She was courteous and friendly and helpful despite being very new to it all. Our room was an Ocean view suite and it was perfect A very large room with a sofa and coffee tables for relaxing and a table and chairs at the floor to ceiling corner glass windows showing the fabulous view of the Bay and harbour, so beautiful. Everything is automatic so when you open your door the curtains swish open to reveal the magnificent vista. Little sensor lights pop on at night to guide you to the toilet and back without all the main lights coming on. There was a bottle of tasty prosecco to greet us, a coffee machine, pods replaced everyday also a kettle but do bring your own tea bags. Two small bottles of still water are provided daily too oh , and chocolates.The bed and pillows were so comfortable and the room was almost soundproof. Could fault it. Now for food. We booked B&B but when we arrived they offered us a couple of deals and we availed of both. One was book some meals at their buffet and the more you book the cheaper it becomes so we booked 4 nights which I think worked out at about €22 each per night. Then they offer a clever deal where you agree to pay a certain amount in advance to the hotel, to spend in the hotel and they give you a little credit incentive on it . For example, we paid €130 and they added €10. Brilliant idea. Breakfasts were fabulous, everything you could ever want. Warning , if like me you don't like much salt then tell the chef ' sin sal, por favor ' they use rock salt and its very strong. One of the Breakfast chefs was a wonderful lady called Anna. She was so lovely and also helped me with my Spanish every morning that she was there . The buffet meals are themed but it was all beautiful, plentiful food and not a bun fight, plenty of room. The Sky bar Blue 17 on the top floor is a must. The view are incredible and the food is very reasonably priced for such a fancy place. We didn't realise they had entertainment up there and sadly on the two occasions we went up there we missed it but never mind there is always next time. The sun lounge terrace was lovely but being lined up on beds on a terrace is not for us or the beautiful but small indoor pool when you have the beautiful sandy beach and clear sea just outside the hotel. The area is fabulous for food and drink though. The Spa was gorgeous and we had a free spa session included which was lovely but I also bo
蘭斯洛特酒店 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店
蘭斯洛特酒店 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店蘭斯洛特酒店 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店
距離Barco Telamon encallado3.81km
蘭斯洛特-加龍省酒店坐落於阿雷西費中心地段,距離馬塔戈爾達海灘和威爾斯海灘不到 10 分鐘車程。 此海灘酒店距離卡門港海灘 7.9 英里(12.7 公里),距離帝曼法雅國家公園 16.1 英里(25.9 公里)。不要錯過室外游泳池、健身中心和自行車租賃等眾多度假設施。此酒店的其他特色包括免費 WiFi、禮賓服務和婚慶服務。您可以到酒店的Restaurante餐廳享用午餐或晚餐,也可以去咖啡館吃些點心。歡迎光臨酒吧/酒廊或池畔酒吧,點一杯喜歡的飲品,放鬆一下。每日 7:30 至 10:00 提供免費的自助早餐。特色服務/設施包括電腦站點、乾洗/洗衣服務和24 小時前台服務。有 112 間空調客房提供迷你吧;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒適。提供免費無線網絡,方便您與朋友保持聯繫;有線頻道可滿足您的娛樂需求。配備浴缸或淋浴的私人浴室提供免費洗浴用品和吹風機。便利設施包括電話,以及書桌和遮光窗簾。

JJimmydent123 2024.03.28
Just returned from the Lancelot after a excellent 10 days. Hotel I can't fault,reception staff couldn't do enough for you. Rooms all kept very clean. Breakfast staff worked very hard to keep everybody happy(which is not always the easiest) Good choice of breakfast. Pool bar only used a few times but staff made some great cocktails and when we did use the pool area very relaxing. Had a beach front room 501 well worth the extra great views. Roadworks on going on the front but no fault off the hotel and in all honesty didn't really bother us,once completed will only improved your stay. Nice restaurants and shops all within walking distance. Thanks to all at the Lancelot will definitely return when possible and love to stay in one of the suites which looked amazing with the outside space. Thanks to all.
蘭薩羅特海灘THB酒店 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店
蘭薩羅特海灘THB酒店 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店蘭薩羅特海灘THB酒店 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店
距離Barco Telamon encallado3.88km
入住蘭薩羅特海灘THB酒店,您將可以在結束一整日忙碌的行程後好好放鬆身心。 酒店鄰近市內部份熱門景點,距離Pueblo Marinero182m、距離Playa del Jablillo395m,距離Playa de las Cucharas亦不過是263m。有空餘時間的話,不妨去室外的游泳池暢泳。 健身室於開放,讓住客可以好好鍛鍊身體。這裡有餐廳,為您的住宿提供各種餐飲選擇。 在住宿內的酒吧與親朋好友共度美好時光。此酒店亦提供花園和兒童遊樂場等設施。 住宿提供24小時前台服務。 為方便住客,住宿亦提供行李寄存、乾洗和洗衣服務。最近的機場是蘭薩羅特機場,車程為17 min。

