正在尋找Cambanog Falls附近的酒店?不妨參考真實旅客的評價。


正在搜尋Cambanog Falls附近的酒店?比較房價和評價,找到您的理想酒店。
4.6/516 評價
A lovely isolated venue to get away from it all and soak up the sounds of the sea. The studio rooms are good, although the beds could do with a headboard- a few times I woke up with the pillars on the floor behind the bed. The pool is small, but adequate and there are plenty of other spaces to chill out and bathe in solitude. The shoreline is very tidal and you don’t get to water above knee height until you get over 100 metres out, but, once you get to deep water there is a very impressive reef with lots of fish and even sharks- of the safe variety. The food is of a reasonable standard, but it’s a limited menu and after 3 days, I think I had covered everything I could possibly eat. I do recommend the shrimp curry. Breakfasts were very good. There is work to do in customer service here- although the staff are very cooperative and pleasant, there are not many smiles shown and they seem to be a bit stuck in their ways and timelines. Requesting to have dinner at 7.30pm seemed an issue, as they came knocking on our door at 7.20pm and the food was already out! Playing pool with another couple until 9pm seemed an irritation to them and a request to have breakfast at 7.30am instead of the usual 8am start fell on deaf ears as we sat there from 7.30am until 8am when breakfast was then served..,, no big deal, but this place could be amazing with some thought and planning on making the facilities and staff as well as the location fantastic too.
4.6/52 評價
3.8/524 評價
雖然距離去沙丁魚海灘遠了點,但是靠近大商場和高速公路,乘車特別方便。酒店在當地來說可以了哈哈😄反正是為了潛水不是為了享受酒店服務的。 旁邊大商場啥都有賣,價格公道,長袖泳衣不過500比索就是60多塊錢人民幣。你要浮潛一定要從國內帶自己的眼鏡呼吸管去。從酒店租一輛摩托車,想去哪就去哪。防晒一定要到位,防晒霜靠不住的哈。看沙丁魚和海龜,請不要用手腳觸碰它。我認為需要請嚮導帶去找魚和海龜。衹需要350比索兩個小時,也就是40多塊錢人民幣,非常值得,也很必要。嚮導Guide會帶你保護你安全,會給你拍照,他們在水下憋氣真的很辛苦。所以你一定要記得給小費,100比索不過12塊錢,人民幣,200比索也不過25塊錢人民幣,國人出門大方點就是給國人給國家增光添彩。不要討價還價了,50比索就6塊人民幣多一點,對我們無所謂,對當地人真的是口糧。疫情后他們有時一天也沒有活干。 突突車有的漫天要價,不管他們要多少,150比索左右差不多。 租摩托車還可以去white beach,有精彩的珊瑚和魚,卻沒有很多人。花50比索買個椰子,坐在棚下遮光很必要。墨寶值得你花兩三天玩耍,祝你們玩得愉快! 最後推薦我們的嚮導jenilo bojos十九歲就在那個潛店,非常棒的小夥子。
4/556 評價
At a first glance hotel was pleasant, decorated nicely & clean. However no hot water on the first day we asked for someone to check it whom he said it’s broken, maintenance will be in tomorrow to fix it. 4 days later still nobody has fixed the shower and we’re still having cold showers. Room hasn’t been cleaned in that time either although stated it would be every other, no clean towels, no toilet roll, no water to drink (even if paid for) Tours are extremely expensive through this hotel so advise to to research elsewhere for cheaper options. Building works going on which blew dust into the room and covering our clothes/bags & bed. Screaming little kids with no respect for other guests outside the bedroom window at 6am after politely asking them to move along and be quieter they stayed and continued to shout. Buffet breakfast is gone unless you get there before start time (7am) and limited food allowed - don’t eat the pancakes either couldn’t be rawer if the chef tried. Wifi non existent on 3rd floor, Only positive is the pillows were comfy.
3.2/52 評價
Casa Preciosa Moalboal Inn
4.1/520 評價
位置優越,市中心。 有一個配備所有便利設施的廚房——太棒了!附近有市場,我們買了蝦,自己煮。 我不喜歡淋浴和水槽的水壓;早上根本無法洗臉。有時,工作人員根本沒有關掉水,我必須不斷地去接待處要求打開水。


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宿霧氣候宜人,水清沙幼,素有“度假伊甸園”之美稱。對於貪戀陽光海灘的度假者來説,這裏無疑是世外桃源,沿海有許多度假勝地,豪華、一流的酒店、餐飲、娛樂、購物等設施一應俱全。對於潛水愛好者來説,這裏簡直是夢中的天堂,完善的潛水設備、專業的潛水課程、驚險刺激的水世界之旅,無一不令你流連忘返。麥克坦島(Mactan Island)、莫阿爾博阿(Moalboal)都是不容錯過的夢幻樂園。致力於探尋古迹的朋友在這座古老的城市處處可見歷史的烙印,在這裏,古韻風情與現代活力被演繹得近乎完美。州政府所在地宿霧市是菲律賓最早的城市,被稱為“南方皇后市”(Queen city of the South),也是維薩亞斯政治、經濟、文化、教育的主要命脈。舉世聞名的麥哲倫十字架、聖嬰教堂……散發著傳奇般的色彩。1521年,葡萄牙航海家麥哲倫由西班牙航行到中南美洲,途中,他驚喜地發現了這個美麗靜謐的小島。如今,在菲律賓的7000多個島嶼之中,詩情畫意的宿霧島已發展成為最受遊客歡迎的觀光點。宿務市位於宿務省(島)的東部沿海,維薩亞斯(Visayas)群島的中心位置,是宿霧省首府,

