
羅得島The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach附近酒店


優秀 4.5+非常好 4.0+很好 3.5+滿意 3.0+

The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach附近人氣酒店

距離The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach3.62km
對於想要捕捉羅得島城市風采的旅客來説,全包的大西洋藍酒店是一個理想的選擇。旅客們會發現Kolimbia Beach、Anerada和Antonis Cocktail Bar距離酒店都不遠。酒店佔盡地理之宜,Artistic Village Contemporary Art、Paddle Paradise和Epta Piges離此都很近。所有極具特色的客房都配備有空調、液晶電視機和衣櫃/衣櫥,讓您感受到更加貼心細緻的入住體驗。服務人員會提前為您準備好電熱水壺,以滿足您的飲水需求。倘若您在忙碌的一天後想在自己的客房內放鬆,提供拖鞋和吹風機的客房浴室是不錯的選擇。酒吧旨在為旅客和您的朋友提供一處消遣的場所。除此之外,我們還為您精心蒐集了周邊的餐飲訊息,Blue Bay A la Carte Restaurant(西餐)、Shark Fish Restaurant(西餐)和O Gialos(海鮮)期待着您的光顧。酒店種類繁多的休閑設施能為每一位下榻於此的您創造多元化的休閑空間,這其中包括健身室和按摩室。酒店設有24小時前台諮詢服務,為下榻至此的您提供最貼心的行程安排。
距離The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach17.36km
對於想要捕捉羅得島城市風采的旅客來説,皮弗克斯海灘酒店是一個理想的選擇。旅客們會發現Peacock Cocktail Bar Pefkos、The Rock Garden和Cavo Pefkos Cocktail Bar距離酒店都不遠。酒店佔盡地理之宜,Agios Pavlos Beach、Tomb of Kleoboulos和St Paul's Bay離此都很近。酒店為您在客房內配備了房內保險箱、空調和衣櫃/衣櫥,所有入住的客人均可便捷的使用。服務人員會提前為您準備好電熱水壺,以滿足您的飲水需求。倘若您在忙碌的一天後想在自己的客房內放鬆,提供24小時熱水和吹風機的客房浴室是不錯的選擇。在空閑的時候,去大堂吧喝杯飲品放鬆一下是不錯的選擇。若是覺得酒店的餐飲無法滿足您挑剔的味蕾,不妨去附近的Mavrikos(海鮮)、CozzeChampange(西餐)或Med Bar(西餐)品嚐下一流的推薦美食。優美的環境,再搭配上細緻周到的服務,酒店的休閑區定能滿足您的品質需求。外國旅客可以通過多國語言工作人員瞭解當地風土人情的相關訊息。

My husband returned to Pefkos after staying last year at the Matina. We arrived around 1130pm and were given keys to room 148. This was up the hill but the lower block. This room was round the back, no view but also no light to even put your key in the door...pitch black! We advised reception next day and this was rectified. The room was very small, a triple room. If we had brought our teenager or another adult it would not be suitable at all. You couldn't swing a cat. The patio was a decent size, albeit high concrete walls. We unfortunately couldn't sit out as the place was crawling with ants. Our last day we extended the room and were advised we would need go move to room 143. This room was also a triple but much better. Lovely view and much more spacious. Based on the original room. I wouldn't return. My husband reserved a table at Nostalgia coming back from the beach one night. We said we would be back in around 45 minutes. On arrival we were advised we couldn't have the table as someone else had reserved that particular one that had been before. Funny that this wasn't mentioned 45 mins earlier. So if you book and you're not a 'regular' prepare to have your table preference removed. The waiter was very rude to my husband and in hindsight, we should have turned round and left. We are thankfully going back to Kos in a couple of weeks after visiting for the first time in June and have to say the two islands don't compare in terms of hospitality.
距離The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach18.8km
Mitsis Alila Resort and Spa度假酒店坐落在法里拉基的私人海灘上,設有室內和室外游泳池,意大利,墨西哥和壽司餐廳以及spa中心。提供帶陽台的裝飾典雅的客房。Mitsis Alila酒店的所有空調客房均擁有不拘一格的白色傢俱和大理石地板,配有帶衞星頻道的平面電視。浴室配有豪華浴袍,拖鞋和洗浴用品。主餐廳供應早餐,午餐和晚餐,主營希臘和國際美食,包括自助餐和開放式烹飪。客人還可以在海灘上享受海灘酒吧和比薩餅烤箱。酒店設有全天營業的酒吧,享有愛琴海美景的香檳酒吧和葡萄酒吧。酒店內設有成人和小童滑水道,水上運動中心和騎馬設施。健康中心包括健身中心,桑拿浴室和熱水浴池。酒店為年幼的客人提供小童游泳池,遊樂場和動畫節目。Faliraki中心距離酒店不到4公里。林多斯距離酒店有45公里。羅德鎮距離酒店有8公里。距離羅德國際機場有20公里。

