
2.7/5111 評價
4.4/596 評價
我在酒店見過的最友善的員工!當我到達時,我的房間還沒有準備好,但沒過多久他們就推了推。我在上午10點到達,所以我沒想到會在一小時內到達,但我做到了!位置不錯 - 步行或優步到地帶。乾淨的房間和乾淨的酒店 - 當我走進去的時候,我覺得它聞起來很棒(他們在前門使用了臭味,所以如果你對氣味過於敏感,請注意)。早餐不是很好,但它是典型的家庭2套房。唯一的缺點是 - 房間裏沒有保險箱!它是拉斯維加斯 - 需要舒適性。除此之外,沒有投訴!
4.1/596 評價
我之所以住在這裡,是因為我在附屬的競技場上從事一項活動。雖然便利很吸引人,但我不建議這家酒店為母乳喂養的媽媽。這是我第一次離開嬰兒,這引起了很多焦慮。這家酒店沒有採取任何措施來緩解遠離我的寶寶的憂慮。 我試圖提前打電話預定冰箱,他們沒有這樣做。即使需要,它們也可以讓您為冰箱付費。有人告訴我,自從我在星期四登記入住以來,我可以買冰箱。的確如此,但是如果我星期五已簽到怎麼辦? 我是在傍晚的航班之後才到達的,當我訂了禁煙房時,不得不入住吸煙房。他們答應早上搬我。 我確實是在早上8點搬家的,但事實證明,搬動冰箱裡放著兩瓶母乳是他們無法應付的難題。在3個不同的人向我保證,將裝有我抽取的母乳的冰箱移到我的新房間後,這再沒有發生。 5小時後,我終於將一台新冰箱運到了我的房間,並且空出了幾瓶母乳。 | 我被送到一個尚未打掃的新房間。床已經被洗淨,但沒有重做,嘔吐物仍在廁所裡。我不得不去上班,所以當我打電話到辦公桌前時,我們決定將我的行李留在房間裡,他們會立即派遣清潔人員。機組人員在我離開房間之前就到了,所以我可以向他們展示我的東西,這樣就不會被扔掉。 不幸的是,母乳從未到達。這是我為帶回家的孩子抽的牛奶,孩子是第一次離開我。它被丟棄了,或者誰知道發生了什麼事,這是非常令人沮喪的。 當我在一個漫長的周末工作後向經理表示煩惱時,我被告知“對不起”,她主動提出從我的賬單中扣除度假費,並與“代理人”交談,後者告訴我冰箱將被搬走。 。她告訴我說,在我提供我的姓名或房間號碼之前,她會先與經紀人通話,所以我很確定她從未打算與任何人通話。 她還說,酒店員工不允許觸摸我的任何私人物品,因此絕不允許他們移動我的牛奶。那麼,我的奶瓶如何倒空?顯然,在將它們送到我的新房間之前,必須要觸摸它們,打開它們並清空它們。 最後,度假費甚至沒有從我的賬單中扣除,我無法將我為嬰兒生產的所有牛奶帶回家。沒有辦法替代它。 另外,我有一天晚上在美食廣場的地鐵站和Al's的牡蠣酒吧吃飯;兩者都很可怕。我的禁煙房也聞到煙味。這個度假勝地的煙霧瀰漫著一切。也許如果您可以保證較高的禁煙地板,那可能就可以了。 我為了方便起見住在這裡,但這不值得。即使我在這個舞台上報導了另一個事件,我也永遠不會再呆在這裡。我每年旅行90晚以上。自從特別是有了孩子以來,我注意到大多數酒店願意滿足額外的要求。這家酒店異常。
4.6/5122 評價
My 1st coming here, I wanted to be away from the strip. I loved it! Beautiful kitchen, restroom, bed was huge. The service was great. I loved it and I do plan to come back!
