探索有無線網路的熱門Long Beach酒店

查看Long Beach酒店的住客評價

2.9/598 評價
My husband and I and our cat stayed at this place under DSS from early September of last year until today (4/16/24). Things were going good for a little while until we started getting treated like second citizens. The person who used to be in charge of a the DSS people there, Sean, was awesome at first until his true colors showed and started acting nasty for no reason. The owners are hardly ever there but their sons, who are managers, do not know what they’re doing at all! They can’t run a hotel properly. They keep changing the rules for the DSS people and literally treat us like we’re children and like inmates. They would make us change rooms every 3 weeks which was very stressful because they rush you and they want you to sweep the floors and and wipe down the room before we move to the next room which is ridiculous because they have housekeeping there yet when housekeeping comes during the day a few times a week, one of the rules is you have to let them in to clean up your room or you’ll get scolded….now how does that make sense? It doesn’t! Plus when we do let them in to clean they don’t do the best job. Besides collecting dirty hotel towels and sheets, make the bed, and change the garbage and they’ll sweep but they don’t get the corners and they even left one side of the room unclean. Plus they took 2 of my personal towels when collecting the dirty hotel towels but the strange part was they left one of the dirty hotel towels in the bathroom but yet they took mine which were worn and faded. They need to pay more attention to what they’re doing when cleaning somebody else’s room. I even reported it to the managers but they did nothing about it. That’s not the first time they’ve taken my towels either. Management could care less about us. Just as long as they get paid. My husband and I were always respectful, polite, stayed out of all the drama that goes on there every single day, and we never were any kind of disturbance to anybody. But because we’re under DSS, doing right by the hotel meant nothing to them. The are unrealistic rules too like one baggage per person, no sexual activity (including married couples), no pets, etc. and in the beginning the hotel said pet friendly but I guess that’s only for the guests now. There are roaches and mice in the rooms every now and then. I’ve seen a bunch of roaches in multiple rooms I’ve stayed in. One of the rooms we stayed in had mold growing in the corner of the room in between the wall and ceiling and we had to stay in that room for a few days because no other rooms were available at the time. Another room we were in had a leak in the ceiling which dropped down causing a huge puddle on our dresser. Luckily none of our things got ruined. And whether anybody wants to believe this or not, there’s paranormal activity that happens there. I’ve had encounters with some of the phenomenon events that happened while we were living there. Staff have told me they’ve seen spirits here. The Long Beach Hotel use
3.6/598 評價


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