

4.5/511 評價
我嘗試了這家 B&B,因為我從布林迪西機場搭乘了很早的航班。這家住宿加早餐旅館位於“Casale”區,距離機場 3 分鐘車程,因此對於那些乘坐早班飛機或深夜抵達布林迪西的人來說,這是一個非常有趣的解決方案。這家民宿只有兩個房間,非常漂亮乾淨。要進入浴室,你必須穿過走廊,門就在它旁邊。坦率地說,我不知道每個房間是否有自己的浴室,但作為唯一的客人,我專門使用它。店主是一個非常熱情的年輕人(典型的薩倫托歡迎!)而且非常精確。我在晚上 10 點登記入住。真的推薦。
4.4/519 評價
4/533 評價
Hotel Madonna Delle Grazie
4.3/529 評價
Io e mio marito abbiamo ricevuto un cofanetto smartbox in regalo che ho voluto utilizzare in questo bell'hotel di Ceglie. Il cofanetto prevedeva una notte in camera doppia standard e l'abbiamo trovata dotata di tutti i confort . Tutto il personale della struttura è stato gentilissimo, davvero attento alla soddisfazione del cliente. Inoltre abbiamo goduto di accesso al centro benessere ed è stata una esperienza meravigliosa, durante la quale tra sauna, bagno turco, piscina riscaldata con lame cervicali etc, ci siamo rilassati e riconciliati con il mondo! La cucina dell'hotel è attrezzata per celiaci, quindi ha superato una prova IMPORTANTISSIMA per la mia esigenza. E' stato un weekend piacevolissimo e rigenerante E' una struttura dove conto sicuramente di tornare
4.2/552 評價
Abbiamo deciso di festeggiare in comitiva con un pacchetto Spa, cena, pernottamento e colazione. Tutto il personale, in particolar modo il personale della reception e della spa, è stato davvero gentile, professionale e preparato. Ottima cena,abbondante e poca attesa. Camere pulite, spaziose e confortevoli. Un posto dove rilassarsi, coccolarsi e divertirsi. Rapporto qualità prezzo davvero super. Lo consiglio e soprattutto spero di tornare presto. 🙏 Grazie a tutto lo staff 🥰
4.1/546 評價
Overall really enjoyed my trip here but a few major problems that were headaches. If the resort is able to address some of these it could be a truly amazing place. Pros: -Absolutely beautiful location with awesome beach and nice area to walk on either side. Multiple pools that were really nice as well (though I spent more time on the beach) -Very nice clean comfortable rooms -Yummy food with lots of options -Very close to the beach, the people complaining about the distance to the beach are insane it is a 3-5 minute walk or you can take the train if you really want. There is also a bar/coffee/washroom at the beach! Cons: -One very big problem, I have a nut allergy and it was extremely hard to navigate that here. Before travelling to Italy I had an Italian friend write out a card explaining that I have a nut allergy (because I don't ever want to go somewhere and expect people to speak my language) but only 1 of the servers cared about this. I reminded wait staff at every meal that I had the allergy but have several incidents where I was served a dish that contained nuts with 5 minutes of asked and receiving assurance there was no nuts. I had to argue with the staff several times asking them to please check that the dish was nut free (on 3 occasions it was not), this was very embarrassing and I don't ever want to be this person! -The ”Aqua Gym” group are very aggressive, if you are down at the beach you are not just encouraged to join whatever activity they are running, they will approach you multiple times/hour again and again, I started leaving the beach when they were coming to avoid harassment -As others have noted staff at the front desk are very rude, I thought this may have been a language barrier (fair enough my Italian is terrible) but I met a group of Italian guests while there that also complained about how rude they were. They were completely unwilling to help guide you at all or answer questions. -Wifi does not work in rooms, this was not very important to me but something to note -You are charged for a towel which seemed very odd to me (just to borrow a towel not to take or anything)



最高價格MYR 2,564
最低價格MYR 214
平均價格(平日)MYR 695
平均價格(週末)MYR 724