Перед оконом, был парк, много птиц, бурундуки бегают. Есть чайник, полотенце, туалетная бумага только на 1 раз😆, гель для душа, обогреватель, вентилятор ходит ходуном, шкаф воняет. Друзьям повезло меньше, им достался номер, с окнами на задний двор, где гремят все вентиляторы и кондиционеры. Завтрак лучше не брать, выбора нет и непонятно из чего, кароче для нас это было не съедобно . Но есть микроволновка. Персонал норм.
I booked two rooms directly through the hotel's website, which offered two payment options—pay at the hotel or pay online with a discount. Opting for the convenience of paying at the hotel, I was shocked to arrive and be told that no rooms were available because I hadn’t paid online. If selecting "pay at the hotel" doesn’t guarantee a reservation, then why offer it in the first place? Confirming a booking should mean exactly that—a confirmed room. Instead, we were met with an appalling lack of professionalism, causing unnecessary hassle and stress. The staff, including the manager, showed zero empathy and were only concerned about blaming us for selecting the payment option that they themselves provided. This is by far one of the most unprofessional experiences I’ve ever encountered. Do yourself a favor and book elsewhere. This hotel clearly doesn't value its guests or respect their time. Avoid at all costs!
到Moolchand只需4km而英迪拉甘地國際機場僅22km遠,交通運輸非常方便。 這家酒店靠近新德里的熱門景點,包括(Giri Nagar) Masjid Govindpuri مسجد گووندپوری,I Block Park和Kali Temple, C R Park, South Delhi。