正在尋找The Royal Automobile Club附近的酒店?不妨參考真實旅客的評價。


探索The Royal Automobile Club附近的熱門酒店




4.1/5122 評價


倫敦城 倫敦|距離The Royal Automobile Club2.49km


這是我第二次入住聖保羅俱樂部宿舍。這家酒店坐落在倫敦市中心,毗鄰聖保羅大教堂。觀光巴士的跳上跳下就在大門外。其他巴士站,帶你去滑鐵盧或特拉法加廣場或利物浦街,在一兩個街區內,而連接蓋特威克市泰晤士河站僅兩個街區之遙。隔壁是一家併購雜貨店。從必勝客快遞(Pizza Express)或紅日(Rouge)到高端常春藤亞洲(Ivy Asia),漢堡店和龍蝦店到可愛的酒吧,都位於幾個街區之內,聖保羅地鐵站也是如此。位置,位置,位置。我和我的小女兒呆在一個行政臥室的套房裏,在頂樓的後院裏,有一個可愛的風景,那是聖馬丁斯·盧門的螺旋。不錯,乾淨,安靜,寬敞,有很好的交流電,兩台電視和一個帶冰箱、微波爐和基本餐具的廚房。我們從隔壁的 M&S 買了零食、早餐和外賣,所以可以吃點飯。酒店面向商務旅客,但我發現帶孩子入住非常方便,每層樓都有過濾水站,房間內有茶咖啡牛奶用品,還有怡人的大堂24/7。我喜歡住在這個城市地區,因爲它不像西區那麼狂熱,但離這裏很近。在城市工人離開的晚上和週末,這裏相當擁擠,但仍然有很多地方開放。千橋是一塊石頭扔的,我們能夠愉快地漫步到河岸另一邊的泰特現代美術館。大堂工作人員令人愉快,效率很高。酒店有一個行李寄存服務,這非常有幫助,因爲我們週末去郊區拜訪朋友,無法管理我們所有的國際行李。我唯一的批評真的是房間沒有保險箱。酒店餐廳Cote相當不錯。



4.3/5134 評價


聖詹姆斯 倫敦|距離The Royal Automobile Club0.42km


I was looking at the Biltmore and the Waldorf but decided to stay at the Trafalgar as they have bigger rooms than the Biltmore and the Waldorf looks like it is in desperate need of an upgrade. Everyone was very polite and helpful apart from one staff member, more on that later. I was upgraded to a Suite on arrival but requested a toom with two beds instead which was granted. The Nelson double room is very spacious and modern. It faintly smelled of mothballs whenever you entered the room and the smell then quickly disappeared. We noticed that one of the beds was sagged in the middle and this was very quickly resolved by the maintenance team and was not an issue for us at all. The only reason i mention it in my review is because Alejandra apologised a thousand times for this “inconvenience” and even send us Macaroons and drinks to the room as an apology. During checkout, Alejandra apologised again and made sure our stay was perfect. There was a key card under the bed which was covered with dust as was the carpet under the bed. Cleanliness regarding this could obviously be better as dust can trigger allergies. The service of the staff at Trafalgar is above that of all other Hilton properties in London and certainly a step above from general hospitality service in Europe. I would give the service at Trafalgar a 9 based on European standards and a 7 based on Middle-Eastern and Asian standards. Breakfast was so highly rated in many reviews of this hotel which also influenced my choice, i was expecting an absolute feast. Unfortunately, breakfast was quite disappointing for us. Staff was great apart from someone who i can only describe as a North-African young woman with shoulder length curls who did not want to give us one of the three empty tables available in the Breakfast room with only 40 minutes available for Breakfast as she was keeping those for families of 7. This is rather absurd and we ended up taking one of the tables anyway as i wasn’t going to sit where she suggested which was away from everyone else. Breakfast in any hotel, especially 5* is always based on first come, first serve. You can’t deny your guest seating space at breakfast as if you were running a dinner service. Vegan options are very, very limited. Fruit selection is even more basic than what you can get at any supermarket in London. There was only Cantaloupe, Watermelon and Pineapple. There were Apples and Bananas for grabs but that is still not enough. Pastries are miniatures which is really shameful for a breakfast buffet. Only sausages available were Pork, no vegan and no Chicken so unfortunately no sausages for me. It’s basically a full English and that’s it. You could order A-La-Carte but that wasn’t special either. We had Amex Platinum credit so we used that for one of the dishes which was not special for the £15 asking price. Room service was basic as well. Food arrived with a very friendly staff member but it was slightly cold. All in all it’s a good hotel fo



