
4.4/568 評價
Charming Boutique Hotel! The only reason I have rated Service as Good is because our experience at the Lamp Hotel started off on the wrong foot, thanks to Cecelia behind the front desk. Our initial conversation with her was so awkward and rude, we just looked at each other shocked that she was so unprofessional:( She was so rude to us upon entering the hotel. We politely asked if we could try to check in early. She looked us up and down head to toe with such an off putting attitude and did not even reciprocate in conversation when we asked other questions. Another couple came into the lobby right after us, and she immediately shifted her conversation to them, leaving us standing there speechless, as she began a conversation with them in Swedish. We had arrived so tired, but so excited, as my friend had already stayed at The Lamp Hotel, and had filled me in on how great the hotel was. Cecelia was not warm or friendly to us from the get go, nor accommodating to even offer to take our luggage to store until check in. We had to ask her to do this for us, and my friend literally had to ask her her name about 2 times, before she would acknowledge her question or look in our direction as we asked her questions. We had just traveled 9 hours by flight from the US, and her attitude and personality was not welcoming in any way. We thought we had made a huge mistake booking at the Lamp because of her. We were so glad we did not have to see her again during our whole stay. She was terrible and needs training on empathy, people skills, and basic hospitality. She may not be the best option for behind the front desk as the first point of contact for your hotel. Now once we got past this terrible welcome, we enjoyed our stay so much. The hotel and rooms were gorgeous. The rest of the staff were lovely. The entire hotel is clean, sexy and wonderful! The location is wonderful, the lobby is so chic. The spa is GREAT. The bathrooms are spacious and lovely. I enjoyed my picture window, the tasteful decor and all little details. Housekeeping is PERFECTION. I did breakfast each morning and the kitchen and staff there are INCREDIBLE. They all deserve raises. They were hustling, serving, cleaning, and just a vision of unity and of how to run a kitchen:) The way they all worked and got on so well with each other, was so nice to see. Overall, besides our rude welcome thanks to Cecelia, I thoroughly enjoyed our stay and WOULD stay again. I plan to go back and stay with my husband when we visit Sweden later this year.
3.9/560 評價
我們住在頂樓(7/F),可以看到教堂和廣場。房間乾淨,浴缸很大。早餐不錯,有各種麪包和新鮮水果。還可以自己做迷你煎餅。位置完美,位於市中心,靠近火車站。附近有很多餐館和壽司酒吧。酒店底層有一個酒吧,您可以在90 skr左右喝啤酒。這是我第二次入住這家酒店。
3.7/555 評價
4/557 評價
4.1/548 評價
3.9/541 評價
3.4/59 評價
3.6/540 評價
3.8/59 評價
My friend had booked sheets and towel with a person through the phone. When we got there after closing time, there were no sheets in the room. We tried calling/texting their mobile number, thinking they would check it for emergencies. We got no response! Mistakes can happen, but they did not even apologize. We did get a cheaper price, but their treatment was not nice! Most places have a phone number for emergencies, but not this place.
3.8/543 評價
Scandic Norrköping Nord是一個非常乾淨,舒適的選擇,如果您正在尋找選擇留在Notrköping。它非常靠近連接斯德哥爾摩和卡爾馬的高速公路。它有一個大型停車場,房間與其他Scandic酒店一樣漂亮和舒適。工作人員很友好,渴望幫助他們的客人。早餐是標準的,最好的部分是兒童遊樂區,足球和乒乓球。它有一個很好的酒吧和餐廳,在探索諾爾科平或周圍的一天後,可以享用一頓豐盛的晚餐。


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平均價格(平日)EUR 140
平均價格(週末)EUR 140