比阿特麗斯科斯塔水療酒店 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店
比阿特麗斯科斯塔水療酒店 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店比阿特麗斯科斯塔水療酒店 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店
距離Barco Telamon encallado4.99km
Beatriz Costa & Spa 酒店位於特吉塞,毗鄰高爾夫球場,距離Easy Diving和蘭薩羅特島海灘不到 5 分鐘車程。 此家居型酒店距離威爾斯海灘 12.3 英里(19.7 公里),距離馬塔戈爾達海灘 11.8 英里(19 公里)。到全方位服務的 SPA 放鬆一下;在這裏,您可以享受按摩、身體護理和麪部護理。一定要去體驗2 個室外游泳池、室外網球場和健身俱樂部等度假設施。此酒店還提供免費 WiFi、禮賓服務和遊樂廳/遊戲室。此酒店可提供全包房費。全包房費中包括了店內餐廳的正餐和飲料。但某些餐廳、特殊晚宴和餐點、某些飲料及其他設施/服務可能需要額外收費。 酒店設有多家餐飲設施,包括 4 間餐廳和咖啡館。您可以選擇在Restaurant Buffet簡單吃一點。歡迎光臨池畔酒吧,喝一杯,放鬆一下;此外還有 2 間酒吧/酒廊供您選擇。 特色服務/設施包括商務中心、大堂免費報紙和乾洗/洗衣服務。計劃在特吉塞舉辦活動?這家酒店擁有 1479 平方米(15920 平方英尺)的空間,包括會議中心和10 間會議室。酒店提供免費自助停車。有 350 間空調客房提供等離子電視;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒適。客房設有私人配備傢俱的陽台。浴室提供浸泡浴缸和免費洗浴用品。便利設施包括電話,以及保險箱和書桌。
蘭薩羅特島全包式索爾酒店 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店
蘭薩羅特島全包式索爾酒店 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店蘭薩羅特島全包式索爾酒店 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店
距離Barco Telamon encallado11.07km
蘭薩羅特島的完美全包假期。 在Matagorda海濱,4 * Sol Lanzarote適合每個人:4個不可思議的游泳池,小童俱樂部,夜間娛樂,全天自助餐,家庭房,健身等
蘭薩羅特水母套房 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店
蘭薩羅特水母套房 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店蘭薩羅特水母套房 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店
距離Barco Telamon encallado11.48km
不論是商務還是休閑旅客,艾括拉蘭薩羅特套房酒店都能讓您的卡門港之行變得更加美好而難忘。酒店地理位置優越,駕車至蘭薩羅特機場僅需3km 。旅客們會發現Lanzarote Custom、THE FIRST & LAST. Irish Music Bar.Matagorda.和Rancho Texas Lanzarote Park距離酒店都不遠。酒店佔盡地理之宜,Lanzarote Golf、The Tiny Bar和mermaid bar tias離此都很近。酒店對客房的裝飾十分考究,每間設施齊全的客房都配備有房內保險箱、空調和衣櫃/衣櫥。有飲水需求的旅客,酒店還為您提供了電熱水壺和咖啡壺/茶壺。除此之外,配備有吹風機的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。酒吧旨在為旅客和您的朋友提供一處消遣的場所。住客既能在 室外泳池揮灑汗水,也可以在按摩室放鬆身心。酒店的會議廳和商務中心將熱情的服務與專業的素質完美地結合在一起。酒店會為旅客提供便捷的禮賓服務。