4.9/543 評價
我們多年來一直去拉斯維加斯參加 Cheer 比賽(在奧爾良的 Jamz )。我們通常住在15號附近的Townplace(這仍然是*****附近的絕佳位置),並抓住這個全新的建築(不到一年)的機會,遠離*****的繁忙,值得!我們不到10分鐘的路程從我們需要的地方(相同的距離/不同的方向)的道路,也只有10分鐘的藍色鑽石路,那裏有一個目標和許多沒有拉斯維加斯人羣的食物場所。房間正是您對萬豪(舒適/乾淨)的期望。有足夠的空間準備,浴室的燈光非常棒,可以進行化妝應用。當我們需要跑出門呼叫時,我們總是喜歡免費早餐選擇時間,但是工作人員通過問候每個人和迅速清理工作使其變得更好,感覺就像我們是第一個在那裏吃早餐的人,儘管每天早上都很忙。整個工作人員都很出色,臉上總是微笑,我提出的少數請求很包容和親切。這個位置被列爲“機場”,但機場噪音真的沒有那麼多。我們在大樓東側,如果我們仔細聽,我們可以聽到飛機起飛,但沒有注意到它們。非常適合機場酒店的位置。
拉斯維加斯體育場區Residence Inn酒店
4.2/599 評價
I've stayed here before, and had a good experience. There are a lot of positives. The hotel is generally clean, the staff is friendly and generally helpful, the room is well-appointed, there's plenty of parking. But, I will NEVER stay here again, or in any of the other hotels in this little cluster. First - I requested early check in well in advance, which I know is not guaranteed, but I also have platinum elite status, and thought they might accommodate me. Arrived at 9AM and did not get in to the room until 1:15 PM. It just seems like they might prioritize getting a room clean when the guest is physically at the hotel already. On a positive note, I did get upgraded. First night, fine, comfortable, everything as expected. Second night, I woke about 4AM to loud booming music. I called the front desk (had to use my cell phone, as the room phone didn't work) and was told they're aware of it, there's a club nearby, and they've reported it. So, since I was awake, I Googled reviews of this hotel and found complaints for the same thing dating back 10 years. Wish I had known, I never would have stayed here. So, I could not get back to sleep. Then I started hearing an intermittent beeping sound, which I reported to the front desk using the app. Smoke detector battery, probably. She offered to send someone up, but it was in my son's bedroom, and it wasn't waking him up, so I didn't want to disturb him with a stranger in his room in the middle of the night. I went to the front desk a little after 7 to sort it out. I was told there is no one on the property to deal with it, but they would put in a request - interesting, that in the middle of the night someone was supposedly available, but not first thing in the morning? Then, I came back to the room and examined the other two smoke detectors. They don't even have batteries! The little drawer where the battery goes is open and empty. That is definitely illegal, and unsafe for everyone in this hotel. Oh, I also inquired at the desk about laundry detergent, since the little hotel store didn't have any, and I forgot to bring mine from home. The hotel has laundry facilities for guests, that's one of the reasons I stay here. I was told they don't have any, they are waiting to get a delivery. So...you're telling me there's no available detergent in the hotel? How do they wash the sheets and towels every day? Someone who wanted to provide great service would have called housekeeping and gotten me what I needed. So, I did my laundry in the bathtub with shampoo. But, back to the smoke detector. How is it that there isn't a hotel policy to regularly replace smoke detector batteries, so guess never have to go through what I did? Seems pretty simple - and safe - and probably required legally. Super disappointed - and incredibly tired!







在Trip.com上,拉斯維加斯有213家酒店,包括有奢華酒店、精品酒店及廉價酒店等。拉斯維加斯的酒店物美價廉,只需約947 HKD就能在當地不錯的酒店住上一晚。拉斯維加斯有13家五星級酒店,平均每晚2370 HKD。拉斯維加斯有44家四星級酒店,平均每晚1006 HKD。拉斯維加斯有80家三星級酒店,平均每晚815 HKD。拉斯維加斯有25家二星級酒店,平均每晚540 HKD。拉斯維加斯匯聚了眾多知名連鎖酒店,無論您是商務出行還是旅遊入住,都很合適。不少到拉斯維加斯的遊客都會預訂豪生的酒店。喜歡豪生的客人來到這裡,可以選擇該品牌旗下的酒店。蒙地卡羅賭場酒店(Park MGM Las Vegas)是拉斯維加斯中較具人氣的熱門酒店之一。除此之外,拉斯維加斯大都會酒店(The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas)也是遊客們常去的酒店。

倘若您住在拉斯維加斯市區的酒店,可以優先遊覽附近的景點,比如River Dogz, The Plaza Hotel, 弗里蒙特街。在拉斯維加斯適合度假的景點也頗多,您可以去大峽谷玻璃橋, 死亡谷國家公園, 時尚Outlet。除了之前介紹過的景點外,云霄塔, Ballys Las Vegas, 百樂宮噴泉也是比較有名的。拉斯維加斯的商業氛圍比較濃厚,如果想購物您可以去寶格麗, Fendi(美麗湖酒), Armani(百樂宮)。
