正在尋找Alvar & Maija附近的酒店?不妨參考真實旅客的評價。


探索Alvar & Maija附近的熱門酒店


4.7/581 評價


特隆赫姆|距離Alvar & Maija0.25km
A proper 5 star hotel in Trondheim! Even though we are from Trondheim ourselves we decided to spoil ourselves in a luxury stay at Britannia. We booked a Deluxe Room which is more than large enough for two people. The room included a seating area and table, as well as a desk. Where other hotels tend to save money on building their bathrooms ”institution style”, that is definitely not the case here. It was the nicest and most comfortable hotel bathroom I have ever seen. A couple of observations you might find useful: - Room service is open throughout the night, which means you can always get food without having to leave the hotel at any time of the day (and night). Perfect if you arrive late. - Room service is blistering fast. Food arrived within 20 minutes from us ordering and the food was excellent. - Housekeeping does a extra round in the early evening to prepare the room for the night. We were so pleasantly surprised about this when we came back to the room and found it all tidy. New towels, bed made up ready for sleep, new water bottles and of course chocolate. They had even put a dust cap on my half full glass of juice. A very nice touch! - Entrance to the spa is included. We went there on a Saturday afternoon and it was too crowded for our taste. Try visiting during off-hours. A number of different treatments can be booked too, but we did not try those. - Breakfast is served in the iconic Palmehaven where you can order from the menu, eat from the buffet or do like us: both. All is included in the room fee. You can order breakfast to your room but I would strongly advise to at least go to Palmehaven once. Our stay was overwhelmingly positive, but there are two negatives I want to remark at the end of this review. - We had arranged a few items (strawberrys, sweets and drinks) to be ready at our room on arrival. These were not there when we arrived, so we had to call the receiption to sort it out. They were quick to bring it to our room - but as I had ordered it as a surprise it wasn't quite the same. - The waiter at one of the hotel restaurants, Jonathan Grill, didn't know the difference between tenderloin and entrecote. When he brought the meat to our table he kept insisting that the entrecote was the tenderloin, while it obviously wasn't. In the end we just ”agreed with him” and swapped plates between us so that I got the entrecote I had ordered and my girlfriend got her tenderloin. I would expect that any waiter at a steakhouse, at least at a 5 star hotel, to be able to spot the difference.



3.9/569 評價


特隆赫姆|距離Alvar & Maija0.06km
Abbiamo prenotato la sera stessa una camera per due io e mio fratello. Siamo arrivati in albergo verso Mezzanotte stanchi morti e ci hanno consegnato le chiavi della nostra camera dove avremmo trascorso solo quella notte. Ci è stata consegnata una camera dalle dimensioni minuscole. Non vi era nemmeno lo spazio per la valigia. L’arredo era finto casereccio, palesemente fuori dai gusti odierni, ma questo aspetto non era neanche poi così grave, sebbene io ritenga che l’arredamento di una camera d’albergo sia indicativo di quanta cura viene posta affinché i clienti trascorrano una permanenza piacevole, sopratutto per un hotel 4 stelle. Il motivo della mia delusione è stato piuttosto la pulizia e la manutenzione: Pavimento sporco sia in bagno che in anticamera (sottolineo che siamo in tempi di Covid e io mi aspetto il massimo della pulizia). La tenda della finestra sulla camera si incastrava e faceva fatica a chiudersi completamente. La mia bajour non funzionava. Il bagno un disastro: piano del lavabo in plastica ingiallita con patacche in giro non lavabili. Carta igienica non ripiegata (si sa che la piega all’inizio della carta igienica è un buon segno di qualcuno che prima che tu arrivassi ha pulito e sanificato il bagno). La doccia, risalente almeno agli anni ‘80 con le pareti satinate e il telaio in plastica ingiallito. Macchie agli angoli delle pareti della doccia e in tutto ciò, la totale mancanza della ventola all’interno del bagno, dunque un’umidità indecente. Tornando alla hall principale, abbiamo consumato una colazione piuttosto scarsa di scelta, sopratutto per quanto riguarda i dolci. Come sempre all’estero la colazione salata non manca, tuttavia per coloro che gradiscono mangiare dolce, ahimè erano destinati a dei cereali insipidi che dal sapore probabilmente avevano preso un po’ troppa aria. C’è da dire che guardando la piantina del quadro d’emergenza la nostra camera era tra le più piccoline del piano. Inoltre quella mattina erano presenti lavoratori che ristrutturavano i bagni delle camere affianco alla nostra. Pertanto potrebbe essere che siamo semplicemente stati sfortunati a trovare l’unica camera disponibile dell’hotel, sebbene a colazione non abbiamo visto così tanta clientela. Ad ogni modo questa è la mia recensione al servizio che ho ricevuto e ritengo sia giusto condividerla. Una catena d’albergo così famosa come la Best Western dovrebbe vergognarsi ad avere strutture così vecchie e trascurate.



