

4/556 評價
4.1/544 評價
I had a pleasant stay, the room was very clean and had everything I need. I think a renovation of the rooms would be appropriate in one place or another - especially in the bathroom. The cheese selection could be a bit bigger at breakfast. Otherwise I was very satisfied.
4.6/557 評價
我們之所以選擇Vila Gale是因爲它離里斯本很近(我們在葡萄牙各地都有業務,但也想訪問里斯本)和可以看到大海 - - 我們一點也不失望。歡迎熱情友好,我們的套房有獨立的客廳和臥室,大露台,花園/游泳池和海景也非常愉快 - 一切井然有序,保持清潔,而且空間很大(我們最小的女兒2歲,和我們一起,她需要一噸空間...)。停車在臨近的車庫(好在小鎮本身沒有提供太多的車位)。早餐:很棒,很出色。我們曾經享受過的最好的早餐之一,在古色古香的環境中,各種新鮮的事物,加上香檳。對於那些喜歡這種氛圍的人來說,這是天堂。晚餐:與早餐在同一房間,同樣愉快。水療區:我們使用了室內游泳池、桑拿浴室和蒸汽浴室--所有這些設施都保持在良好的狀態,提供充足的空間,以及安靜和放鬆的時間。對於有車的人來說,這個位置本身就很好,里斯本就在附近--如果沒有高峯時間或交通堵塞,離市中心只有20分鐘的路程。如果沒有車,它看起來會有點偏。總體來說: 絕對值得一試, 而且真的沒什麼好抱怨的 - 我們很喜歡它.
丘頂綠洲 - 里斯本奧伊拉斯
3.8/542 評價
ENG: Summary: Somehow, *********** permits this barely-2-stars hotel to be verified with 4. The only thing good here are the surprisingly large rooms and the swimming pool. Possible one the most peculiar hotel I have been to in my life. Firstly, it is almost impossible to get there with a GPS. The only sign is a tiny one saying ”Local Hotel” in the front door. Secondly, the hotel is somehow 4 stars, when in reality it doesn't go over 2 stars. Some examples of this: horribly low maintenance the walls haven't been cleaned probably since it was constructed. Moreover, there is humidity problems in the hotel. The breakfast, is terribly bad. Resembling the breakfast of a backpacking hostel. Moreover, the ”room service” is basically non-existent, in which they give you ”clean” towels (not enough for everyone, we were 4, they gave us 2.) The only good thing I can think about in this hotel is probably the surprisingly large rooms and the swimming pool. ESP: Resumen: De alguna manera, *********** permite que este hotel de apenas 2 estrellas sea verificado con 4. Lo único bueno aquí son las habitaciones sorprendentemente grandes y la piscina. Posiblemente uno de los hoteles más peculiares en los que he estado en mi vida. En primer lugar, es casi imposible llegar allí con un GPS. El único letrero es uno pequeño que dice ”Hotel local” en la puerta principal. En segundo lugar, el hotel es de alguna manera 4 estrellas, cuando en realidad no pasa de 2 estrellas. Algunos ejemplos de esto: terriblemente bajo mantenimiento, las paredes no se han limpiado probablemente desde que se construyó. Además, hay problemas de humedad en el hotel. El desayuno, es terriblemente malo. Parecido al desayuno de un hostel para mochileros. Además, el ”servicio de habitaciones” es básicamente inexistente, en el que te dan toallas ”limpias” (no alcanzan para todos, éramos 4, nos dieron 2). Lo único bueno que se me ocurre en este hotel es probablemente las habitaciones sorprendentemente grandes y la piscina
3.7/541 評價
Quem ainda continua a atribuir 4 estrelas a este hotel deve estar a dormir... Só pode Hotel bastante antiquado com várias marcas nas paredes por notória falta de manutenção. Os quartos não são insonorizados, ou seja, ouve-se o barulho dos carros na A5 constantemente e toda a noite. A portada da varanda não vedava bem... Fiquei no quarto 314 ( último piso). Os ruídos são constantes de maquinaria ou o que seja por cimaouvia o ”vizinho” do lado a ressonar ( tal era a má insonorização dos quartos. Enfim... Para esquecer. De certeza que não venho cá mais e farei questão de mencionar na empresa para não marcarem estadia para mais ninguém cá.
4.4/598 評價
During breakfast it turned out that there were several Russian families loudly enjoying themselves like nothing is happening in the world. Several guests, me including, were very annoyed by that and left the breakfast room. In current times we cannot ignore this anymore and we have to take responsibility.


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