Επισκέφθηκαμε το ξενοδοχείο τις ημέρες του Πάσχα οικογενειακός με τα δυο μας κορίτσια 12 και 16 ετών. Μια ξαφνική αλλαγή από την αεροπορική εταιρία μας πρόσθεσε επιπλέον μια νύχτα.και ενώ αυτό μας τάραξε αρκετά ο Τάσος υπεύθυνος κρατήσεων έκανε τα αδύνατα δυνατά να μας εξυπηρετήσει. Το δωμάτιο μας ήταν έτοιμο σχεδόν από τις δέκα το πρωί . Πεντακάθαροι χώροι εξαιρετικά διακοσμημένοι. κορυφαία ποιότητα ποτού και φαγητού.πανω από όλα όμως το ανθρώπινο δυναμικό είναι ότι καλύτερο έχω συναντήσει σε ανάλογο ξενοδοχεία.ο διευθυντής κος Τσουκαλά διευθύνει ένα απίστευτο ξενοδοχειο με πολύ αγάπη και πραγματική έννοια για όλα.στο Πασχαλιάτικο τραπέζι απολαύσαμε εξαιρετικο φαγητό μουσική και πολύ όρεξη από όλους να μας ευχαριστήσουν.ο Γιώργος από το ουζερί ο Αλέξανδρος στο μπαρ από όλα τα παιδιά σε όλα τα πόστα που δυστυχώς δεν θυμάμαι ονόματα αλλά θυμάμαι την θερμή φιλοξενία.και ποτέ δεν θα ξεχάσω την τόσο όμορφη έκπληξη για την επέτειο μας που οργάνωσαν τα παιδιά από την ρεσεψιόν. ανυπομονούμε να επισκεπτουμε ξανά αυτό το υπέροχο ξενοδοχείο με τους υπέροχους στυλοβατες.το προτείνω ανεπιφύλακτα και αν θα μου ζητούσαν να το βαθμολόγησω θα έδινα το απόλυτο ΔΕΚΑ
亞歷海灘酒店 - 獨棟房屋
亞歷海灘酒店 - 獨棟房屋亞歷海灘酒店 - 獨棟房屋
羅得島The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach酒店
對於想要捕捉羅得島城市風采的旅客來説,亞歷海灘酒店 - 獨棟房屋是一個理想的選擇。酒店距離迪阿格拉斯機場僅有5km。酒店位於很便捷到達Surfing Bird的地方。從酒店出發可方便前往市內的眾多著名景點,包括Folklore House of Soroni Rhodes、Farma of Rhodes和Butterfly Valley。客房內的所有設施都是經過精心的考慮和安排,包括空調和液晶電視機,滿足您入住需求的同時又能增添家的温馨感。倘若您在忙碌的一天後想在自己的客房內放鬆,提供浴缸和吹風機的客房浴室是不錯的選擇。閑暇時間在酒店的大堂吧喝上一杯,必定是您休憩放鬆的好選擇。倘若您覺得酒店的餐飲服務無法滿足您的需求,附近的Vacanze Romane Italian Snack Bar(意大利菜)、Cafe Que Passa和Billy's Place不妨可以試試。酒店提供的體育和休閑設施,旨在為旅客營造多姿多彩的住宿體驗。酒店設有24小時前台諮詢服務,為下榻至此的您提供最貼心的行程安排。
麥雅尊爵度假村及水療中心 - 限成人- 全包式
麥雅尊爵度假村及水療中心 - 限成人- 全包式麥雅尊爵度假村及水療中心 - 限成人- 全包式
羅得島The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach酒店
對於想要捕捉羅得島城市風采的旅客來説,麥雅尊爵度假村及水療中心 - 限成人- 全包式是一個理想的選擇。著名的景點Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta、Glystra Beach和George Cars Rent a Car Kiotari Rhodes均可步行很短距離到達。從酒店到Lardos Beach遊覽很方便,Kopria Beach和Kiotari Beach也均在附近。倘若您在忙碌的一天後想在自己的客房內放鬆,提供吹風機的客房浴室是不錯的選擇。大堂吧給旅客提供了一個舒適的環境,可供休憩。若是覺得酒店的餐飲無法滿足您挑剔的味蕾,不妨去附近的Moonlight、The South Castle(地中海菜)或Savvas(西餐)品嚐下一流的推薦美食。酒店種類繁多的休閑設施能為每一位下榻於此的您創造多元化的休閑空間,這其中包括按摩室和健身室。酒店配備有會議廳和商務中心,可供旅客使用。酒店提供的乾洗服務,讓您的旅途更加方便。

