

3.4/537 評價
The room was big but full of mosquitos and one of the day I left my swimmers drying and when I went to collect there was a cockroach in the bathroom. Everyday I had to go to the reception after the housekeeper because she would forget to leave water, beach towels or refill the shower gel. They leave the towels in the grass very early in the morning and it just seats there waiting until the housekeeper can go in, I believe that what’s caused itches in our body. Breakfast wasn’t really thinking of people that come from other cultures so definitely suggest people to book without breakfast and just go down to town to eat. Water park was not as expected, most of the slides are dangerous and the water inside the swimming pool is dirty I was afraid to catch something if I went inside. Shuffle bus is really helpful and the drivers are very friendly however the hotel keeps letting other people go inside the bus and then instead of having a nice ride which was included on the price of the hotel so we paid for it we felt like they were doing favour for us to be in the bus because there was no space.
4.3/545 評價
首先,我不為酒店工作,也與酒店沒有關係。去之前看了對酒店的一些評論后,我對住宿感到很不安。足夠幸運的是我沒有什麼可擔心的! 酒店正如它所說的一樣--返樸歸真,如果你期待在游泳池邊得到周到的服侍,並且坐在可愛的空調酒吧,那麼不要去那裡。它是一種不同類型的酒店。 木製專用房間全都很迷幻,在迷宮似的樹木,沙地人行道和自然之中(在這兒的11天我光着腳,甚至有青蛙,螞蟻,蜥蜴爬來爬去,我不是你所說的那種熱愛大自然的人)。我個人發現齊娥沃拉度假村(Zeavola)是一次美妙的經歷,我們在這兒住了11夜,我但願住了更久。游泳池上面有飛鳥,蝴蝶,棕櫚樹和陽光。 溫泉不可思議。 高潮時海灘討人喜歡,但海水退去后它變得很不同。被水淹沒后它看起來是什麼樣子,酒店幫不上忙,但一定不美好(不是污染物,而是海藻和死水母),但高潮時海灘迷人。如果你在低潮時到達,不要被欺騙了。 食物不錯,但飲料收費過高!其它酒店也有餐館,到間歇河鄉村的茉莉(Jasmine)飯店吃東西棒極了。 從間歇河海洋村莊乘坐水上巴士--交一位朋友並跟着他--他們很不錯,會帶你到優美的景點並環遊通賽灣(tonsai bay)。注意,你在島上一個隱秘的地方,如果想到主要的”城鎮”,你必須坐船,因為沒有路你走不到主要的港口(一個方法是走三四個小時翻越一座大山)。 一句話,喜愛這裏。 好處——美好的經歷,露天淋浴,僻靜的游泳池,優秀的員工 不足——酒吧里的飲料要價過高,退潮后海灘慘不忍暏。
3.8/51 評價
4.4/5125 評價
第二次住了~第一次在2019年~ 辦入住的時候,一開始給安排了最邊角的房間,感覺離海邊好遠,後來和工作人員溝通了下,考慮到帶着父母,最後升級給了靠海第二排的房間。説實話,我在攜程上沒有看到升級後的房間的類型,而且一開始的安排確實有點問題。好在最後的結果是好的,所以,有時候覺得有疑惑的就必須當場提出,不要息事寧人。 房間和幾年前一樣,衞生不錯,早飯豐富,工作人員總體比較熱情,也沒要小費,有兩個泳池,但去的時候有個泳池在裝修,不過沒關係,另外一個泳池也很大~ 交通,先到通塞碼頭然後坐半小時長尾船去酒店,可以發郵件給酒店提前預訂接駁長尾船,300泰銖一人,我感覺也可以在通賽碼頭直接找船,費用多少就不清楚了。 出海的長尾船,我建議直接找酒店預訂,在預訂之前他們會説得清清楚楚,且明碼標價收費不貴,他們會看當天天氣再確定是否可以出海,而且基本上當場確定就可以走了(當然也因為我們去的時候是淡季)。如果私底下預訂船的,會遇見黑心船長,我們這次就遇見了,去了個猴子海灘就收了3000泰銖,還謊稱因為浪大當天不能去小皮皮島。另外,如果自己預訂出海的,不要在通塞碼頭訂,酒店門口停了好多船,直接找他們就可以了,價格可以參考酒店,但就怕溝通不暢,有些當地人就利用溝通不當搗漿糊。 酒店門口一大片水域,很平靜,可以游泳浮潛和皮划艇,退潮之後可以趕海撿貝殼,很安靜很舒適。 早飯選擇很多,而且很好吃,就是五歲以上小朋友要求收費,泰銖530一個人。 後面有個小村莊,去的時候可能是淡季所以很多飯店在裝修,小飯店衞生不咋地但也沒有拉肚子,比酒店便宜比布吉貴。 還可以租自行車,免費,可以去附近的小路走走,説不定會找到另外一片海灘~
3.7/518 評價
4.2/570 評價
A fantastic little resort where every room is a detached chalet set in palms and green foliage. At night spot lights add to the magical feel of the place. The room is a little on the small side but the beds are very comfortable and the bathroom is modern. However... the walls are paper thin and although being detached, you cloud clearly hear the guests next door. The pool area was perfect. The relaxing atmosphere encouraged you to make the list of the swim up bar and the pool food service. The view out to sea was pretty spectacular too. The hotel is situated a few minutes walk from the main part of the island where you can eat and drink at so many places. Everything was idyllic until the clock struck 8pm! Then you are bombarded with the loudest club music you could ever imagine. This lasts every night until 2am. Why the island can't stop this, I haven't a clue but it certainly spoiled the holiday for us. We were so shocked in the first night, with the windows of our hut literally vibrating that we rebooked our original hotel back on the mainland as we just couldn't bear the noise. However the next day was our first full day at the resort. That was so relaxing and enjoyable, that we decided to bear with the loud music for the next two nights. The reception staff were not that cheerful which was a shame. And we had issues with the aircon and the fridge which was warm. This wasn't really fixed even though we asked and we were charged for ice too which again was a little rich! Would we go back? No. But it was a nice place to stay for a few days up until 8pm!


