Today, I am more than just a little irritated! Don't call yourself a hotel, if you are actually just a hostel! We are in a 6-sleeper flatlet. The position is fabulous. The beds are comfortable, the position (if you're a kite-surfer) is right on the edge of the lagoon. So, why am I annoyed? Apart from the great balcony, and good beds, the bathroom has been horrendous. Quite literally the shower leaks so badly, you might as well not bother with the door. The problem is that it literally floods the bathroom floor, which becomes a lethal skating rink. We have complained, to ZERO avail! We went and hunted down a mop and a bucket, and before you get out of the shower, you literally have to mop the deluge, or you might die! Today - one week into our holiday, I had to ask reception for fresh linen and towels. They literally dumped these in the middle of our bedroom floor and walked away. I got back to the apartment to this! So, we are clearly expected to make our own beds. I think I will dump the dirty linen in reception once I have remade the beds. As if the shower leak isn't bad enough, the kitchen sink was pouring water out the cupboard below 2 days ago. I've nearly broken my neck twice by slipping in this place. It seems to be fixed now? There is VERY little that you can call service here! If you are a kitesurfer, you get great wind. If you are a hanger on, theres not kuch of interest, other than colourful kites and a few nice bars on the waters edge. The place is beautiful, but the accommodation is just not good enough. Its all a bit rough and ready. My hubby might be coming on his own if he wants to return, and seeking a different place to stay.