We visited Mayia for a very special occasion. The resort was stunning and all staff were incredible. I got in touch with the hotel months prior to arrival and Giannis was absolutely faultless. He was dedicated to work with me to make our stay memorable. All of my requests were met, and during our stay, he went above and beyond to make us feel special. The trip would not have been the same without Giannis, and I cannot say thank you to him enough. Mayia will always hold a special place in our heart. We did not want to leave!
依克希亞The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach酒店
若想要遊覽依克希亞,貝爾艾爾海灘酒店將會是一個不錯的的住宿之選。在該地區觀光很容易,Temple of Athena Polias and Zeus Polieus和Phillips Bar都在酒店附近。從酒店出發可方便前往市內的眾多著名景點,包括Rhodes Activities Booking、Ancient Olympic Stadium - Rhodes和Parc Rodini Rhodes。閑暇時間在酒店的酒吧喝上一杯,必定是您休憩放鬆的好選擇。如果旅客願意,酒店可以提供滿足需求的客房送餐服務。除此之外,我們還為您精心蒐集了周邊的餐飲訊息,Tamam(Tamam)(希臘菜)、Belmo Palace(西餐)和Archipélagos(Αρχιπέλαγος)(披薩)期待着您的光顧。健身室讓閑暇時間更加充實,按摩室讓悠閑時光更加完美。理髮美容中心能提供造型設計,滿足您各種社交需求。

匿名用戶 2024.07.14
Spędziliśmy 3 noce w Hotelu Belair z wykupionymi śniadaniami. W pierwszą noc otrzymaliśmy mały pokój 10-12 m2 z widokiem na morze, mimo, że rezerwowałem pokój o powierzchni 22 m2 (standardowy pokój na Trip.com). Recepcja na drugi dzień bezproblemowo zaproponowała zamianę pokoju na właściwy - większy. Pokoje dość nowocześnie urządzone w stylu wakacyjnym z lodówką, czajnikiem a w łazience - z suszarką. Na terenie hotelu znajdują się 2 baseny. W lipcu o godz. 10 nie było już wolnych leżaków. Zamiast basenu polecam wybrać się na cały dzień na plażę - najlepsza jest 30 m od hotelu (na wysokości hotelu Rodos Palace - przejście pod ziemne tuż przy znaku Rodos Pałace). Zaproponowano nam wymianę ręczników raz na dwa dni. W hotelu w sezonie wieczorne atrakcje przed hotelowym barem tuż przy ruchliwej ulicy. Pod hotelem znajdują się dwa supermarkety, gdzie można kupić od jedzenia przez suweniry. Śniadanie dobre, nieduży wybór i dość monotonne. Obsługa od sprzątaczek do recepcji - miła i komunikująca się w j. angielskim. Przed hotelem znajdują się przystanki autobusowe, z których autobusy dowiozą z/na lotnisko i do centrum Rodos. Bilety na przejazd należy kupić w supermarkecie pod hotelem. Mimo kilku niedogodnie hotel oceniam na mocne 4/5 pkt.
羅得島The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach酒店
2022-01-31開業,相信帕台農酒店周到的服務和一流的設施,會讓您在羅得島開展一段難忘的旅行。附近很多景點,包括Rhodes Adventure & Rhodes Road Runner、Kiriakos Motor Club和Diagoras Momument都離酒店不遠。酒店對客房的裝飾十分考究,每間設施齊全的客房都配備有空調。有飲水需求的旅客,酒店還為您提供了瓶裝水。除此之外,配備有24小時熱水的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。在咖啡廳點上一杯消除一天的疲勞,對於旅客來説是一個不錯的休閑選擇。如果您喜歡安靜的用餐,酒店可以提供房間送餐服務。若是覺得酒店的餐飲無法滿足您挑剔的味蕾,不妨去附近的Tamam(Tamam)(希臘菜)、Belmo Palace(西餐)或Archipélagos(Αρχιπέλαγος)(披薩)品嚐下一流的推薦美食。酒店休閑區提供了各類設施,您可以在這裏舒緩身心壓力。外國旅客可以通過多國語言工作人員瞭解當地風土人情的相關訊息。