I stayed nine nights at SENTIDO Æquora Lanzarote Suites with my husband, our three children (ages 16, 14, and 8), my sister's family (including her children, ages 2 and 1), and our dad. We usually opt for all-inclusive stays in Playa de Los Pocillos annually but have never visited this hotel. We were assigned three junior suites: two on the ground floor near the splash pool and one on the first floor (18 steps up) for my elderly dad and son. I would rate this hotel three out of five stars. This review provides an honest account of our experience. Check-in Experience When we arrived at 8 pm, there was only one staff member at the front desk handling check-ins, so we had to wait in line. The lobby was impeccably clean, bright, and welcoming. The staff member was polite but distracted, frequently interrupted by phone calls and colleagues needing assistance. Soledad, his boss, intervened several times and seemed dissatisfied with his performance. At one point, he disappeared into the back office for over 5 minutes, disappointing after a long day of travelling. Overall, the check-in experience was not very welcoming, and we were underwhelmed when we finally reached our rooms. Room Quality The rooms were excellent—extremely spacious and perfect for our family. The beds were comfortable, and daily housekeeper service was available. At check-in, we could opt for less frequent housekeeper service if desired. Free Wi-Fi was available in all rooms. However, the air conditioning was not enormously powerful, and the room could have been cooler. I have experienced better air conditioning in other hotels. The room had two sleeping areas, ideal for giving our older son his space. The main downside was the communal open bathroom area, which offered no privacy for toilet use or showers. I had to ask my son to leave the room while showering since dressing had to happen in the open. While we managed, the lack of privacy in the bathroom would not be suitable for travelling with friends or children's friends. It was an unusual setup I had never encountered in a hotel. Customer Service The animation staff at the hotel were exceptional. They tirelessly provided entertainment from early morning until late evening. Our children thoroughly enjoyed the kid’s club and especially loved the mini disco. Enes, who ran the kid’s club, was fantastic. He went above and beyond to ensure all the children had a wonderful time. We are grateful for his efforts and the enjoyable experience he created for our kids. Sadly, the remaining staff significantly impacted my rating of this resort. The rudest staff I have encountered in all my years of travelling. No staff member stood out for their friendliness or effort to enhance our experience. Many were rude and diminished our experience. The resort's size affected the staff, making guests a low priority. It was unusual and unlike any other experience, I have had. On the third night, at the Nautilus Lounge Bar & Terrace, we enjoyed our eve
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Paradisus by Meliá Salinas Lanzarote – All Inclusive – Adults Only 科斯塔特吉塞酒店

Paradisus by Meliá Salinas Lanzarote – All Inclusive – Adults Only

位於 科斯塔特吉塞的酒店
"Good Location"
拉尼德豪華酒店 - 限成人 卡門港酒店

拉尼德豪華酒店 - 限成人

位於 卡門港的酒店
"Good Location"
塞薩爾蘭薩羅特酒店 蒂亞斯酒店


位於 蒂亞斯的酒店
"Good Location"
島嶼與海洋精品酒店 卡門港酒店


位於 卡門港的酒店
"Good Location"


我們實際上從普拉亞布蘭卡的夢幻度假村搬到了這裏,假期結束時。在本來應該是5星級度假村的可怕經歷中,我們立即對Club Del Carmen進行了魔法。服務水平立即比我們以前的位置好。工作人員與我們和我們的孩子接觸,從一開始就很有趣。別墅非常完美,給我們兩個單獨的孩子的房間和樓上的休息空間。陽台和露台也是受歡迎的享受。清潔度很棒,別墅狀況良好。如果我不得不分享一個負片,牀本來可以更舒適,不確定輪子被鎖在遠離牆壁的地方。現場的酒吧/餐廳非常友好,價格非常優惠,並提供了非常體面的菜單。游泳池設施很棒,躺椅的預訂系統效果很好。我們的孩子喜歡乒乓球。我喜歡洗漱設施(我知道很傷心)。強烈推薦,因爲這給了我們比我們需要的一切更多,只是更大的度假村成本的一小部分。
卡門俱樂部 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店


訪客我們有一個不錯的乾淨公寓,非常寬敞。牀真的很好,很軟,我們像嬰兒一樣睡。浴室沒什麼特別的,但乾淨是最重要的。早餐有點貴。(8,-2小橙汁)。工作人員很友好。我們本來想呆更長的時間,但不幸的是,它已經訂滿了。唯一的缺點是100,-borg必須用信用卡支付,因爲我們沒有信用卡,但無論如何我們得到了公寓。我推薦這個地方給其他人,如果他們想在沒有遊客的尖叫聲的情況下放鬆。 如果你讀這篇文章是旅遊,請保持這個美麗的島嶼乾淨,並表現出你的尊重。(我們走來走去,帶着一個空袋子沿着道路撿垃圾)
索爾花園度假村 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店


