
4/541 評價
3.8/544 評價
Until today I was ready to put 4 stars out of five. But now just one, because the experience is just terrible (my hotel is am Olympiapark). The situation is the following: I came to the reception asking for room prolongation. At that moment I wasn't sure when I might leave, but I understood that I might need earlier termination. So I doublechecked at the reception whether there would be any fines in case I pay for one month but might need to leave earlier (in 2-3 weeks). The answer was that there will NOT be any fines. So I paid for the month, having an understanding that everything is OK and whenever I need I can check out w/o losing money. But today, when I went to the reception and said that I need to check out this Friday, it appeared to be that I can NOT cancel the reservation now w/o losing money because I needed to warn them 14 days in advance, prior to the desired check-out date... I absolutely disagree, that it's my fault, as I came in advance (by the way 14 days in advance and warned), asked about possible fines, received the info that there won't be any fines and trusted the information I received. But now they say it was my fault and that their policies can't be challenged. Unfortunately, the arguments I provide don't work. Just contacted their central office, hoping that the solution can be found. Maybe I'm stupid and don't understand something. I've never experienced anything like this before...
4.4/524 評價
離Laim S-Bahn站步行很短的15-20分鐘(從機場直達這裏很容易)。赫希花園附近的啤酒花園開放到午夜(至少春天/夏天)吃喝,附近羅馬廣場有一些商店(藥店、麪包店等)是有用的。我們過夜,帶孩子們去看了令人驚歎的尼芬堡施洛斯--再次,真的很近。酒店親切地爲我們保留了行李,以便我們稍後收集行李,然後乘火車前往下一個目的地。房間很棒(爲我們兩個孩子附加了單獨的房間),早餐很棒。真的很喜歡我們在這裏停留。非常友好的工作人員。
4.2/560 評價
我們很高興爲我們最近在慕尼黑的住宿找到這家很棒的酒店。它非常方便,適合當地的商店,餐館,公共汽車,有軌電車和U bahn服務。工作人員非常友好和樂於助人。海報收藏很吸引人。接待處的免費水在炎熱和下午的蛋糕和咖啡中非常寶貴。早餐真的很棒。房間舒適乾淨。如果訪問慕尼黑,我們肯定會再呆在那裏。
4/553 評價
離寧芬堡宮很近,所以選了這家。始建於1986年(屋頂的風向標可以看到年份)。由住宅樓改建而成,因此沒有空調(德國的居民樓都沒有空調)。房間比較小,有電扇、小冰箱,沒有電熱水壺。如果有大件行李或個頭大的住客可能會覺得房間偏小,不方便轉身。房間裝飾比較復古,衣櫃是原木的,牀是銅牀。浴室也比較小。雖然住一樓,但好奇為啥淋浴的水壓依舊不太穩定,淋浴開大時水流忽冷忽熱,而往中間調整后反而更穩定衹是不太熱(看來需要精調)。酒店本身在居民區,因此需要穿過好幾條街,步行十五分鐘左右才有軌交S1(Laim站)或有軌電車16/17路和公交51路。距酒店7、8分鐘左右路程有edeka超市。距離寧芬堡宮衹有5分鐘左右步行路程,去那裡度過周末是個好選擇。附近的米其林餐廳schwaige nymphenburg也很棒,飯點時常常滿座。由於坐落居民區,周邊環境很安靜,不過房間的隔音效果不太好。酒店前廳和餐廳的環境很贊,早餐可能需要額外收費。酒店人員的服務態度非常好,不管是前台、老闆還是保潔阿姨都很友善。尤其感謝老闆娘,在急需趕往機場但找不到出租車(德國電車公交罷工)、而同行人員還腳崴的情況下願意自行駕車送我們去S1站,並主動幫忙扛了我們大包小包的行李。光這一點就能抵消之前的那些小缺陷了。
4.3/589 評價
Solid offering, attractive new build. Short walk to S-Bahn and windows ensure no exterior sounds. Rooms reasonable sized, Internet & lighting fine, AC worked well (rare in Germany), bath well illuminated and plenty of hot water. Interesting work desk actually worked well. USB outlets bedside. Front desk staff on it and professional. Two maintenance issues during my long stay handled quickly. Overall this is a definite return visit. Breakfast area gets overwhelmed when hotel is full but offerings were decent (it's a Express hotel so don't expect a big business buffet). Staff worked hard to keep areas clean. Downsides - cleaning staff wasn't consistent. Room was bit dusty to start (I cleaned it) but this was more a minor nit. Tips for hotel owner: Need to move the smoking area AWAY from front door. Constant smoking right by front door was bit off putting. Hints if you go: A little new shopping area is a 2 min walk, the ReWe is amazing and has food to go (excellnt veg offerings). Hirschgarten beer is a beautiful 10 min stroll. Behind the Flixbus building is a late late night club but has a small interesting Nachtgarden beer spot that is quiet in the early hours. ArteBianca is authentic Italian pizza (very good). Athos Pallas Greek is short walk and excellent as well. If you need to wash the Eco-Express Agnes-Bernauer-Straße is perhaps 15 min by foot (cash only) well maintained machines.


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慕尼黑是德國巴伐利亞州的首府,是德國南部面積第一大城,全德國第三大城市。這裏既有夢幻之車-寶馬,也有夢幻的城堡-新天鵝堡。一年一度的啤酒節讓整個城市都沉浸在歡樂的氣氛中,活潑的巴伐利亞人臉上總是洋溢著笑容,並且這種歡樂和自由的氛圍已經成為吸引世界各地旅遊者的一個重要因素。在慕尼黑,不可錯過的還有高貴雅致而又歷史悠久的皇宮區以及具有鮮明特色的聖母教堂;哥特式的新市政廳、古羅馬式的國王廣場以及各式現代化的建築,一座連一座,讓你彷佛走進了建築歷史的長廊,不禁感嘆“歐洲建築博物館”之名的確名不虛傳。 慕尼黑同時又保留著原巴伐利亞王國都城的古樸風情,因此被人們稱作“百萬人的村莊”。許多人把慕尼黑看成是德國的文化之都,誰要是對足球感興趣,同時要喜歡現代化建築,一定要參觀一下安聯足球場。