That hotel is a joke! Check in at 3pm so we waited for 2hrs, no information given by the receptionist I had to ask her questions about the room constantly , and when the room was ready (3:15pm) she just gave me the key without saying where the room is or how to get there etc. We had to pay extra for the AC which was not mentioned, it was extremely dirty, ashes from cigarette in the drawers, the cleaner came twice in 8 days of our stay just to change towels and bedsheets (which where also dirty). Never cleaned the bathroom, hairdryer was broken, we had no Internet and when I went to complain about all these things all the receptionist did was to give me a new hairdryer ignoring all the other issues I mentioned and she didn't even apologise. For breakfast they served some mini croissants and burger bread that it felt like they had them for ages! On our 3rd day of staying, the lady on the breakfast was not there so I asked two espressos from the receptionist and her answer was that they don't serve espresso even tho we had it for 2 days already! We got our espressos half an hour later. A day before we left I mentioned to the receptionist that our room hasn't been cleaned and we don't have clean towels she said that the cleaners don't have time for that and she gave me 3 face towels. There's a fridge in the breakfast area with drinks that you're supposed to pay for and I needed 3 times a small bottle of water and they didn't charge me which was nice. Rooftop was nice but a bit dirty, bartender was lovely. The only nice person in there! Rest of the stuff very rude, not willing to help you with anything, except a guy that gave me informations how to get the bus to the airport on my last day. I would suggest all the receptionist to do their job better and to try to improve themselves instead of talking **** about their boss all the time! I DO NOT RECOMMEND!!!! STAY AWAY!!!
羅得島The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach酒店
對於想要捕捉羅得島城市風采的旅客來説,安吉拉套房酒店是一個理想的選擇。包括iRepair Rhodes、Butterfly park和The Cage都在短距離內,入住酒店的旅客在該地區遊覽會很方便。酒店對客房的裝飾十分考究,每間設施齊全的客房都配備有熨衣設備、房內保險箱和空調。服務人員會提前為您準備好電熱水壺和咖啡壺/茶壺,以滿足您的飲水需求。倘若您在忙碌的一天後想在自己的客房內放鬆,提供吹風機的客房浴室是不錯的選擇。酒店種類繁多的休閑設施能為每一位下榻於此的您創造多元化的休閑空間,這其中包括健身室和按摩室。工作人員可根據旅客需要安排接機服務。

Fantastic holiday. Rooms were cleaned and bed changed every day. Great location. Food good as we only had breakfast. Friendly staff. Gym if we wanted to use it Pool area clean although we didn't use it. Spent time at beach and excursions Balcony was great for chilling out at night. Restaurants supermarkets and bars close at hand. Beach was 5 min away from the hotel
羅得島The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach酒店
不論是商務還是休閑旅客,馬努索斯城市酒店都能讓您的羅得島之行變得更加美好而難忘。附近很多景點,包括Colorado Club、Captain Hook Bar和Elli Beach都離酒店不遠。所有極具特色的客房都配備有房內保險箱、空調和衣櫃/衣櫥,讓您感受到更加貼心細緻的入住體驗。除此之外,配備有吹風機的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。可以去酒店酒吧,舒適的環境,可供您休憩放鬆。如果您喜歡安靜的用餐,酒店可以提供房間送餐服務。住客既能在 室外泳池揮灑汗水,也可以在按摩室放鬆身心。酒店的會議廳提供優質服務,是眾多商旅客選擇入住這裏的原因。酒店設有24小時前台諮詢服務,為下榻至此的您提供最貼心的行程安排。

訪客 2022.11.27
Όλο το προσωπικό ήταν πολύ φιλικό και ευγενικό. Το δωμάτιο μας πολύ άνετο και με θέα την πόλη. Ήταν πολύ καθαρά παντού. Βρίσκεται πολύ κοντά στην κέντρο της πόλης. Περάσαμε υπέροχα. Ήταν μία καταπληκτική εμπειρία και η περιοχή πολύ καλή. Σίγουρα θα πάμε ξανά.
羅得島The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach酒店
若想要遊覽羅得島,埃斯佩里亞城市酒店將會是一個不錯的的住宿之選。旅客們會發現The Church Of The Virgin Mary、Church of Our Lady of Victory ''Santa Maria''和Escape House距離酒店都不遠。所有極具特色的客房都配備有空調和衣櫃/衣櫥,讓您感受到更加貼心細緻的入住體驗。浴室內提供吹風機,讓您感受到賓至如歸的享受。酒吧旨在為旅客和您的朋友提供一處消遣的場所。倘若您覺得酒店的餐飲服務無法滿足您的需求,附近的Tamam(Tamam)(希臘菜)、Belmo Palace(西餐)和Archipélagos(Αρχιπέλαγος)(披薩)不妨可以試試。優美的環境,再搭配上細緻周到的服務,酒店的休閑區定能滿足您的品質需求。酒店設有24小時前台諮詢服務,為下榻至此的您提供最貼心的行程安排。