正在搜尋Alvar & Maija附近的酒店?比較房價和評價,找到您的理想酒店。
3.9/570 評價
4/570 評價
舒適的酒店,乾淨可愛的早餐:禁止停車,不提供電動汽車,不提供客房服務菜單。 。 。但是好的,舒適的床鋪,然後我們離開豪華房,搬到一個三人家庭的標準房,裏面衹有一個羽絨被:當我們全額付款時,被視為****,但為我們的住宿增加了一個額外的夜晚:-(但是酒店還可以
4.7/581 評價
A proper 5 star hotel in Trondheim! Even though we are from Trondheim ourselves we decided to spoil ourselves in a luxury stay at Britannia. We booked a Deluxe Room which is more than large enough for two people. The room included a seating area and table, as well as a desk. Where other hotels tend to save money on building their bathrooms ”institution style”, that is definitely not the case here. It was the nicest and most comfortable hotel bathroom I have ever seen. A couple of observations you might find useful: - Room service is open throughout the night, which means you can always get food without having to leave the hotel at any time of the day (and night). Perfect if you arrive late. - Room service is blistering fast. Food arrived within 20 minutes from us ordering and the food was excellent. - Housekeeping does a extra round in the early evening to prepare the room for the night. We were so pleasantly surprised about this when we came back to the room and found it all tidy. New towels, bed made up ready for sleep, new water bottles and of course chocolate. They had even put a dust cap on my half full glass of juice. A very nice touch! - Entrance to the spa is included. We went there on a Saturday afternoon and it was too crowded for our taste. Try visiting during off-hours. A number of different treatments can be booked too, but we did not try those. - Breakfast is served in the iconic Palmehaven where you can order from the menu, eat from the buffet or do like us: both. All is included in the room fee. You can order breakfast to your room but I would strongly advise to at least go to Palmehaven once. Our stay was overwhelmingly positive, but there are two negatives I want to remark at the end of this review. - We had arranged a few items (strawberrys, sweets and drinks) to be ready at our room on arrival. These were not there when we arrived, so we had to call the receiption to sort it out. They were quick to bring it to our room - but as I had ordered it as a surprise it wasn't quite the same. - The waiter at one of the hotel restaurants, Jonathan Grill, didn't know the difference between tenderloin and entrecote. When he brought the meat to our table he kept insisting that the entrecote was the tenderloin, while it obviously wasn't. In the end we just ”agreed with him” and swapped plates between us so that I got the entrecote I had ordered and my girlfriend got her tenderloin. I would expect that any waiter at a steakhouse, at least at a 5 star hotel, to be able to spot the difference.
4.3/555 評價
早餐超級棒,房間舒適 6樓 可以看得到山,設施齊全,在市中心位置非常便利,城市很小,建議旅遊一般2天就可以,藝術學生免費看各種圖書館,城市裡有兩個中餐廳 味道還好,很平靜 乾淨而優美的小城市
4/561 評價
房間還好,空間合適,不侷促。有沙發。 設施:電視,淋浴,熱水壺 服務:有餐食
4.3/515 評價
城 、 .在威的城市,我們沒有發現它那麼保存(我們從北方走過,所以還不知道南方 ) 它有空氣,美麗的教堂,下午好好做好我們還可以爲博物館、堡和公園而去,但我們沒有去過。如果你問問赫爾馬爾·安德森是誰,他在1952年贏得了三金牌,他就獲得了三次世界盃,三次世界盃。他有個美麗的像


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在Trip.com上,我們為您精心推薦了22家特隆赫姆酒店。當地酒店平均價格大概是785 HKD一晚,特隆赫姆有各種各樣的酒店,定能滿足您對不同旅行的住宿需求。特隆赫姆有1家五星級酒店,平均每晚1030 HKD。特隆赫姆有11家四星級酒店,平均每晚938 HKD。特隆赫姆有7家三星級酒店,平均每晚715 HKD。入住特隆赫姆當地的特色酒店能夠讓遊客得到不一樣的住宿新體驗。喜歡最佳西方的客人來到這裡,可以選擇該品牌旗下的酒店。特隆赫姆有最佳西方的連鎖酒店,喜歡這個品牌的遊客可以選擇入住,享受最佳西方提供的優質服務。布拉特拉P-酒店(P-Hotels Brattøra)特隆赫姆中較具人氣的熱門酒店之一。當然,許多遊客也會選擇施樂城市生活酒店(City Living Schøller Hotel)入住。

倘若您住在特隆赫姆市區的酒店,可以優先遊覽附近的景點,比如Munkholmen, 特隆赫姆藝術博物館, Stiftsgarden木建筑。若想與家人度過一個愉快假期,可以到Elgsethytta, 比馬爾卡, Lavollen一遊。另外,當地評價最高的景點還有:尼達洛斯大教堂。










