

3.9/5105 評價
We have just stayed at the Crazy Bear for the last 2 nights. Firstly, the food was absolutely amazing. The English restaurant was lovely, however the Thai food was incredible. The only thing that let down the English restaurant was the service due to the poor waitress who was working on her own to wait on nearly a full restaurant. To pay £200 for 2 people with poor service isn’t acceptable. However the Thai has plenty of staff and the service was great. Well worth the money! The same then followed on our first morning while having breakfast. We were sat down for over 30 minutes before even being asked if we wanted a drink, let alone our order. Our tea finally came but without mugs, when we asked for those we then realised we didn’t have spoons. But again, I don’t blame the waitress because she was on her own serving a nearly full restaurant. We then had our Thai massage. We signed our consent forms and gave them back to the ladies in reception and they just walked off. We didn’t know whether we were waiting or whether we were meant to follow them as we didn’t know where we were going. Once the ladies got to the other end of the bar, one looked back and very rudely threw her arms in the air at us. There was no ‘hello’, ‘how are you?’ Etc. and when paying nearly £90 for a barely average massage, surely a hello can't go a miss. To stay at the Crazy Bear isn’t cheap, but when you’re getting great service you don’t mind paying the price. However I wouldn't say the service matched the price at all.
4.2/5109 評價
一切都很可爱,唯一可以改变的小东西是薯片而不是薯片和三明治,以便在傍晚时分提供客房服务。果汁吧不再在水疗中心开放,那将是可爱的,白天的酒吧工作人员看起来不像晚上那么快乐。 但我们都非常乐于助人,肯定会回来谢谢


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最高價格NZD 1,463
最低價格NZD 169
平均價格(平日)NZD 379
平均價格(週末)NZD 506