HHucki B 2024.09.11
The hotel is well-located, just about 5 minutes from the beach (northeast side of the island). The rooms are a bit outdated and the bathroom is small, but they are adequate for a vacation. The housekeeping staff does an excellent job, cleaning the room daily as if it were the first time we were entering. The reception staff is friendly, though we had issues with our room key card, which failed to work 5 times over 8 days. The main issue was with the woman who checks room numbers at breakfast; she was very unkind and did not allow us to take two sandwiches from breakfast, despite us needing food for a day at remote beaches where we couldn't buy any. Overall, it was a pleasant stay.
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列奧納多克林比亞度假村 - 全包式
羅得島 | 距離The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach4.72KM


JJezza for life最近有幸入住10GR精品酒店&酒吧,不得不說從頭到尾都是一次傑出的體驗。這家酒店的服務是一流的;工作人員超越一切,以確保我有一個舒適愉快的住宿。他們不僅專業,而且非常友好和細心。他們的熱情和熱情好客真的讓我感到歡迎。 酒店的設施也非常棒,我住的房間裝修高雅,乾淨,維護得很好,我欣賞房間設計各個方面對細節的關注。酒店的公共區域也很可愛,有一個迷人的氛圍。 現在說說食物–是我入住的亮點,10GR精品酒店&酒吧提供的早餐簡直就是例外,選擇的品種和菜品的質量超出了我的預期。每天早上,我急切地期待着開始我的一天,他們提供的美味傳播。顯然,他們付出了很大的努力,爲客人創造一個愉快的早餐體驗。 綜上所述,我在10GR精品酒店&酒吧的體驗太棒了,服務無可挑剔,設施令人印象深刻,食物是真正的享受。我強烈推薦這家酒店給任何在該地區尋找難忘和愉快的住宿的人。這是一個真正的寶石,我迫不及待地想再次訪問。
每晚最低價格: HKD 1105
FFrancisco地理位置驚人,在Vlycha海灘的一個安靜角落,在這裏感覺比較平靜,放鬆。它的位置也很方便,在10-min開車去Lindos鎮。海灘步行只需3分鐘。酒店很現代,有新感覺,非常簡約,我們很喜歡。這是一家我們喜歡的成人酒店,所以我們真的有更寧靜的心情。早餐很棒,種類很多,所以我們在5天內沒有感到無聊。在一家餐廳(Agistr)吃晚餐很棒,服務很好。酒店還允許我們在下午1點晚退房(標準時間是上午11點),這很好,因爲我們在退房當天上午1030點在spa預訂了面部治療,因爲這是當天上午唯一可用的。淋浴工作完美,可以看到游泳池和大海。我們的私人游泳池總是很乾淨,看起來新。客房服務人員也非常友好,做了適當的清理。 改進以下方面的機會: 1.管家一點也不友好,這令人失望,因爲他是第一個在大堂迎接客人的人。我們帶着租來的車到達了前線,他甚至沒有打招呼。當我們問到車停在哪裏時,他非常有攻擊性,他只是簡單地指出我們看到的街道上的任何空位。他還負責在辦理入住手續時帶着行李送我們去房間,這也是幾分鐘的尷尬。 2.入住有點笨拙。雖然接待小姐真的很好,但他通過酒店應用程序(我們首先必須下載)協助我們入住。這花了一些時間,才有可能以正常的方式簡單地檢查我們。我明白酒店想把app推給客人,不過最好先正常入住後要求我們下載應用。這樣感覺就不是:如果不下載應用,就不能辦理入住因爲最終,我們發現該應用程序很有幫助。一天下午,我們在林多斯鎮,在那裏通過該應用程序預訂了我們的按摩和晚餐。 3.我們住的這幾天房間電話線一直沒通,我們第一天報的,啥都沒發生我們有一些問題應用程序無法回答,我們總是必須到前台問一些小問題,比如房間的一瓶酒要多少錢,或者如果可以延遲退房的話。 4.一天晚上,我們在泳池酒吧閒逛,只有一個服務人員。我們等了大約半小時才拿到飲料,他只經過一次,說要來,雖然我們可以看到酒吧,沒有人準備任何東西。 總的來說,我們非常喜歡我們的住宿,物有所值。我們會再次回來並推薦。
林多斯大度假村和水療中心 - 限成人
林多斯大度假村和水療中心 - 限成人
每晚最低價格: HKD 1388
訪客This is a very good hotel, the location is brilliant, 1 minute walk away from the beach. The Old Town where the main attractions are is 20 minutes walk or 5 minutes drive away. There is parking right out the front free of charge, it can be tricky to find a space, I imagine in the summer it would be difficult but May was fine, I was able to park every day. The breakfast was fine as well but very busy with not many tables left over. There was also a good choice. The rooms were clean, although I could not find any controls for the air conditioning so it did get quite stuffy. The air con comes on very briefly when the balcony door is closed and then goes off again after a minute. There were also quite a few small bugs around the balcony door and a few in the bathroom but this may just be because it was very hot in there. All in all though, a great hotel
每晚最低價格: HKD 508
訪客Not sure why people give this five stars. Currently staying there based on reviews. Hotel is clean but rooms are tired. Service is poor had to keep getting up to get more wine for dinner, service at bars is poor as only two poor souls covering a lot of guests so go the bar to get your own, generally people mainly invisible when comes to service. Food is nothing special it’s all ok but not 5 star not even Greek 5 star. Sheraton was a mile better
每晚最低價格: HKD 949
訪客Ότι χρειάζεται για επισκέπτες που αποφεύγουν το συνωστισμό των μεγάλων ξενοδοχείων. Εξαιρετική σχέση ποιότητας τιμής. Ειλικρινά δεν περίμενα να βρώ τόσο φροντισμένο ξενοδοχείο. Μεγάλο άνετο στρώμα. Ποιοτικό μπουφέ στο πρόγευμα με φρέσκα υλικά. Πολύ βολική τοποθεσία. Και πάνω από όλα μείναμε με την ευγένεια και προθυμία του προσωπικού και των ιδιοκτητών. Με την πρώτη ευκσιρία θα το ξαναεπισκεφτούμε.
每晚最低價格: HKD 426