Going with an under 2 year old you simply want a place that’s not too big, safe, plenty of things to do while also being in a good area…. This hotel ticks every one of those! The location is just opposite a beach which has plenty of shops and restaurants to choose from. A car rental company is also to the right as you come out with good prices while also including child seats. The food is a good selection, my wife and daughter have dairy allergies yet there’s plenty of choice for them! Staff are friendly, they really do go above and beyond. There’s also a great selection of drinks to choose from whether alcoholic or not. Pools are all a good size and the slides are great for everyone. I still stand by thoughts of being a family hotel you’d imagine it’d be loud and crazy but this hotel isn’t like that at all. We’ve now expanded to a family of 4 to which we are coming again in June 2025 and look forward to another good time here
蘭薩羅特花園H10套房酒店 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店


This is our second stay at this hotel. This time half board for two weeks in a double sea view room. And the views were incredible. Birds flying and chirping, planes above and when it was clear you can see Fuerteventura. Grounds: lovely and clean. Pools: clean and cold. But the weather wasn’t the best. Middle pool by the grass a bit warmer. Life guards very attentive and will challenge kids on their own etc. Spa: it was ok. Mainly hot water therapy. Salted water. Tiles in the shower cubicles need a good clean as very slippery with soap and shampoo. Sauna outdoors and a steam room indoors. One cold plunge pool. Sun loungers: we didn’t use as we don’t lie in the sun, however my husband noticed they were all dirty at the feet area, this included the newer ones in the so called “prestige area”. Food: wouldn’t rave about it but not too bad at all. Yes some time but cold, and as others have said some meat bit overdone, I noticed this with the kebabs. However we had lovely cooked thin steaks a few nights, roast lamb, chicken, turkey, pork and a variety of fish. Various potato dishes, rice, veg, salad and breads. Plenty to choose from. Breakfast was fine. Nice crepes, loads of fresh fruit which was delicious. Bakery products I found dry. Fruit juices are not 100 pc fresh. The bacon would have broken my teeth trying to chew it but others liked it. It’s all a taste thing. But it was fatty and almost black some days. The omelette lady is lovely. Takes her time, doesn’t get hassled and makes delicious omelettes. Great asset to the team. Rooms: clean and nice bedding. Lovely cleaning lady. Hi to Adriana and a big thank you. Shower excellent, huge bath sheets. Very nice. Staff: mostly nice. Reception and guest experience team won’t smile, nor ask if you have enjoyed your holiday. Some spa staff unfriendly but others nice. Waiting staff good and never stop. They work extremely hard. Other guests: some incredibly rude and entitled. It’s a buffet and busy so it’s normal to get in the way of others. Some get so irritated it’s quite funny to watch. Others say good morning. Some people obviously very selfish. A nappy left on a chair at the poolside, people too lazy to take their pool cups back to the bar area. Tissues stuffed down side of sofas. And then some grumble about staff! No wonder. Also some kids running in the restaurant, while people are carrying boiling tea pots etc. it’s an accident waiting to happen. Summary: we enjoyed it and will return. I think the hotel should have gone adults only, I don’t like the AI or prestige as I think there is a lot of wastage of food, drinks and water. And again it would be fantastic if the hotel had the nerve to make all areas non smoking. I bet that would increase visitor numbers.
卡萊羅海岸酒店 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店


訪客不錯,乾淨,位置優越。街上感覺有點黑暗,我們很警惕晚上走下來。唯一的缺點是噪音水平,一切都似乎回聲,所以我們可以聽到門砰砰聲,人們整晚都在散步和說話,樓上的房間淋浴等 特別推薦價格和價值。
卡爾多納住宅青年旅舍 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店


迪亞馬酒店 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店


Paid for half board which was great ,but got the impression afternoon snacks were included. Drinks had to be paid for .not a problem just quizzed why 2 beers were 24 euros informed snacks not included, needs to be made more clear ,otherwise great stay
THB弗洛拉酒店 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店


WWander42140864588Being 15 mins walk this was cheaper than many of the seafront hotels. The grounds and pool are were good and felt like a 4 star resort, well maintained, clean. Friendly helpful reception. Good atmosphere. 2 big pools, one quiet one near the French music. Predominant French and all the entertainment is in French. I speak French and went to one of the evening ‘spectacles’. Most people in the room were rolling around in laughter; the ‘comedy’ was not to my taste though! My room was very spacious and had lots of potential but IMHO was let down being an interior design disaster: so bare with a cheap tatty melamine faced furniture. It was so bare it looked like someone had taken the furniture. I didn’t eat at the restaurant but had bright harsh lighting reminding me more of a motorway cafe. As a base to explore the island it was great. It’s near to the best beaches on the island - playa del Papagayo. Hire a car for 30 euro per day. Go there and explore the island. It’s really grown on me….
THB皇家酒店-新 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店


