Family-friendly Attractions
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Trip.Best Popular Family-friendly Attractions Near Bazhong [2024]

Discover the best family-friendly attractions near Bazhong. Explore our top picks for family fun and create beautiful memories together!
Updated Jun 2024
  • No.1
    74772 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 6637 reviews
    "It’s so convenient for foreigners to book this ticket on It’s much easier than to book on the official site. We just arrive and show our passports and we are let in 😁 The center is huge, although most of pandas are at the south entrance. If you are checking the rest of the center, getting the bus ticket is recommended. The day we booked was raining and we thought we won’t see any panda, but they are not deterred. In fact, they like rainy days more than a hot day 😃"
    Chengdu.Panda base/Theatre General Hospital
    >100km from Bazhong
    Highlights: You can watch adorable pandas up close
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  • No.2
    4445 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 63 reviews
    "#成都博物馆 花重锦官城,怎一个天府之国!远古先民植根于此片土地,西蜀时期始称天府,隋唐五代宋元达到巅峰,逐渐形成当前版图;广府外销扇精美绝伦,引得不少妹子都在搔首弄姿凹造型。民俗篇/近世篇都很不错。#成都博物馆"
    Chengdu.Tianfu Square/Chengdu Museum
    >100km from Bazhong
    Highlights: Discover collections from the Neolithic Age to the Republic of China period
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  • No.3
    4825 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 416 reviews
    "it very nice from here i recommandvery better for evey oneit very nice from here i recommandvery better for evey one very nice"
    >100km from Bazhong
    Highlights: Chongqing Zoo is situated in Yangjiaping in the city's Jiulongpo District. The zoo is home to one of China's national treasures, the panda, of which there are more than in the average zoo. The National Huanan Tiger Breeding Center is also based at the zoo. There is nothing better than visiting the zoo at the weekend with kids to look at the variety of animals. Chongqing Zoo is home to quite a complete range of animals, including giant pandas, giraffes, lions, zebra, elephants, tigers, crocodiles, and apes. If you follow the instructions when you stroll around the zoo, you can see all the animals without walking down the same path twice.
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  • No.4
    35572 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 7 reviews
    "Chengdu Polar Ocean Park is located in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, is a marine park with the theme of polar marine life. The park is rich in marine life, including polar bears, penguins, seals, dolphins, etc., and there is a large aquarium featuring a variety of marine life, you can experience the wonders of the sea world up close! What impressed me most was the Polar Bear Hall, where I watched these giant polar bears stroll leisurely through the ice and snow world as if they were in the cold Arctic. In addition, the park also has a "Penguin Pavilion", you can watch groups of penguins playing in the pool, so cute! In addition to watching marine life, there are interactive programs such as the Dolphin Show, so that visitors can get closer to the marine life, understand the habits of marine life, and feel the charm of the sea world. Chengdu Polar Ocean Park is really a suitable attraction for parents and children to enjoy, let children learn about marine life, can also enjoy the fun of interacting with marine life, is a park worth visiting."
    Chengdu.HuaYang Region/Chengdu Haichang Polar Ocean Park
    >100km from Bazhong
    Highlights: A family-friendly paradise that blends the wonders of animal science with the beauty of nature
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  • No.5
    10209 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 127 reviews
    "Chengdu Zoo offers an enjoyable experience for visitors of all ages. The zoo is well-maintained and home to a diverse range of animals, including the famous giant pandas. The enclosures are spacious and designed to mimic natural habitats, ensuring the animals' comfort. Informative signs provide educational insights, and the staff are friendly and knowledgeable. While some areas could benefit from modernization, overall, Chengdu Zoo provides a delightful and educational da"
    Chengdu.The train north station/ChengDu Zoo
    >100km from Bazhong
    Highlights: There are hundreds of species at Chengdu Zoo, including mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and beautiful fish. You can appreciate tigers, lions, giraffes, red-crowned cranes, and elephants. The most-loved animal at the zoo is the giant panda. The snub-nosed monkey is also a favorite for children. Zhaojue Temple, a Buddhist temple, is located right next to the zoo and you can visit both attractions on the same trip.
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  • No.6
    6408 Review
    "Chongqing Happy Valley is the perfect spot for a family day out! Packed with exciting rides and attractions for all ages, there's never a dull moment here. From thrilling roller coasters to charming themed areas, everyone in the family will find something they love. The park's lively atmosphere and friendly staff make it a welcoming place to spend quality time together. Whether you're screaming your way through a ride or enjoying a tasty snack, there's plenty of fun to be had. With so much to see and do, Chongqing Happy Valley is guaranteed to create cherished memories for the whole family. It's definitely worth a visit if you're looking for a day of excitement and togetherness!"
    Chongqing.Lijia/Happy Valley
    >100km from Bazhong
    Highlights: More than 100 attractions to choose from
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  • No.7
    13104 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 498 reviews
    "推荐 最近大家去欢乐谷玩,人不是很多、也不太热。 欢乐谷这个小程序真的好用,里面可以看到项目的排队时长、也有实时地图,智能且好用,每一个项目简介里面都可以看到,也有项目实景的照片。 我去的时候人不是很多,有的过山车项目直接二刷,每一个过山车我都玩了一遍,激流勇进玩了两遍。好玩的很,有几个是玩了一次还想玩第二次。 水上乐园也开了,感受很不错,水不是很脏。园区内还有沙子,沙子蛮软的,触感比我想象中要好很多,沙子上面还架有吊床,本人亲自躺上去测试过,不会掉,牢固! 总之,很推荐大家去玩!是一次美好的游玩体验。"
    Chengdu.Chengdu Happy Valley andSouthwest Jiaotong University
    >100km from Bazhong
    Highlights: Happy Valley Chengdu is a theme park that is part of the Happy Valley Chain theme parks that also have editions in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. It is an attraction suitable for a day trip. They have a variety of thrilling rides that target visitors of different ages. With attractions like the Magic Castle District and the Happy Light District in the Valley, there are entertainment options catered for children. The park has four roller coasters with two best thrill rides (Dragon in Clouds and Fly Over Mediterranean) right next to each other. It also has multiple rides and attractions that are more mild and targeted at those with less of an appetite for thrills making it an ideal attraction for families.