Our stay at the resort was truly wonderful, with just a few minor hiccups, but nothing that detracted from the overall experience. The staff were all lovely and incredibly friendly, always ready to help and make our stay more enjoyable. One of the highlights of the resort was the selection of dining options. Outside of the usual breakfast, lunch, and dinner services, there are three fantastic specialty restaurants: Japanese, Greek, and Italian, each offering delicious, authentic cuisine. If you’re not in the mood for a sit-down meal, there’s even a food truck serving up some tasty junk food, perfect for a quick and casual bite. The resort itself is stunning, with a beautiful design that includes a small flowing river running through the property, adding a peaceful, natural ambiance. The interiors are just as impressive—sleek yet elegant, combining modern comfort with a touch of luxury. All in all, it’s a great place to relax and enjoy yourself, with just a few minor bumps along the way.
訪客The hotel is clean and well maintained and the staff are helpful and friendly. We didn't eat in the bar so I can't comment on the food but it looked good and plentiful if a little overpriced! Be aware though that almost EVERYTHING is an extra so budget quite a bit more if you want to use sunbeds, air conditioning or wifi. We didn't as the costs were outrageous. We had a Superior Studio apartment and the beds were very comfortable and the room cleaned daily. We didn't find any of the 'complimentary' toiletries which they advertise although we had a lovely but empty liquid soap dispenser! The shower is really good and would be better if the shower screen had been bigger. They do supply a squeegee for you to remove all the water that sprays all over the bathroom floor. The shower has a fixed head and can't be adjusted and there is a switchable hand shower head for squirting your 'bits'. A good hair dryer is provided. The biggest deal-breaker for us was that in no way was it a fully equipped self-catering apartment. There is NO KETTLE, NO TOASTER and very little of anything else in the way of kitchen equipment. A coffee peculator is provided which is useless (and I stress useless) for making tea. If you want to self-cater, the very reason we booked this hotel, don't bother booking here. You will be very disappointed. If you want to eat out there are many very good restaurants within very short walking distance. You'll be lucky to get breakfast before 10:30 AM though. If you are a light sleeper then think about what it would be like sleeping within one meter of your fridge compressor turning on and off all night long. The balcony is far from private and ours had only a view of an orange tree which was sprayed with chemicals (I assume) every couple of days! It was right next to the walkway to all the other apartments which is great if you want to meet everyone while you're trying to eat your boiled egg and no toast breakfast washed down with lukewarm tea! All in all we had a great time in Rhodes and this hotel could so easily be made to be perfect but sadly I really think they are more interested in taking money than providing a comfortable self-catering holiday experience. Still gave them an above average score though for all the good reasons stated above but we won't be staying there again for all the many bad reasons. Be sure to check out the Royal bar just round the corner. The food is wonderful, the owner and staff are fantastic and the prices reasonable. A bit further on is the San Allotte restaurant which is equally good (maybe better) but more expensive.
每晚最低價格: HKD 187
Travelled in late June. Hotel was full but not all the amenities were open, the bar over the pool, the inside bar/restaurant was only offering breakfast. The pool was lovely but the step access is not mobility impaired friendly and did cause me problems. Plenty of sunbeds/umbrellas available. Grounds clean and tidy, though towards the end of the week some of the customers could not be bothered to use the bins supplied which was frustrating. Rooms are basic but we're clean and functional. Attempting self catering would be challenging as extremely limited kitchen equipment was available. I forgot to take plugs for the sink a trick I remember previously! Rooms were serviced daily to a good standard. Gardens were lovely, leading to the on site taverna - food was brilliant and a great variety to suit all needs, good value too. No entertainment within hotel, but this suited our needs but may be an issue for others. We knew that we were close to the airport (10 minute transfer), a deliberate choice, be aware you are directly under the landing flight path - didn't bother us but I suspect others might complain
