









4.3/591 評價


來酒店不需要坐巴士,搭乘成田機場的京成電鐵到成田市就行了,兩站路。對我這種衹做一天短暫停留的遊客來講異常方便。鐵路系統非常便捷,不過成田站似乎不是為遊客設計的。所以衹有一件行李的話在成田站還能勉強應付,提着行李走車站那些梯子可是蠻累人的。說出機場的準確位置需要你提前做一下功課,好好研究一番地圖。走到高架鐵路的人行通道就能看到酒店了。 至於待客的熱情度而言,我想說這是一家日式而非西式酒店。辦理入住的員工非常有服務意識,周到地把我領到了三樓的酒店,大堂並不屬於酒店。正如其他所有酒店實行的政府政策一樣,辦理入住時這裏也要求護照或在日身份證明。我發現他們的英語能力在溝通上還是沒啥問題的,不過也別指望你所有的疑問都能得到解答。 酒店房間安靜,整潔,舒適。日式酒店房間的麪積和西式酒店一比自然相形見絀。不過基本入住的需求還是能得到滿足的:桌子,浴室,床鋪。房間的風景很是乏味,正對着另一棟建築的牆麪。房間裏沒有絲毫異味,超級乾淨。 早上有早餐供應。供應時間每天都一樣,這是日本人做事的風格,提早或推后一分鐘都不行。食物也不是西式的,不用抱有希望。 這裏讓我印象最深刻的是其整潔乾淨和服務質量,雖然酒店的名字看起來比其他酒店要掉價些。比我在北美住過的所謂舒適型酒店要舒適許多。 衹住了一晚,而且早上很早就離開了,所以不知道退房時間。入住后,我就搭火車去秋葉原和東京了。 酒店位於成田市內,從酒店出發向城市的另一邊進發,步行半小時,就能找到佛寺這些景點。沿路你會發現真正的日式生活,感受不同於東京西方城市的生活節奏。



4.4/515 評價


- Musty smelling toilet - Very old fittings and room doors that don't close fully - Friendly staff but poor English overall and unobservant - Old-fashioned owner with very poor customer skills, cannot problem-solve - Bath and water mixer very hard to use as they are very old fashioned - Fridge full of cold drinks, but with no space to put anything except tiny bottles and some small items I was very surprised and unhappy with what the ryokan owner told us today - the last night of our 10-night trip across the wider Tokyo region. Some context first: my flight departs at 6.20pm tomorrow and we have to check out of our room at 10am, as planned. What was unplanned, was that I was only told at 7pm today that they would have maintenance coming so there are 'no staff' and 'the whole ryokan will be closed', so my elderly parents (78YO and 70YO) and I would have to take our 3 large luggage bags with us by 2pm. They will not be able to hold our luggage for even 2 hours until 4pm, nor will they be able to call us a taxi; we will have to walk to the taxi stand ourselves. What is funny, is that as I was negotiating with the owner in the lobby, 4 new guests arrived to check-in. Now, there is a whole hotel with numerous rooms and new guests, but he cannot (will not) hold our luggage for 2 hours more? He proceeded to tell us they 'are not responsible to us for anything once we check out' and that 'there is nothing he can do' and when I said hotels in other countries hold the luggage for their guests after they check out for the same day until the flight time, he said 'this is Japan, not other countries'. Wow. I get it that he's used to running things his way, but this makes for a horrible customer experience. We had booked this ryokan over 6 weeks ago online, so there were many opportunities to tell us in advance of this scheduled maintenance. One great opportunity was yesterday at 5.30pm, when we checked in. Side points are: - Staff are not trained on the safety equipment in the rooms. I had taken the emergency torchlight off the charging mount and instead of the staff reinserting it, I had to figure out how and tell the staff (to his credit he really tried) - Housekeeping were unaware they took my mother's personal spoon by mistake and phew! the translation issues... we got it back though - Housekeeping replaced the tolietries we clearly had no need of, but not the items we used up! Basically they gave us 3 more toothbrushes in addition to the 3 unused, but did not top up the cotton pads. It was all very clearly placed in the bathroom for them to observe. - Creepy horror movie vibes





