

4.5/535 評價
所以感謝這個地方我們的經驗,我們有!這個地方不能被稱爲酒店 - 這是真正的家❤️,所以讓我們從客觀的原因開始 - 財產是驚人的,絕對時尚,法式和放鬆。我猜剛剛裝修過,所以沒有關於物業的評論。游泳池區絕對華麗,它讓你直接潛水到Wes Anderson電影 - 非常電影和攝影;)食物很棒,葡萄酒卡是你需要的一切。您有班車服務去市中心(7-10開車幾分鐘)和禮賓服務,可以幫助您解決您需要的一切 房間本身不是很大(是法國的),但一點也不小!有足夠的設計空間來儲存你所有的物品,我們是兩個女孩,我們很容易把4個我們真正大箱子放在房間裏,裏面有我們所有的衣服和鞋子,如果你知道我的意思:)牀真的很舒服❤️,而且在酒店裏很安靜,真的很安靜!但這家酒店最大的寶藏是他們的員工。當你遇到他們時,你明白這家酒店根本沒有東西-只有主人:小心,仁慈和細心。我想親自感謝所有的傢伙,但我害怕忘記某人!因爲我們遇到的團隊中的每個人都是驚人的!祝你好運,夥計們,最好的問候希望明年夏天見到你最好的問候,阿納斯塔西婭
4.6/559 評價
梅薩爾迪爾城堡在每個意義上都是傑出的。當你進入大門,在路上旅行,襯着美麗的鮮花,到你住的酒店,享受真正的待遇。酒店的位置在聖特羅佩茲村和潘佩隆海灘之間的最高點,是一流的,景色,在每個方向,絕對令人驚歎。位置令人歎爲觀止。我們是卡普伊登羅克酒店的常客,喜歡它,但我們覺得Chateau de la Messardiere把它帶到了更高的位置。房間很漂亮。我們有一個小型套房,有一個私人露台,可以俯聖特羅佩灣。個性化的設施(如絲綢睡衣、沙灘袋、草帽和單字筆記本)增加了體驗。我們的第一個晚上,我們從1904年的酒吧開始,享受着很棒的香檳,在氣氛中品嚐。當其他客人到來時,現場娛樂伴隨着我們的飲料,所有客人都打扮得時尚的裏維埃拉晚上。然後我們在鬆久日本餐廳用餐,菜單由Le Chef Nobu創建。在潘普隆海灘上,我們可以看到驚人的景色。食物很美味,並附有廣泛的優質酒單。晚餐的一個高配是我們的兒子在水晶卡拉菲中供應可樂 - 非常時尚!早餐和午餐都是在梅薩迪雷城堡的真實體驗。兩者都是自助餐風格,但質量極高。有這麼多美味,新鮮和呈現良好的食物可供選擇。我們通常不喜歡自助餐,但這是其他東西。我們的日子裏,我們在松樹和橄欖樹下享受一杯冰冷的玫瑰,在膝蓋游泳池放鬆身心。下午晚些時候,我們在美妙的Spa享受放鬆的按摩。這次我們只在這裏住了兩個晚上,沒有時間體驗酒店所提供的一切,但我們明年夏天一定會回來整整一個星期。
4.2/544 評價
I approached our 2 night stay here with a little trepidation. St Tropez isn’t really geared towards someone like me. I personally don’t like the overzealous exuberance of the place and I wasn’t happy paying the amount I did for a room for a friends birthday weekend. Taking this pre conceived view into this trip I was pleasantly surprised with La Bastide. Negative first, this hotel (and probably 90% of hotels in St Tropez) is not worth the “uber” 5 star prices. Our room was very small and not of the quality of a top hotel. Could’ve done with a better decor and there were many knocks and bumps visible. I could’ve got unlucky with the room but I suspect all would’ve looked similar. Looking to the positives. It’s a small hotel and hence is very peaceful and tranquil. If you’re in St Tropez for a party weekend, it’s nice to escape and have a few hours chilling out around the beautiful pool area. Plenty of green plants and trees, terracotta styled buildings beautiful blue pool, the whole thing resonates of 1960’s Beverly Hills movie star dripping hotel. It really is lovely. Every member of staff we encountered were incredibly friendly from the front of house to the maids. They also had an incredibly helpful free transfer to the main town centre. The hotel is about 20 min walk to the centre so very doable but in the summer heat, it is nice to have the option to be driven. The roads are so busy in St Tropez so I felt guilty asking the guys to take us for such a short journey but it never seemed too much for them and they were always happy to help. The food is good at the hotel also. Breakfast is buffet style and whilst the selection wasn’t the biggest, it is a tiny hotel so difficult to justify a massive spread as much of it would be wasted. What was there, was good. We had lunch around the pool also at their BBQ option. The food here was really good and of a very generous portion size. My only quibble would be that again, there is no justification for the price and the food and beverage prices were insanely eye watering. Overall, a very lovely hotel and if you can reason or overlook the exorbitant cost, you’ll no doubt enjoy your stay.


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