每晚最低價格: HKD 292
We arrived late it looked very nice ,rooms basic no water in the fridge no kettle etc brought my own, beds in the living area were stone with a matress on my granddaughter didn't complain only place for clothes was the wardrobe in my bedroom . Food in the restaurant was good always found something to eat but the pool snack area was relatively the same every day but kids seem to like it . The bars were not well staffed and with three adults you could still only get 2 alcoholic drinks at a time which was not good after a few days they let us have more ! . The a la carte bar was nice and comfortable but it was €6 a pint and my granddaughter loved the pizza there and the barman was very pleasant. The kids disco was enjoyable for my 6 year old granddaughter because she made some lovely friends there but that is where the evening entertainment was which was supposedly abysmal (we never went because it was stinky and not very comfortable on plastic chairs) luckily we made friends with people and just sat outside the hotel bar . Outside the hotel is nothing really but we went to the rainbow bar to watch the football and beautiful sunsets! and that is a really nice place very friendly staff . Animation team try their best the kids club my 6 year old granddaughter went to did their best took them to the aquapark one day and she drew pictures the rest of the time , they did things round the pool aqua aerobics and water polo nearly every day . To be honest I still had a really good time with my family there but they do need more staff , I know this day and age there are cutbacks everywhere but some people have to save for a long time for a family holiday and I think the management need to realise that and make sure people have a great time . The staff I encountered were all very nice but I think they need more so that they enjoy working .
菲利莫斯村 - 全包酒店
菲利莫斯村 - 全包酒店
每晚最低價格: HKD 643
We have just returned from a 10 night stay, all inclusive. We have been to Pefkos before self catering and thoroughly enjoyed all the wonderful restaurants, however the Pefkos Breeze was a really price so decided to go AI. I was very apprehensive, not a lot of reviews since it was reburbished & changed it's name.. We arrived & found the Reception welcoming & modern very much like the rooms. We had a teenager with us, the 3rd bed was a camp bed bit small but we managed. Room & bathroom overall clean with kettle, really good fridge & hairdryer. Towels changed every other day & plenty loo rolll. Our balcony was a bit small, but we did not use it apart from drying the towels. There was no lift to our room on the 3rd floor, so something to consider if you have mobility issues. In with the AI are 3 meals, breakfast is hot & cold buffet, bacon, beans, mushroom with a gentleman preparing omlettes on request. At lunch they have a huge outdoor kitchen with Bbq & pizza oven. Every lunch time gyros, pizza, chips and a range of salads. Evening there is always meat, fish, pasta, & veg. At meal times there is ice cream, watermelon & cakes. I never struggled with the food, always found something. We only ate out once. This AI does not come with snacks or food in between the 3 meals which I did not find a problem. Drinks are help yourself in the restaurant, tea, coffee, wine, beer & soft drinks. There is an outside bar open from 10am, again soft drinks, tea, coffee, beer, spirits and water. The staff will make cocktails & we enjoyed tequila sunrises amongst others. Bar shuts 11pm prompt. 2 pools, we enjoyed the pool by the bar and sunbeds available all day, no need to put your towels out early!!! Air con is fantastic so we slept well & it's free of charge. There is a shop on site & you are only a 5 minute walk from the centre of Pefkos. After being very apprehensive following a few comments on social media we were pleasantly surprised. We had a lovely relaxing holiday.
Pefkos Breeze Hotel & Spa
Pefkos Breeze Hotel & Spa
每晚最低價格: HKD 517