4.4/515 評價


- Musty smelling toilet - Very old fittings and room doors that don't close fully - Friendly staff but poor English overall and unobservant - Old-fashioned owner with very poor customer skills, cannot problem-solve - Bath and water mixer very hard to use as they are very old fashioned - Fridge full of cold drinks, but with no space to put anything except tiny bottles and some small items I was very surprised and unhappy with what the ryokan owner told us today - the last night of our 10-night trip across the wider Tokyo region. Some context first: my flight departs at 6.20pm tomorrow and we have to check out of our room at 10am, as planned. What was unplanned, was that I was only told at 7pm today that they would have maintenance coming so there are 'no staff' and 'the whole ryokan will be closed', so my elderly parents (78YO and 70YO) and I would have to take our 3 large luggage bags with us by 2pm. They will not be able to hold our luggage for even 2 hours until 4pm, nor will they be able to call us a taxi; we will have to walk to the taxi stand ourselves. What is funny, is that as I was negotiating with the owner in the lobby, 4 new guests arrived to check-in. Now, there is a whole hotel with numerous rooms and new guests, but he cannot (will not) hold our luggage for 2 hours more? He proceeded to tell us they 'are not responsible to us for anything once we check out' and that 'there is nothing he can do' and when I said hotels in other countries hold the luggage for their guests after they check out for the same day until the flight time, he said 'this is Japan, not other countries'. Wow. I get it that he's used to running things his way, but this makes for a horrible customer experience. We had booked this ryokan over 6 weeks ago online, so there were many opportunities to tell us in advance of this scheduled maintenance. One great opportunity was yesterday at 5.30pm, when we checked in. Side points are: - Staff are not trained on the safety equipment in the rooms. I had taken the emergency torchlight off the charging mount and instead of the staff reinserting it, I had to figure out how and tell the staff (to his credit he really tried) - Housekeeping were unaware they took my mother's personal spoon by mistake and phew! the translation issues... we got it back though - Housekeeping replaced the tolietries we clearly had no need of, but not the items we used up! Basically they gave us 3 more toothbrushes in addition to the 3 unused, but did not top up the cotton pads. It was all very clearly placed in the bathroom for them to observe. - Creepy horror movie vibes



4.4/515 評價


- Musty smelling toilet - Very old fittings and room doors that don't close fully - Friendly staff but poor English overall and unobservant - Old-fashioned owner with very poor customer skills, cannot problem-solve - Bath and water mixer very hard to use as they are very old fashioned - Fridge full of cold drinks, but with no space to put anything except tiny bottles and some small items I was very surprised and unhappy with what the ryokan owner told us today - the last night of our 10-night trip across the wider Tokyo region. Some context first: my flight departs at 6.20pm tomorrow and we have to check out of our room at 10am, as planned. What was unplanned, was that I was only told at 7pm today that they would have maintenance coming so there are 'no staff' and 'the whole ryokan will be closed', so my elderly parents (78YO and 70YO) and I would have to take our 3 large luggage bags with us by 2pm. They will not be able to hold our luggage for even 2 hours until 4pm, nor will they be able to call us a taxi; we will have to walk to the taxi stand ourselves. What is funny, is that as I was negotiating with the owner in the lobby, 4 new guests arrived to check-in. Now, there is a whole hotel with numerous rooms and new guests, but he cannot (will not) hold our luggage for 2 hours more? He proceeded to tell us they 'are not responsible to us for anything once we check out' and that 'there is nothing he can do' and when I said hotels in other countries hold the luggage for their guests after they check out for the same day until the flight time, he said 'this is Japan, not other countries'. Wow. I get it that he's used to running things his way, but this makes for a horrible customer experience. We had booked this ryokan over 6 weeks ago online, so there were many opportunities to tell us in advance of this scheduled maintenance. One great opportunity was yesterday at 5.30pm, when we checked in. Side points are: - Staff are not trained on the safety equipment in the rooms. I had taken the emergency torchlight off the charging mount and instead of the staff reinserting it, I had to figure out how and tell the staff (to his credit he really tried) - Housekeeping were unaware they took my mother's personal spoon by mistake and phew! the translation issues... we got it back though - Housekeeping replaced the tolietries we clearly had no need of, but not the items we used up! Basically they gave us 3 more toothbrushes in addition to the 3 unused, but did not top up the cotton pads. It was all very clearly placed in the bathroom for them to observe. - Creepy horror movie vibes