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  • No.8
    1702 Review
    "Not only changing faces, there are many programs, rubber band rolling lights, shaking bamboo, hand shadow drama, tea performance, and will come down to buy tea for customers, interactive is very good. The face change is very exciting, the master who appeared on the scene finally changed from face to face, too amazing ~"
    Chengdu.Wenshu Monastery/Longhu Shangcheng Sky Street
    >100km from Bazhong
  • No.9
    949 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 189 reviews
    Chengdu.Du Fu thatched cottage/Sichuan people's Hospital
    >100km from Bazhong
    Highlights: Sichuan Museum is located on Huanhua South Street in Chengdu's Wuhou District (to the east of Huanhuaxi Park). Among the most distinctive museum's collections are the Bhag Bronze, Zhang Daqian's paintings and the Sichuan Han Dynasty portrait bricks and pottery. Dafeng Hall contains many of Zhang Daqian works, especially the Dunhuang murals.
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  • No.10
    20038 Review
    "抓住假期的尾巴,带孩子们方特一-日游。 还好今天人相对不是太多,想玩的项目基本上都感受过了,除了错过了《神话》外,其他都很完美。友情提示:《神话》 平时下午五点就闭馆了,下次要早点去。推荐《哪吒闹海》、《女娲补天》、《伴你飞翔》、《九州神韵》 .... 《伴你飞翔》是4D大屏感受凌空飞翔鸟瞰神州大地风光,伴随着《我和我的祖国》的歌声感觉无比骄傲自豪。《九州神韵》 巨幕立体展示了中国华夏5000年的历史轨迹,身临其境地.上了一场精彩的历史课,适合带小朋友一起观看。《哪吒闹海》 、《女娲补天》 、《水漫 金山》都是4D结合水上漂流,类似于迪士尼的《加勒比海盗》,紧张刺激,好开心国产动漫也完全不输给歪果仁。《孟姜女》 的舞美超级棒,就是剧情有点烂~儿子- -边看- -边问我,孟姜女为了万喜良哭垮了长城,不是需要更多无辜的男人来修补吗?不得不说,现在孩子思考问题的方式真的不一样~《梁祝》是真人结合4D特效演绎的经典爱情故事,值得一看。好像仿佛,方特里面关于爱情主题的都是杯具~可能,有遗憾的爱情才会流传千古吧....忙里偷闲,还带女儿去玩了水,感觉今天效率有点高~走了一万多步~特别要表扬一下方特的排队区,居然很多地方都有座位,这一点真的太人性化了,让等待时也不会太辛苦了。最后提示大家,尽可能平时工作日去,周末一定会排队排哭的."
    Jiangyou.Fangte Oriental Mythology Playground
    >100km from Bazhong
    Highlights: Mianyang Fantawild Oriental Magic is a large-scale high-tech cultural theme park carefully built by Huaqiang Fantawild Group. The theme park is the inheritance of Chinese history and culture. Through new content creativity, technological innovation and exquisite layout, it integrates myths and legends, historical allusions, folk customs and Bashu culture, allowing visitors to experience the Unlimited charm of the integration and collision of technology and culture.The park uses a combination of technologies such as dynamic dome flying theater, panoramic AR, integrated three-dimensional track, 5D dynamic effects, program-controlled magic bricks, and real-life performances to present visitors with a splendid picture of the essence of China's 5,000-year history and civilization in a way of participation, experience, and interaction. The park includes 11 unique large-scale indoor high-tech cultural theme projects and 34 outdoor recreation projects, as well as more than 200 special leisure landscapes and four theme restaurants, integrating sightseeing, leisure, interaction, and excitement.Visitors will experience a series of creative high-tech cultural theme projects here, including "Nuwa Patching the Sky" and "Nezha Conquers the Dragon King" based on classic myths, "Liang Zhu", "Meng Jiangnu" and "Water Flooding Jinshan" that interpret romantic and sad love stories, "Jiuzhou Charm", "Divine Painting" and "Idiom Fairy Tales" that combine education with entertainment and promote Chinese culture, and the thrilling and challenging "Shenzhou Tower", "Dayu Controlling Floods" and "Circus Carnival". The park also has large outdoor special landscape projects such as the Festival Square that reflects the great integration of various ethnic groups. In Mianyang Fantawild Oriental Divine Painting, people can feel the profoundness of Chinese history and experience the brilliance of modern technology. The park's diversified and personalized theme amusement experience will meet the entertainment needs of tourists of different ages, allowing the whole family to share high-quality joyful experiences.
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What are some Family-friendly Attractions near Bazhong?
Some Family-friendly Attractions near Bazhong include:Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, Chengdu Museum, Chongqing Zoo, Chengdu Polar Ocean Park, Chengdu Zoo
What are some highly-rated Family-friendly Attractions near Bazhong?
Some highly-rated Family-friendly Attractions near Bazhong include:Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding:4.6, Chengdu Museum:4.8, Chongqing Zoo:4.7, Chengdu Polar Ocean Park:4.8, Chengdu Zoo:4.7
Where are Family-friendly Attractions near Bazhong located?
The Family-friendly Attractions near Bazhong are mainly located in:Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding:Chengdu, Chengdu Museum:Chengdu, Chongqing Zoo:Chongqing, Chengdu Polar Ocean Park:Chengdu, Chengdu Zoo:Chengdu