

3.8/53 評價
首先,僅通過樓梯被引導到建築物的 3 樓是令人尷尬的。洗澡不方便,2樓到3樓的樓梯扶手下樓時沒有安裝在左側,很危險。冰箱。小物品包括酒精和礦泉水。在同一個倉庫頂層的冰櫃裡,還有以前住過的一位客人的冰淇淋monaka剩下的食物(我拍手笑了)。我想知道你是否懂日語。當我被允許通過房間時,我給了一位老婦人(日本婦女)一份禮物,但這位中國婦女直到第二天早上才感謝我。畢竟櫃檯的人必須是日本人。我在竊竊私語。我想知道我是否應該對客戶說這些。早上,當我掀起蒲團在桌旁等早餐時,一隻蜈蚣開始在榻榻米墊子上行走。我把它消滅掉放在榻榻米墊子上,但中國女服務員假裝沒看見。好樣的。本來是一家魚乾店,現在看來客棧生意是被逼的。即使您被引導到停車場,雜草也會隨心所欲地生長。我應該把車停在付費停車場。退房大約3小時後,在回家的路上,我的手機接到一個電話,詢問房間鑰匙是否已歸還。很棒的電話。小老闆娘出現在媒體上,看似盡心盡力,卻不來櫃檯。。我不知道。即使食物和浴室(又小又髒)很好,它的評級也必須很低。
4.7/573 評價
We stayed at the Hakone Hotel as part of a tour group. We had a spacious twin room with a view over the garden and part of Lake Ashi. The room spotlessly clean and was very comfortable. We had a comfortable chair and a comfortable 2 seater couch as well as comfortable beds. In the morning we had a beautiful clear view of Mt Fuji from the grounds of the hotel. We had a delicious included dinner at the hotel as well as a good buffet breakfast. There was a capsule coffee/tea maker in the room that I tried with Earl Grey Tea which was a bit strong for my taste.
4.7/574 評價
This hotel is a historic property set in an iconic setting. We stayed in the Forest Section which features large, comfortable rooms that were a little dark, the bathroom lighting could be improved. Here is my issue. We arrived around 1:15 and we’re told that we could check in at 3:00. We had lunch in their cafe ( 50$) and asked again about an hour later if we could have early access. The very polite desk clerk replied “ Yes, for $70 dollars “. Astounded , I countered that we were departing early 2 days later, and he reduced the amount to $35. Now here is where communication becomes an issue: I continued the “are you kidding me?” and he kept bowing. I thought the issue was settled. That night and the next we ate at their lovely restaurants, French and the Cascade. Food and service was superb. With wine we spent about $900. Check out was early, and my husband didn’t really examine the bill. When we were back in our free early access room in Tokyo I noticed the $35 charge. I contacted the hotel’s customer service and they confirmed the charge. So, what about customer hospitality? I have NEVER been charged an early access fee for an hour. They have been times when we patiently waited for a room to be readied, and never demanded a rebate. It is all part of the guest/host agreement, I think this is probably a corporate decision by the Fujiya Group. Rethink your mission, guys, make guests feel wanted!
4.1/511 評價
4/552 評價
3.8/53 評價
真的很像住在自己家裡的感覺,民宿的爺爺奶奶很親切,雖然溝通有點困難,房間有小客廳和臥室,空間蠻大的,早餐晚餐也都令我驚艷,地點離巴士站也很近,總之C P值很高



最高價格PLN 8,268
最低價格PLN 164
平均價格(週末)PLN 1,377
平均價格(平日)PLN 1,194