㈱ニューハナトモ ホテル日航成田店


成田機場T3 Fa-So-La DUTY FREE(第3候機樓 出境審查後區域)



4.5/5130 評價
交通:京成成田站一出站,沒多久就可以看到飯店啦! 早餐:豐富多樣,有日式餐點(鮭魚、飯、納豆…)西式(麵包、奶油、優格、牛奶),我覺得很好吃。 餐廳:たけろくらーめん成田店,超好吃!點了牛塩拉麵 肉質鮮美 我又加上2份蛋(原來就有一份) 非常美味😋 附近景點:走路約15分鐘擁有1000多年歷史的成田山新勝寺,在新勝寺的參道從成田站一直延伸到總門,長達約800公尺。道路兩旁有許多間餐廳和紀念品商店,是一個相當受日本人歡迎的旅遊景點。可以品嚐到草莓大福、抹茶冰淇淋、串燒團、現烤仙貝,享受邊吃邊逛的樂趣;最有名的就是鰻魚飯,非常值得品嚐。
4.1/5912 評價
年初一到,等咗大半小時嘅shuttle, 而且記得要坐到最後一站,否則就會好似我,要拖著行李從另一間酒店行返過去,第一次到日本,就感受到日本的寒夜星空😂 酒店的自助早餐真係好豐盛,好味,值得加購👏🏻👏🏻 溫泉♨️感覺都好好👏🏻👏🏻 酒店傳統不過服務好nice👏🏻👏🏻 睡衣係和服式,如果可以再清潔些沒有味道就好了🙏🏻 非要提就係如果shuttle bus 可以密些就好了🥲
4.4/5382 評價
4.2/529 評價
4.2/558 評價
酒店位於國際機場10米的公共汽車。免費導航 非常乾淨 房間 非常歡迎的工作人員 性價比 非常好 Check-in 24/7 在很長的旅程前我們可以過得很不錯的晚上,所以在起飛前就可以休息
4.3/5272 評價







成田市有22家服務不錯的酒店。當地酒店平均價格大概是404 HKD一晚,成田市有各種各樣的酒店,定能滿足您對不同旅行的住宿需求。成田市有1家五星級酒店,平均每晚705 HKD。成田市有3家四星級酒店,平均每晚444 HKD。成田市有14家三星級酒店,平均每晚387 HKD。成田市有3家二星級酒店,平均每晚347 HKD。現在,有許多知名連鎖品牌酒店已經入駐成田市了。希爾頓酒店是當地其中一個最有人氣的酒店品牌。如若您對旅行住宿比較有要求,在成田市還是挺容易找到舒適酒店的,像希爾頓旗下的酒店就很好。日本成田機場九小時膠囊酒店(Nine Hours Narita Airport Japan)是成田市中較具人氣的熱門酒店之一。除此之外,成田美爵酒店(Mercure Hotel Narita)也是遊客們常去的酒店。

在成田市的市中心附近,您能夠方便的遊覽成田羊羹資料館, 成田山表參道。在成田市適合度假的景點也頗多,您可以去成田ゆめ牧場。除了之前介紹過的景點外,さくらの山公園, 成田山新勝寺也是比較有名的。若您希望購買一些當地特產,可以考慮去當地的商業區Hello Kitty Japan(成田機場店), GATE WAY(成田機場店)逛一逛。
