正在尋找Tha Pradu Thong Monastery附近的酒店?不妨參考真實旅客的評價。

查看Phanang Tung酒店的住客評價

正在搜尋Tha Pradu Thong Monastery附近的酒店?比較房價和評價,找到您的理想酒店。
4.4/50 評價
您好​ 是的​ 我​ 說​ 是​ 麻煩​ 在​ 人民​ 只需要​ 民主​ ​ 如果​ 知道​ 人​ 姓​ 地址​ 先生​ 我​ 說​ 是​ 麻煩​ 在​ 人民​ 只需要​ 民主​ ​ ,如果​ 知道​ 人​ 姓​ 地址​ 先生​ 下​ 宣佈​ 是​ 很難​ 在​ 人民​ 只需要​ 民主​ ​ ,如果​ 知道​ 免費​ 嗎​ 嗎​ scholarship​ 出國​ 外​ 有​ 好​ 什麼​ 什麼​ 您是​ 和​ 誰​ 是​ 的​ 可以​ 使用​ 作爲​ 的地方​ 活動​ 兒童節​ 大​ 正確​ 是 ​ , 好​ , 什麼​ , 什麼?​ 和​ 誰​ 是​ , ​ , 可以​ 使用​ 作爲​ 的地方​ 活動​ 兒童節​ 大​ , 是 ​​ 將​ 設置​ 在​ 的​ 在​ 的 ​ 的 , 可以獲得​ , ​ 泰銖​ , 設置 ​ , 在​ 的 ​ , 在​ 的 ​ , ​ , 您將 ​ , ​ , Somdet ​ , ​ 的 ​ , 在 ​ D ​ 的 ​
4.5/54 評價
4.3/540 評價
The entry into the hotel can be confusing as it is divided into 2 zones each having its own parking area and reception, so if you are driving watch carefully for the signs. The hotel is constructed above a lagoon so it is quite different. It's location is isolated but the hotel has a good restaurant and prices there were reasonable. Note if you use the restaurant I suggest paying directly because if you charge to your room a 17% service fee is added. Our room was attractively decorated and spacious. The bed was comfortable and the location is very quiet. The bathroom is a good size and the shower was good. There was a nice balcony overlooking the lagoon. Breakfast was simple but adequate. The staff were all very friendly and helpful but many of them had limited English which can lead to some confusion. One morning my wife ordered one fried egg and got an omelet while I ordered 2 fried eggs with ham and sausage but only got the eggs. The other mornings there was someone cooking the eggs outside so we just went there and ordered our eggs.
Canal Village Pakpra Phatthalung
3/51 評價
浴室被鎖了,但被告知要用硬幣打開它。 我害怕當我進去時,我想知道如果我鎖上了會發生什麼


Phanang Tung旅遊攻略

正在計劃前往Phanang Tung旅行嗎?Trip.com誠意為您推薦熱門的Phanang Tung酒店及酒店預訂優惠。假如只有不多的時間在Phanang Tung停留,不妨規劃個Phanang Tung一日遊行程。Phanang Tung是個安靜的城市,來這裡度假,您一定能感受到一份獨有的悠閒與愜意。

雖然Phanang Tung沒有民航機場,但您也可以先去周邊城市遊玩一番,再通過其他交通工具到這裡。在Phanang Tung,汽車交通網絡十分發達,每天都有開往周邊城市的班次。

因為Phanang Tung不是旅遊城市,所以當地的酒店行業並不發達,很多酒店只能在當地才能預訂得到。當地酒店平均價格大概是184 HKD一晚,Phanang Tung有各種各樣的酒店,定能滿足您對不同旅行的住宿需求。入住Phanang Tung當地的特色酒店能夠讓遊客得到不一樣的住宿新體驗。Phanang TungThe Rich Resort Thalenoi是Trip.com客人最喜歡入住的酒店之一。
