



4.2/521 評價


This place is just a paradise in the tropical ricefields of Mengwi. Owned by a local noblesse it is located in a traditional village (Indo.: desa adat). The resorts offers you a genuine Bali experience that is gradually vanishing due to the surge of modernity and the influx of foreign infuences. During our stay coincidently the 3 days Odalan Ceremony took place at the local Prime Tempel (Pura Kahyangan Dalem), upon our request the staff helped us with traditional clothing and offering preparation to enable us to fully participate in the 3 days/nights of rituals, processions, dances, prayers and blessings. The breakfast was more than sufficient consisting of Balinesse and Western choices. The restaurant is also open for lunch, even when it is not explicitely mentioned. The dinner menu consists of Western and Balinesse choices as well and is very well prepared. For those who have trouble consuming flaming spicy asian food need not to be afraid of ordering Balinesse food, as the flaming spicy (Indo.: pedas) will come if you request fot it yourself. The Pumpkin and Corn soup are recommended, the kitchen is excelent. Our rooms were located in a valley and a swimming pool. Disliked · The whole complex although perfectly clean and continously well kept by staff has signs of aging, as humidity damage on walls and electricity sockets are becomming visible. Probably as most visitors are short stayers it wouldn't be of any nuisance, However it is a pity to see such a great place gradually deteriorating by aging, a small renovation on affected walls and electricity sockets will help this place for years to come.



4.2/521 評價
This place is just a paradise in the tropical ricefields of Mengwi. Owned by a local noblesse it is located in a traditional village (Indo.: desa adat). The resorts offers you a genuine Bali experience that is gradually vanishing due to the surge of modernity and the influx of foreign infuences. During our stay coincidently the 3 days Odalan Ceremony took place at the local Prime Tempel (Pura Kahyangan Dalem), upon our request the staff helped us with traditional clothing and offering preparation to enable us to fully participate in the 3 days/nights of rituals, processions, dances, prayers and blessings. The breakfast was more than sufficient consisting of Balinesse and Western choices. The restaurant is also open for lunch, even when it is not explicitely mentioned. The dinner menu consists of Western and Balinesse choices as well and is very well prepared. For those who have trouble consuming flaming spicy asian food need not to be afraid of ordering Balinesse food, as the flaming spicy (Indo.: pedas) will come if you request fot it yourself. The Pumpkin and Corn soup are recommended, the kitchen is excelent. Our rooms were located in a valley and a swimming pool. Disliked · The whole complex although perfectly clean and continously well kept by staff has signs of aging, as humidity damage on walls and electricity sockets are becomming visible. Probably as most visitors are short stayers it wouldn't be of any nuisance, However it is a pity to see such a great place gradually deteriorating by aging, a small renovation on affected walls and electricity sockets will help this place for years to come.
4.3/535 評價
在巴厘島其他人口較多的地區待了一周後,我們降落在了這裡的一棟木屋裡。房間裡有舒適的床、冰箱、茶和咖啡,浴室有熱水,水壓很大,真是一種享受。坐在甲板上觀看蝴蝶、鳥類和風箏。我們享受了幾次按摩,還多次在梯田中散步,這些散步似乎永遠持續下去。渡槽系統非常有趣,我們的主人 Putu 帶我參觀了當地蜜蜂的蜜屋,在那裡我看到了一片壯麗的熱帶果林中的 50 個蜂巢。 Putu 組織了我們的摩托車(6 美元/天),並對烹飪課程和其他文化活動提出了很多建議。這是一個交戰或撤退的地方。食物很好。
4.6/51 評價
4.8/53 評價
4.1/518 評價
4.6/545 評價
沒有足夠的榮譽來表達我最近在五元素務虛會上的十天排毒體驗後感受到的巨大熱情和喜悅。由阿永河平靜的水流所設置的場地,簡直壯觀。真的,我想象伊甸園的樣子,它鬱鬱蔥蔥的綠色,熱帶花,水景和巴厘島雕像。眼睛和耳朵不斷平靜的治療。住宿是高端豪華,有我們的私人游泳池,河景,室外淋浴,巨大的浴缸和巨大的舒適的蚊帳牀。客房清潔總是無可挑剔。正如團隊中熱情,友好和關懷的工作人員提供的每一個服務元素一樣。菜餚100%純素,有很多創意,美味和精美的菜餚。這是對素食生活方式的良好介紹。我們與主廚的烹飪課程很有啓發性和樂趣(但恕我直言,我沒有在現實世界中成爲素食主義者!)最後,所提供的健康和治療服務真的是一流的 - 如果不是更好的話比我去過的世界上最著名的水療中心。治療期間只使用當地製作的天然乳膏和乳液。對我來說,真正的亮點是水療會議(超越了驚人的),但其他一切都很好。療愈的工作人員都是一流的。總是放鬆和刷新。特別感謝Keetut不斷的善良,渴望和幫助,以完善和定義我們住宿期間的具體活動和會議。我不能強烈推薦五要素,無論是延長的撤退還是短暫的酒店住宿。多麼天堂!!!我討厭離開。




