
The Nest Boutique Resort
4/535 評價
很棒的環境,很棒的員工和很棒的食物。我們真的很喜歡我們在這裏的住宿,會推薦給其他人 - 在退潮時從酒店走出來是一個亮點,我們看到了河豚魚和盒魚以及獅子魚 - 但你需要礁石鞋。房間很乾淨,佈局很好,市中心的小游泳池很吸引人,很有趣。每個人都歡迎我們。只是一個警告詞,它可能適用於桑給巴爾的大多數地方。當我們在酒店吃或喝時,一切都以坦桑尼亞先令的形式呈現給我們,但要以信用卡支付,我們不得不以美元支付,匯率非常差。最重要的是,銀行增加了5%!所以它留下了不好的味道!警告你身上有很多現金和很多美元
4.7/559 評價
3.5/569 評價
4.3/54 評價
First time in Zanzibar and Kilimani Kwetu Hotel was a great place to stay. Very chilled place and vide, with great food, service and rooms. Great location and most of all great hospitality and very welcoming. Thank you for the experience and memories!!!
Shanuo Beach Bungalows
4.3/522 評價
Abbiamo alloggiato per 6 giorni con mia moglie in una delle stanze di Shanuo a Zanzibar dopo una settimana di safari in Tanzania. Abbiamo scelto di non soggiornare in resort e puntare su una location più immersa nella realtà locale. La scelta non poteva essere migliore, ci siamo pentiti di non aver fatto 1/2 giorni in più! La stanza non é troppo spaziosa ma ha tutto il necessario. La terrazza e la vista spiaggia / mare sono impagabili! Si ha accesso diretto al mare da Shanuo con l'alta marea e la struttura dispone di vari lettini e materassi fronte mare per rilassarsi e prendere il sole. La zona, Pingwe, non è troppo turistica, a meno della presenza del celebre ristorante The Rock. Si sta in estrema pace. Ci sono i cosidetti ”beach boys” ma non sono fastidiosi ed insistenti. La spiaggia è meravigliosa, fra le migliori di Zanzibar. Le maree, che si susseguono in due cicli giornalieri, non costituiscono un problema. Con la bassa marea si creano fantastiche piscine naturali. La zona retrostante le strutture sulla spiaggia è occupata da case di locali, i quali non arrecano fastidi o problemi ai turisti ma, anzi, fa sentire maggiormente immersi nella realtà locale. Ci sono tre buone alternative a scelta per la colazione (salata, yogurt e musli, frutta pancake), accompagnate da biscotti, latte, succo, caffè, tea e torta. Le quantità sono più che giuste, evitando gli sprechi dei classici buffet. La struttura non ha ristorante ma sulla spiaggia ci sono almeno 3-4 ristoranti validi, in particolare di fianco a Shanuo c'è il ristorante ”The Wishing Tree” (mix di cucina locale, italiana e internazionale), dove abbiamo cenato divinamente 5/6 sere con sconto per i clienti Shanuo del 15%. Ultimo ma non per importanza, lo staff e la manager, Gillian. Lo staff è composto da ragazzi locali, estremamente disponibili e professionali, tra cui, si vede, c'è un ottimo clima. Gillian è fantastica, sempre a disposizione per qualsiasi necessità dei clienti, soprattutto per organizzare tour ed escursioni grazie ai ragazzi di fiducia della struttura e dare consigli customizzati sulla base delle proprie priorità. Prezzo e rapporto qualità / prezzo imbattibili.
4.1/551 評價
This truly has been the best holiday we have ever had!! The staff are fabulous, nothing was ever too much trouble and the hotel is so beautiful with so much wildlife around. The Indian ocean is right there for you to enjoy the crystal waters and is so much fun. The kayaks were a great experience on the waves! The rooms are spacious and have very comfy beds! There’s a safe and a massive shower, we didn’t miss having a tv or a fridge as the jetty is open 24 hours for drinks. We loved the authentic feel we got here with the wood and natural stone everywhere. There’s so many staff members to mention but G, Joseph and Alex in the animation team were always a laugh and very welcoming. Soud, the head waiter and Renada in the restaurant along with bar staff Flora, Zena were just amazing! The chefs and the house keepers, as well as all the maintenance guys working so hard we’re all so friendly and welcoming. Yes there has been some renovation works but you have to have some allowances as they need to maintain the property and improve where needed and they can’t shut down the hotel for that. It never was a problem for us and we spent a lot of time at the main pool and the jetty. Obama at the crab tours sorted us some fabulous excursions and would highly recommend him.