The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach附近哪些酒店最受歡迎?

港口皇家別墅和温泉酒店-限成人,列奧納多克林比亞度假村 - 全包式全包的大西洋藍酒店 是其中幾間最熱門的酒店。

The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach附近有哪些豪華酒店?

列奧納多克林比亞度假村 - 全包式,波爾圖埃格里酒店Holiday Village Rhodos by Atlantica 是幾間性價比高的熱門豪華酒店。

The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach附近哪些酒店受預算有限的旅客歡迎?

無論您是出門公幹還是旅行散心, 羅斯馬利酒店奧納羅斯酒店 都是價格相宜的熱門酒店。

今個週末The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach附近酒店的平均價格是?

根據 Trip.com 的數據分析,於週末入住羅得島The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach附近的酒店每晚平均價格為HK$2,139。價格浮動且變動頻繁,以上數據只供參考。

The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach附近哪些酒店有提供早餐?

一日之計在於晨,吃一頓豐富美味的早餐,開展精彩的一天吧!如果您想在羅得島The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach附近找一間提供早餐的酒店,可考慮入住 港口皇家別墅和温泉酒店-限成人,列奧納多克林比亞度假村 - 全包式全包的大西洋藍酒店 。記得盡早預訂這幾間熱門酒店!

The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach附近酒店每晚的平均價格是?

根據 Trip.com 的數據分析,羅得島The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach附近的酒店每晚平均價格為HK$2,104。價格浮動且變動頻繁,以上數據只供參考。

The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach附近哪些酒店有提供免費 Wi-Fi?

無論您是要出門公幹還是旅行散心,Wi-Fi 都必不可少。 港口皇家別墅和温泉酒店-限成人,列奧納多克林比亞度假村 - 全包式全包的大西洋藍酒店 是幾間提供免費 Wi-Fi 的熱門酒店。

The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach附近哪些酒店設有健身室?

健康對於很多客人來說都是頭等大事,因此大部份酒店都會提供健身室,讓您即便在假期中也能努力鍛鍊身體。 港口皇家別墅和温泉酒店-限成人,列奧納多克林比亞度假村 - 全包式全包的大西洋藍酒店 是幾間提供健身室的熱門酒店。

The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach附近有哪些無障礙酒店?

港口皇家別墅和温泉酒店-限成人,列奧納多克林比亞度假村 - 全包式羅得島庫克酒店-限成人 是幾間提供無障礙設施的熱門酒店。

The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach附近哪些酒店設有禁煙房?

很多客人都非常重視酒店房間的質素,並想確保房間裡空氣清新潔淨。 港口皇家別墅和温泉酒店-限成人,列奧納多克林比亞度假村 - 全包式全包的大西洋藍酒店 是幾間提供非吸煙房間的熱門酒店。

The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach附近哪些熱門酒店設有停車場?

如果您打算自行駕車到羅得島The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach,何不入住 港口皇家別墅和温泉酒店-限成人,列奧納多克林比亞度假村 - 全包式全包的大西洋藍酒店 ?這幾間熱門酒店都有停車場。

The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach附近有哪些推薦酒店?

如果您舉棋不定,難以選擇,不如考慮入住 在阿爾卡塔洛斯的Aesthesis感覺,Aesthisis感官住宿阿爾法斯泰戈納太陽酒店 。這幾間酒店評價極佳,記得提早預訂!

The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach附近哪些熱門酒店設有游泳池?

暑假正是一家大小一齊去羅得島The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach的好時候! 港口皇家別墅和温泉酒店-限成人,列奧納多克林比亞度假村 - 全包式全包的大西洋藍酒店 是幾間有游泳池的熱門酒店。

The Jacuzzi of Stegna Beach附近哪些熱們酒店設有餐廳?

如果您想在旅行中品嘗一下正宗當地美食,您可以考慮入住 港口皇家別墅和温泉酒店-限成人,列奧納多克林比亞度假村 - 全包式全包的大西洋藍酒店 。這幾間酒店附近有不少提供當地美食的餐廳。