

4/583 評價
My husband and I stayed at this property for three nights in the first week of October, 2022 booked through an agency in India. We reached Wilderswil at about 6:30 PM and were fascinated by the beauty of this village and of the inn as well. Conveniently far from the bustling town of Interlaken but also close enough to public transport that can get you there in under 20 minutes. The natural beauty here is enough to make you forgive the flight of stairs you have to lug your international luggage up- Ah what’s a rustic inn without some deficiency in technology? No problem. There was a warm welcome note from Erica and Bernard Muller (the inn owners) in the room and I looked forward to meeting them during our 3-night stay. Alas that was not to happen. The bathroom is quite minuscule and the shower only has a thin curtain to keep the water out, so you’re bound to end up with some spillage onto the floor. So as much as I hated to not continue using the same towel for all three days, I had to use it to soak up the water on the bathroom floor. We headed out that morning on our adventures making it a point to leave a ‘Clean my room’ tag outside the door as we left, and handed over the room key at the reception mentioning we’d like the room cleaned. We came back to the same messy room, linen unfolded and wet towels on the bathroom floor. Oh well, the housekeeping must have misunderstood the tag to be ‘Do not disturb’ as can occasionally happen. So we call the reception to ask for a couple of fresh towels sent up and a Ms. Fabian, flatly refuses. She says, we didn’t go into your room since you indicated ‘Do not disturb’ and now you can’t have fresh towels. “ Why do you need a fresh towel everyday? I don’t” she says when we insisted on one. At this point, I completely lose it and walk down the flight of stairs to the reception to demand some towels and Ms. Fabian says, she trusts her housekeeping more than customers when they tell her the DND sign was hung up. ‘It doesn’t matter what you tell at the reception, it matters what sign was out’. She goes on to tell us how ‘certain kind of people’ is always complaining. When probed as to what kind, she asks me where I’m from and then there you go! She probably didn’t understand the concept of ‘denominator’ as most people at the hotel were South Asians. I go on to explain to her that my degree in physics allows me to understand and explain to her that a short pavement and a negligible curtain cannot keep a turbulent stream of water from a hand held shower from at least minimally flooding the bathroom (condescending yes but wait for it!). She says she is too qualified to talk to ‘the likes of you (me)’. A few minutes later (as if upon someone’s instruction) she comes up to the room, fresh towels in hand saying she would like to ‘apologize for her honesty about us people’. All in all that ruined an exhilarating day we had and we were discussing options to move elsewhere, given the fact that agency had already made a f
4.2/517 評價
Alpenblick 酒店
4.1/565 評價
酒店地點比其它酒店遠離火車站。地方整潔,早餐品種多及有特色。 可惜服務上要給差評,理應下午三時入住,要等到下午四時才有房,也和1小時前指出的房間有分別。 我們坐在房間門口外吃東西,拿了一張布質凳仔放食物,在上麪鋪了保護。但一老婦(感覺是酒店的主人,是住在我們房間隔壁)經過,拿了兩塊布過來要我們再保護好這張凳😳期間不停的訓導我們不應該在門外吃東西(應該在花園內吃),會弄汚這凳子,更提醒不能在房間裏吃東西,房間裏的垃圾應該拿出外麪15米外垃圾桶拋棄,因為會產生異味影響房間空氣質素云云。在移動食物期間。飲料倒瀉了,她的麪色更難看。又訓斥了一頓,說什麼毀壞了這張凳。 這樣的服務實在可惡。我們住酒店住得多了,但從來未有遇過這樣酒店的服務人員(或老闆)。 百分百不推薦, 住費也不平便宜。It is a really bad hotel stay experience. Highly not recommend as it doesn't match its high price with its service.
4.1/525 評價
我不確定是否要留在這裏,因爲評論多樣,但我很高興我這樣做了。我延長了兩次住宿!我被升級到“小屋”,這是一座現代化的緊鄰式小屋,在那裏我有一個寬敞的房間,可以提供任何想要的東西,包括很棒的景色和陽台。寬敞的餐廳的自助早餐非常棒,非常全套和多種選擇 - 從熱培根和雞蛋到各種冷肉和奶酪到穀類食品和很棒的咖啡機。停車寬敞,免費(這個地區很少見)因特拉肯是一個有趣的目的地 - 但您確實爲此付費!!通常至少是我住在這裏所付價格的兩倍。由於酒店距離城鎮大約1公里,所以最好在這裏有車;或者騎自行車;或者享受散步。
4.2/523 評價
西式早餐,不錯 離站台步行1~2分鐘,非常方便。有停車場 溫馨,古意 共享衛生間,也很方便,沒有一次遇見排隊,整潔寬敞。 非常推薦
阿爾卑斯 - 少女峯酒店
4.1/527 評價


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