Arrived late at night and reception shut at 8pm. Paper on door telling us what bungalow we were in. Eventually found bungalow. First thing that hits you is the heat. Bungalows have no air conditioning. Bed wasn’t cleanest and all filling in pillows had crumbled. Following morning managed to check in . Staff explained no air Cain and that fans that were for hire weren’t the best. We were given a sheet stating rules and when towels and sheets changed . Towels every 4 days and sheets every 6. We didn’t get either . We were told that towels should be on floor if we wanted changing on 4th day. I explained I didn’t know and that there were ants on floor.( don’t leave doors open for breeze) . The Bungalows look lovely from the outside , however could do with updating inside. On a positive , no issues getting sun lounges and these were very sturdy and did t tip if you sat on the end. I would stay here again if they had air con as they are in a beautiful setting !
檸檬海灘洋房酒店 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店


訪客Staff was great and very helpful. Jonathan was great and energetic ! The pool was great and the life guard too. It’s a stone throw away from markets , touristic events etc The only gripe I had was with 1 mm ants ? That popped up in the kitchen and bathtub was worn. But it wasn’t dirty. Cleaning lady also cleaned everyday. Definitely a lovely stay for the money and amazing staff.
貝爾維尤水瓶座酒店 鄰近Barco Telamon encallado的酒店




有哪些最熱門的Barco Telamon encallado酒店?

麗笙藍標度假酒店-蘭薩羅特島 是其中一間最熱門的酒店。

今個週末Barco Telamon encallado周邊酒店的平均價格是?

根據 Trip.com 的數據分析,於週末入住蘭薩羅特島Barco Telamon encallado附近的酒店每晚平均價格為HK$1,354。價格浮動且變動頻繁,以上數據只供參考。

有哪些提供早餐的熱門Barco Telamon encallado酒店?

一日之計在於晨,吃一頓豐富美味的早餐,開展精彩的一天吧!如果您想在蘭薩羅特島Barco Telamon encallado附近找一間提供早餐的酒店,可考慮入住 麗笙藍標度假酒店-蘭薩羅特島 。記得盡早預訂這間熱門酒店!

Barco Telamon encallado周邊酒店每晚的平均價格是?

根據 Trip.com 的數據分析,蘭薩羅特島Barco Telamon encallado附近的酒店每晚平均價格為HK$2,123。價格浮動且變動頻繁,以上數據只供參考。

有哪些熱門Barco Telamon encallado酒店提供免費 Wi-Fi ?

無論您是要出門公幹還是旅行散心,Wi-Fi 都必不可少。 麗笙藍標度假酒店-蘭薩羅特島 是一間提供免費 Wi-Fi 的熱門酒店。

有哪些熱門Barco Telamon encallado酒店設有健身室?

健康對於很多客人來說都是頭等大事,因此大部份酒店都會提供健身室,讓您即便在假期中也能努力鍛鍊身體。 麗笙藍標度假酒店-蘭薩羅特島 是一間提供健身室的熱門酒店。

有哪些熱門Barco Telamon encallado酒店提供無障礙設施?

麗笙藍標度假酒店-蘭薩羅特島 是一間提供無障礙設施的熱門酒店。

有哪些熱門Barco Telamon encallado酒店設有禁煙房?

很多客人都非常重視酒店房間的質素,並想確保房間裡空氣清新潔淨。 麗笙藍標度假酒店-蘭薩羅特島 是一間提供非吸煙房間的熱門酒店。

有哪些熱門Barco Telamon encallado酒店設有停車場?

如果您打算自行駕車到蘭薩羅特島Barco Telamon encallado,何不入住 麗笙藍標度假酒店-蘭薩羅特島 ?這間酒店有停車場。

推介入住哪些Barco Telamon encallado酒店?

如果您舉棋不定,難以選擇,不如考慮入住 麗笙藍標度假酒店-蘭薩羅特島 。這間酒店評價極佳,記得提早預訂!

有哪些熱門Barco Telamon encallado酒店設有泳池?

無論是暑假亦或是其他假期,都是一家大細一齊去蘭薩羅特島Barco Telamon encallado的好時候! 麗笙藍標度假酒店-蘭薩羅特島 是一間設有泳池的熱門酒店。

有哪些熱門Barco Telamon encallado酒店設有餐廳?

如果您想在旅行中品嘗一下正宗當地美食,您可以考慮入住 麗笙藍標度假酒店-蘭薩羅特島 。這間酒店附近有不少提供當地美食的餐廳。