
3.6/548 評價
我和我的妻子在這裏呆了一晚,以利用一些免費的 Vline 火車票券,所以正如我們的主人告訴我們的那樣,我們不是大多數乘坐汽車到達汽車旅館的旅行者。我們選擇這個地方是因爲價格合理,以前的評論很好,位置離遊客信息中心旁邊的 Vline 教練終端不遠。 我們的大牀房基本,但乾淨、舒適,空調很好。餐具、陶器和小吃供應充足,還有微波爐和烤麪包機。雖然不在汽車旅館用餐,但我們的主人告訴我們附近有一家咖啡館。在結帳和長途汽車離開之間的空閒時間裏,他非常迷人地和我們聊天,並親切地照顧我們的行李。總之,這是一次非常愉快的經歷。
3.5/5114 評價
這家汽車旅館非常適合駕車遊覽阿德萊德時短暫停留。靠近進出阿德萊德的主要高速公路和道路很方便。房間裡有你短暫停留所需的一切(微波爐除外)。 接待處為您的住宿收取 50 美元的押金,所以請記住,在辦理入住手續時,您可以在結賬時取回押金,但考慮到我們過去三個月一直在澳大利亞旅行並且從未有過如此高的費用,這讓我感到有點震驚存款這麼高。 房間不是最乾淨的,我們選擇使用我們自己的 doona,因為我們房間裡的那個有污漬和氣味,我的伙伴的枕頭也有尿味。 就價格而言,這不是一個糟糕的夜晚,希望他們能解決一些問題,我會再次入住。
4/596 評價
Perfect location for our drive Perth to Melbourne, easy access from and to the highway. Spacious, clean room with table, couch, TV, aircon and very comfortable bed. Ensuite a little outdated but the room had been freshened up. We had trouble connecting to the wifi. The restaurant was closed on our visit but we ordered room service and enjoyed our meal. Staff were very friendly and helpful. Be aware that while there is a 'late check-in' window, a sign on the door said that reception hours had changed to 8am - 8pm (when we booked the site said it was open all night... it might be wise to check ahead if you're likely to be later) Good, clean accommodation. We had a good stay.
4.1/595 評價
4/5101 評價
Views were great....mostly clean except for ledges in main room and bathroom were full of mould...i recieved a text message b 4 check in friday and issues contact given mobile....i messaged a complain and pictures to number given i was told wring number...sent email heard nothung as yet...laundry was thick in dust.
4/5106 評價
4.3/5106 評價
In their internet site they say: ”FREE AIRPORT TRANSFERS FOR GUESTS”. So I emailed them and asked for a transfer from the airport. Their answer: ”this will depend on the cleaning of rooms”… What? I emailed them again, and this time their answer was: ”This can be arranged for you”. What do you mean ”can be arranged ”? arrange it! I emailed them for the third time, and this time they said: ”We will endeavor to do our best as long as the flight is not delayed”. Well, the flight was not delayed. It arrived in Coober Pedy exactly on time, and surprise surprise, no one was at the airport to take us! We stood there hopelessly, until a local who works at the airport pitied us and brought us to the motel. Do you think that someone at the motel mentioned the incident? Apologized? Ha! The room was not clean enough. When we turned on the AC, pieces of some sort of trash came flying down from the upper vents. We had to turn it off. The next morning, we put the sign PLEASE TIDY UP MY ROOM on the doorknob. When we came back, we saw that nothing was done. We asked why and got the answer: ”Guests can only use the other side of the sign – DO NOT DISTURB”…
4.2/587 評價
4.3/565 評價
不要根據封面來判斷一本書。外面有點過時了。我們的房間是如此漂亮、乾淨和新裝修。牀很舒服。業主和員工都很友好和包容 酒店後面有一個不錯的戶外區域 靠近你需要的一切,比如酒吧、商店、食客、咖啡店和超級市場巴士站穿過馬路到達酒店城市
4.4/5116 評價
We had a magnificent time at The Commodore recently. We had a wonderful, spacious room; as well as a very attentive bartender who helped us enjoy and choose a few pre-drink gins from their enormous selection. Dinner was fantastic, be both had amazing steak and sides, and beautiful wine. Breakfast the next morning was also lovely. I would stay here again next time I'm in the Mount, no questions.


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