正在搜尋The Royal Automobile Club附近的酒店?比較房價和評價,找到您的理想酒店。
4.6/544 評價
很滿意的酒店,地理位置也很好,想去哪逛街都很方便。 酒店早餐是點餐式的,非常豐盛。我們連住了七天,嘗試了很多款不同的早餐,都很美味。圖片裏的馬卡龍是有一天酒店贈送的,驚喜。還有酒店樓下的芝士蛋糕很美味,很奇妙的口感,喜歡甜食的朋友可以去試試。 下次來倫敦還是會首選這個酒店。
4/550 評價
漫步雨中倫敦,步行幾分鐘即可由Piccadilly circus地鐵站抵達,距離唐人街也不過幾百米。
4.6/585 評價
Sofitel London St James is in a fantastic location in the heart of London! A hop, skip and a jump to Piccadilly Underground and a short walking distance to Pall Mall, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square and Big Ben! The staff are all very professional and courteous and always greeted me with a smile each day. The onsite bar and restaurant were fantastic and the in-room dining menu offered many delicious options! It was my 'home away from home' for a 12-night business stay and I enjoyed every minute of it! If my travel budget allows, I will return! Thank you!
4.2/5106 評價
地理位置很優秀 出門步行3分鐘即可到達Piccadilly地鐵站 離中國城也很近 步行10分鐘 離購物街Oxford Street也很近 簡直方便到哭泣 步行2分鐘有超市 Tesco metro!早上在超市買的熱乎乎的牛角包很好吃! 餐廳早餐自己也很好吃 關鍵服務態度太好了 人也很帥 我下飛機很累 媽媽也很累 提前check-in啦 不用等到三點才可以入住 酒店也比吵鬧 可以睡得想想甜甜 酒店設施很好 沒有異味 非常整潔 物超所值 這個價格!
4.3/5103 評價
聖詹姆斯狹窄的一顆寶石 工作人員讓你感覺像家人一樣,不是房間號。服務在整個工作人員中最爲無可挑剔 高茶很出衆,比那些更受歡迎的場所價值要高得多,在迷人的氛圍中提供美妙的食物和服務。我會強烈推薦給所有重視較小和親密場所的人。杜克斯的長期聲譽是很好的
4.7/569 評價
The Haymarket is not a grand hotel by any means, but that’s just fine by us. It is extremely comfortable, with excellent service, large, well-organized rooms (even in the lowest category), luxurious bathrooms with powerful showers, and wonderfully inviting common areas. The staff is always pleasant and seem to like working there. The location is ideal for us - easy access to the theatres, restaurants and shops of Soho and Mayfair, and to the Mall, Green and Hyde Parks for morning runs. Staying there is akin to visiting a friend who has eclectic and excellent decorating taste - and a wonderful 55 foot long swimming pool in the basement. Per our request, we were given the same room we had stayed in last July - and it was ready for us when we arrived at 1pm. Sadly the light we had enjoyed through the large windows during our last stay was obscured by painting scaffolding and nets - but I suppose one has to keep up appearances…After years of staying at the Berkeley and the Connaught, with occasional unfortunate forays to the Hotel Cafe Royal and the Stafford, we have found a London hotel that works for us; while expensive, it represents good value in the stratospherically priced market.









倫敦地鐵分九區,初訪倫敦的朋友最常前往的便是Zone 1、2,因為知名景點大笨鐘、倫敦眼、倫敦塔橋、白金漢宮等皆集中在Zone 1、2區。只要簡單弄懂分區,就能知道怎麼看單程票價與區域票價!入住鄰近這兩區的倫敦酒店對行程安排也會更方便!


倫敦自由行最常使用的交通卡有兩張:Oyster Card 與 Travelcard。Oyster Card 類似八達通,先增值後搭車,是倫敦自由行必備之一。Oyster Card 還有每日收費上限,在Zone 1、Zone 1-2,Oyster Card不分時段,每日都會有固定的收費上限;相較於Travelcard,Oyster Card較為划算。但若你想用特定Travelcard景點優惠,推薦購買特定版的七日Travelcard,可以省下不少景點門票費用。須注意的是,只有英國國鐵 National Rail 購買的紙本Travelcard才能配合 2 For 1 的倫敦景點優惠!


倫敦氣候溫和多變,夏天不炎熱,冬天雖寒冷但極少嚴寒。最乾燥的月份是 2 月;而降雨量最多則為 10 月。倫敦氣候潮濕但相對溫和,任何季節都適合到倫敦自由行,感受不同季節的倫敦風情,不過四月至六月可謂天氣最佳的時候!


1. 大英博物館

成立於1753 年,作為世界三大博物館之一,大英博物館館藏來自世界各地的豐富藏品,如果你是歷史控,更是絕對不可錯過的倫敦景點!其收藏的瑰寶足以讓人大開眼界。博物館的鎮館之寶就是紀錄三種語言版本的羅塞塔石碑 ,喜歡埃及歷史的朋友一定要來探訪啊!

2. 倫敦眼


3. 泰晤士河


4. 牛津街


5. 福爾摩斯博物館

偵探迷朋友忍不住了嗎?想到倫敦是否在你腦海裡浮現一道熟悉的身影?那叼著根菸斗,無時無刻泰然自若破案的身影是許多偵探迷的最愛!福爾摩斯博物館位於貝克街 221b 號,館內的擺設為增添福爾摩斯舊居真實性,可都是以小說中情節為參照呢!



1. 倫敦金普頓菲茨羅酒店


2. 倫敦瑞士小屋朝聖者酒店


3. 倫敦布盧姆斯伯裏假日酒店及度假村




1. Burger and Lobster

談起倫敦美食,大家都會馬上想起 Burger and Lobster。多汁又滑嫩的龍蝦總是讓人垂涎三尺,來倫敦絕對不能錯過這項地道美食!

2. Flat Iron

Flat Iron 菜單上僅有一道主菜,但性價比極高,雖然便宜但牛扒依然多汁味美,更被稱為「網紅牛排」,大家千萬不要錯過!

3. Poppie’s Fish & Chips

來到倫敦怎能不試「炸魚薯條」!雖然炸魚薯條是英國代表食物,但是網上評價參差。在眾多炸魚薯條裡,大部分網友推薦這間 Poppie’s Fish & Chips,除了新鮮即炸、魚肉緊實,更是超大份!如此熱門的倫敦美食,你又怎能錯過?

4. Olde Cheshire Cheese


在倫敦處處都能挖掘到意想不到的驚喜,馬上在 Trip.com 查看倫敦酒店優惠,計劃你的倫敦自由行吧!
