

孔敬The Lake酒店
3.3/510 評價
4.7/588 評價
The bed is comfortable, everything works, access and parking are good, rooms are very clean and well serviced by efficient, helpful and friendly staff. BUT . . . .Funky (though irrelevant) decor can never overcome basic problems with any establishment. There is no possible way this place deserves the high rating received. I was unfortunately forced to extend my stay so can write with some experience. First, the noise: the building has a U-shape design facing the street so it cleverly collects all the street noise and directs it into the front rooms, and what street noise. All night bikes and cars, even loud conversations exacerbated by a further design feature, the balconies, which require opening doors and therefore exclude the possibility of well-sealed windows. Then there is the white tiled floors which carry internal sounds nicely ensuring various knocks, loud TV and cleaning activity are clearly audible. Those same white tiles throughout also ensure plenty of reflected glare from sun and downlights as well. It all probably looked good in the plans! More importantly there is the kitchen, or rather lack of one. How a large modern hotel believes it can operate conveniently for guests without any kitchen or even dining area is a mystery. Again, worsened by the lack of reasonable equipment and utensils in the rooms - no sink, few cutlery/crockery pieces, no microwave which you would think a hotel without a kitchen would provide. Enquiring of desk staff what to do the answer was mostly of a shrugging nature. They didn't say eg that across the road was the hotel Le Cassia with a very pleasant dining area and breakfast for 150 baht. A walk around found some recompense in street food and a couple of fancy restaurants but they were a fair walk and not much good for breakfast. So location, also nah! To go anywhere you need a lengthy walk or a vehicle, and there isn't the ready availability of tuk-tuks or cabs as there is elsewhere. All-in-all this adds up to a pretty poor experience, despite any good points the hotel has, and it does have some as described. Value is just as available in other hotels without the drawbacks. The desk staff could be a little less sullen and more forthcoming also, and have some English - it is the hospitality industry after all. Most of this of course cannot be changed by management but more effort to overcome the problems would go a long way to improvement.
4.3/5200 評價
到目前爲止,泰國的交通系統非常棒,高效,便宜。從Khon Kaen到Udon Thani的火車票價只有25泰銖,不到1美元,而替代出租車將讓您返回37美元,大約兩小時的車程。火車很乾淨,看起來現代,有長椅風格的坐墊座椅,窗戶可以打開,所以新鮮的微風循環汽車,防止乘客過熱。鐵路車有洗手間,所以不用擔心緊急情況。如果你忘了帶一瓶水或飲料,中心過道會有人不停地走來走去,以便宜的價格出售飲料和小吃。由於這次乘火車是我第一次,所以對體驗很滿意,推薦其他人在穿越泰國時自己嘗試一下。有一個美好的旅行...各位旅客!
3.8/58 評價
3.8/55 評價
酒店的服務不滿意。有要諮詢的事情,所以去一樓主人所在的地方,那裏不是大廳,先讓我去那邊。退房那天晚了5分鐘左右,說退房時間已經過了5分鐘^ ^位置也很模糊。
3.5/513 評價
有點偏中心(15-2km),離市區湖近(步行15分鐘),所以推薦您要麼喜歡步行(區域是本地的但是安全又好,周圍有些經濟型酒店但幾乎零外國人),有車,或者每次都想打車。房間基本,但很大,乾淨,考慮到價格,也非常OK。有電梯,所以即使老年人也不要覺得電梯上樓有什麼問題。坐在接待台前的小區域(但遠離主街道,因爲它是“內部”建築)是不錯的。Wi-Fi很好。員工英語能力非常有限,但如果你已經到達Khon Kaen,這也許不會成爲一個大問題。馬路對面有一座漂亮的中國寺廟,Big C mini,7 11和一些當地餐廳都不遠(5-7步行幾分鐘),要更多選擇,朝湖邊走。總的來說,喜歡這個地方,如果在Khon Kaen,還會再次入住。


  • 孔敬有哪些設有無線網路的熱門酒店?

    無論您是到孔敬公幹或遊覽,B2孔敬精品經濟酒店B2孔敬高級酒店孔敬冰川酒店 都是您的首選酒店。

  • 孔敬設有無線網路的酒店的平均價格是多少?


  • 孔敬哪些設有無線網路的酒店是浪漫酒店?

    孔敬許多設有無線網路的酒店都適合情侶。慶祝週年紀念時,孔敬浪漫酒店 是您的首選酒店。

  • 孔敬哪些設有無線網路的酒店為豪華酒店?

    孔敬許多設有無線網路的酒店為豪華酒店。阿瓦尼孔敬酒店及會議中心孔敬蘭花鉑爾曼酒店孔敬即興酒店 都非常熱門。

  • 孔敬設有無線網路的酒店有哪些推廣活動?

    Trip.com 全年為用戶提供各種推廣及折扣。您可前往promotions page了解 Trip.com 有哪些推廣活動。






孔敬旅行太需要擔心住宿問題,因為這裡有超過135家可以選擇。孔敬的酒店物美價廉,只需約153 HKD就能在當地不錯的酒店住上一晚。孔敬有2家五星級酒店,平均每晚343 HKD。孔敬有7家四星級酒店,平均每晚236 HKD。孔敬有61家三星級酒店,平均每晚171 HKD。孔敬有42家二星級酒店,平均每晚119 HKD。孔敬沒有太多知名連鎖酒店,但入住當地特色的酒店也能讓您體會到賓至如歸的感覺。鉑爾曼是去當地旅遊,遊客選擇最多的品牌之一。如若您對旅行住宿比較有要求,在孔敬還是挺容易找到舒適酒店的,像鉑爾曼旗下的酒店就很好。作為孔敬的熱門酒店,科薩酒店及購物中心(Kosa Hotel & Shopping Mall)是評價最高的酒店之一。當然,許多遊客也會選擇比瑪花園精品酒店(Piman Garden Boutique Hotel)入住。

孔敬市區有不少出名的特色景點,例如:Dalharuenspa, 孔敬國家博物館。在孔敬周圍尋幽探祕,孔敬恐龍博物館, Bang Saen 2 and Hat Chom Thong是個好去處。其實到孔敬旅遊,最熱門的景點還有Kaen Nakhon湖, Hong Mun Mang or Khon Kaen City Museum。孔敬的商業氛圍比較濃厚,如果想購物您可以去Boots(Central Plaza Khonkaen), Boots(Khonkaen)。