丘尼桑給巴爾海灘郊外小屋 - 紐馬克
4/541 評價
We had 5 days to relax in Zanzibar after a 10 day safari and we chose Chuini as it looked gorgeous. It is indeed lovely, but it is down a long dirt road with no other amenities around- that means you hire a driver to go somewhere or stay at the resort. Staying at the resort is not a bad thing- the pools are wonderful, the food is really good and varied and the grounds with the ruins is lovely. The beach is not a swimming beach so you are best going to the the north or east of the island for white sand beaches and swimming. The hotel staff were very helpful in organizing all of our day excursions and we got to see a lot of the island on these excursions. The rooms are beautiful suites with a sitting area and lovely patios too. Unfortunately our room backed on to the main road so it was very loud with fisherman leaving early in the morning (5am!) and then for most of the day with people passing back and forth. The spa is wonderful - we managed to get an excellent massage on our first day. But on Friday- our last day of relaxing we had looked forward to a day of pool and massage and chill, we were told the spa is closed on Friday- wish we had been told of that as it doesn't' state that anywhere in the spa literature! To add to our last day disappointment the resort ran out of beer on Friday- a bit strange for an upscale resort. Overall it was a very pleasant 5 day stay.
4.3/565 評價
We had a week long stay at this hotel following a week safari In Kenya, we arrived at the hotel late evening and the first 10 minutes unfortunately set the tone for the trip. We were greeted by a lady in reception, who checked us in and ran through the format of the hotel. We were all inclusive and the main points she proceeded to tell us about was all the extra charges that we could incur outside our all inclusive package. The hotel has a lobster bar, which we were led to believe was included in our all inclusive package. We were informed that this was closed, when asked why, she provided no reason. This was a big selling point for us in booking this hotel as we both love sea food. We were then told that if prawns and lobster were on the a la cart lunch menu we would have to pay extra for this. Due to our late arrival the buffet had closed, she then told us that sandwiches would be sent to our room, a gesture which she did not follow through on. I did ask her about this the next day and she replied saying that she thought we would have been asleep. We stayed in the jungle garden room, which was basic but definitely not 5*, the bed was very hard and the room liked tired. We woke up the next day and had to ask for a tour around the hotel, a little thing, but perhaps something you would expect to be offered being a 5* hotel. We spent most of our time on the beach, which was very nice and idyllic. However, many of the sun beds are broken, with the cushions and beach towels stained. Throughout the day I did expect someone to come and offer drinks or at least collect empty glasses, but this never happened. We spent one afternoon by the pool, simply because the beach setting was much nicer and the sea was so clear and warm. Our main disappointment was the food- there was plenty on offer at the breakfast and at the evening buffet, however the major concern I had was food being left on the side in 30 degree heat, for a couple of hours. The restaurant was open and there was no way of chilling the cold food, so the fruit and salad never looked very appetising. One morning, as authentic as it might be, I did spot a monkey on the buffet worktop, which isn’t the most hygienic of sights. Most days we had a freshly made pancake/omelet for breakfast, then a slice of freshly made pizza in the evening, we didn’t fancy anything else. Lunch was freshly made, but very basic and pretty bland- I wouldn’t say a pizza, burger and chips and a pasta dish is particularly a la cart. The food in general was not of a 5* standard and for us was a major disappointment. If you are a foody, looking for luxury, exemplary service and a hotel with a fun and welcoming atmosphere this is not the place for you. We would not recommend.
3.6/573 評價
4.3/555 評價
BEWARE!! Lets start with the good points: this hotel is amazing!! The facilities are the best we found in the area, the two pools are better than any of the other hotels, staff are generally amazing and very friendly and the food is incredible, and reasonably priced. The rooms / bungalows are cute and spacious enough for two people. I travelled with my friend, one of us had the main bed and the other had the sofa bed. The main bed is very hard so I preferred the sofa bed for this reason. Cannot fault the cleanliness of the whole hotel! The pool at the front of the hotel gets very hot during the day as it does not have the breeze from the beach, but is slightly quieter. The pool at the rear of the hotel, facing the beach is just beautiful. it slopes down like a beach so is deeper at the far end of each section and the infinity feature makes the water fall down the steps between the two levels of the pools....great photo opportunities. Now for the not so good points: the wifi and phone signal in general within the rooms is terrible, you will need to sit outside to maintain a good signal. It was hit and miss whether we would have working AC all day (especially in the evenings when we were getting ready to go for meals, or trying to sleep) as the power would fail. We were told this is due to the Government turning the electricity off; the hotel does have back up generators but I don't think the AC runs from these (I don't know how true this is, but we were told about the Government issue in multiple places). The main issue we had with this hotel was when we were trying to checkout. Thankfully we had hours to spare as we didn't have to leave until the middle of the night to get our flight so I tried to checkout around 9pm (leaving the hotel at 1:30am to go to the airport). During our stay we had eaten at the hotel restaurant, had drinks etc so we knew we would have some money to pay to settle the bill. However, the hotel tried to overcharge us by approximately $400. This included Government taxes (at $18.23 per night....which they later told our booking agent were only $2-$4 per night) and invoices for items we hadn't ordered. After having to get our booking agent involved at past 10pm on the evening, we finally got the issue resolved around midnight. However, I have a feeling we were not the first people they had tried this on and counted on us leaving our check out so late that we would have no choice but paid the bill. So whilst I recommend this hotel in general, please beware of the checkout and being over charged.


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平均價格(平日)USD 206
平均價格(週末)USD 207