

4.7/570 評價
This hotel is a historic property set in an iconic setting. We stayed in the Forest Section which features large, comfortable rooms that were a little dark, the bathroom lighting could be improved. Here is my issue. We arrived around 1:15 and we’re told that we could check in at 3:00. We had lunch in their cafe ( 50$) and asked again about an hour later if we could have early access. The very polite desk clerk replied “ Yes, for $70 dollars “. Astounded , I countered that we were departing early 2 days later, and he reduced the amount to $35. Now here is where communication becomes an issue: I continued the “are you kidding me?” and he kept bowing. I thought the issue was settled. That night and the next we ate at their lovely restaurants, French and the Cascade. Food and service was superb. With wine we spent about $900. Check out was early, and my husband didn’t really examine the bill. When we were back in our free early access room in Tokyo I noticed the $35 charge. I contacted the hotel’s customer service and they confirmed the charge. So, what about customer hospitality? I have NEVER been charged an early access fee for an hour. They have been times when we patiently waited for a room to be readied, and never demanded a rebate. It is all part of the guest/host agreement, I think this is probably a corporate decision by the Fujiya Group. Rethink your mission, guys, make guests feel wanted!
4.1/512 評價
4.6/5168 評價
在日本的首次投訴就是在這家 早餐服務員相澤女士 雷點1️⃣可選擇情況下拒絕座位要求 這家餐廳基本都是窗邊的位置,結果這位相澤把我們帶位到中間位置 我們剛坐下看到窗邊有空位提出想換位置後被嚴詞拒絕,在我堅持下她不情願地同意了。 雷點2️⃣服務員大爺對着我們發脾氣 在經過換位溝通後,這位相澤大爺回到我們原本的位置,我以為幫我們拿水,結果她把菜單超用力甩在桌上,我和我媽當場都被嚇到了,感覺把一天的起床氣全發我們身上 雷點3️⃣咖啡壺補充等了十分鐘 這家餐廳要喝門口的咖啡壺需要付款500日元,但如果是帶走的話才是免費(不懂這個邏輯) 我離開餐廳時倒咖啡發現沒有了,找這位相澤幫忙添置。 她的第一反應竟然是不相信🤨説咖啡就在裏面。在我堅持下她不情願打開咖啡壺發現真的沒有了,然後把咖啡壺拿走了 然後再也沒有拿回來… 我在等了十分鐘之後問了一聲好了嗎?她回答我“I'm busy,wait” 這時候我再也憋不住了,直接説了我不要了,直接去前台投訴 投訴結果是:兩日份的mini bar送給我們 不過要説的,除此之外遇到的服務員都很不錯,特別是廣瀬小姐姐,雖然衹是實習生,但給我們提供了非常多的幫助,主動幫我們拍照,畫路線圖,誇我的蠟筆小新手機殼,非常友善且具有服務精神!每次看到她一個女生提好幾個箱子,特別贊歎!
4.6/545 評價
Hotel Hakone Suimeisou is a perfect blend of old tradition and modern Japan. This hotel provides an excellent experience of Japanese hospitality. It is in the most convenient location and serves as a take-off point to the rest of the Hakone region. The Hakone Yumoto Station is only a few minutes walk and there are so many places to eat and shop within the area. The hotel is designed as a traditional Ryokan inn and provides traditional Japanese hospitality with rooms that are clean and well-designed. Make sure to experience the full service by availing of the breakfast and dinner service in your rooms. There are bountiful seafood dishes that are provided for each meal. Take advantage as well of the onsen (natural hot spring) facilities. There are touches of modern amenities in the hotel to make you feel comfortable. I commend the staff for their excellent service and will definitely come back in the future.
4.3/596 評價
箱根湯本駅から旅館組合のシャトルバスで10分位の場所です。歩いても12分とのこと。 とても大きな旅館で、裏庭に有名な滝が2つあり、フォトスポットとなります。カルガモなども飼っていました。 日帰り温泉、万葉の湯を経営する会社が運営しているためか、館内にはスリッパがなく、素足かソックスで歩きまわります。 ツインの洋室に宿泊しましたが、元々の和室を改修したためか、ビジネスホテルのような佇まいです。でも、食事やお風呂が充実しているので、全く問題はありません。 朝夕ともビュッフェ形式の食事で、種類も豊富です。お勧めはシャフがその場で作ってくれる料理です。 お風呂は女性が6階、男性が7階で、露天風呂はとても広く気持ち良かったです。
4.5/540 評價
This hotel is a bit hard to reach by public transport. There is a bus that stops closeby, but there is also a train, however, after that you have to walk for 20 minutes and the road can be quite steep in some parts. In the vicinity, there are some convenience stores and restaurants. The town of Hakone is beautiful and located close to mount Fuji. We had a lovely ryokan-style suite with twin beds. Everything was very clean and comfortable, including the pillows. Breakfast is buffet-style and offers both European and Asian food. There are both a public onsen and a private one. Staff is very friendly and speaks English very well.





箱根位於神奈川縣西南部,距東京90千米,是日本的温泉之鄉、療養勝地。約在40萬年前這裏曾經是一處煙柱衝天,鎔巖四濺的火山口。現在的箱根到處翠峰環拱,溪流潺潺,温泉景色十分秀麗。由於終年遊客來來往往,絡繹不絕,故箱根又享有“國立公園”之稱。另外,它還是日本旅遊勝地。大約40萬年前的火山活動平息之後,使箱根形成有山川、流泉、湖泊等自然景觀。由箱根外輪山的綠草花木環繞的蘆之湖為火山湖,海拔724米,面積為7平方千米,湖最深處達45米,湖岸綫長達20千米。晴天時可看到終年積雪的富士山。最後一個火山口是大涌谷,終日白烟繚繞,常噴出大量帶硫氣體。現設有大涌谷自然科學館,用實物、幻燈、模型等介紹箱根的景觀。境內有從各個角度遊覽箱根的電纜車 、登山電車和空中吊車 。箱根七湯(7個温泉)位於蘆之湖東岸的箱根關所,是面積為198平方米的木建平房,是江戶時代幕府設置的關卡。關所內還陳列著當時行人攜帶的身份證、短槍、長柄大刀等文物1000多件,還有關所檢查人員的塑像,現已列為重點保護文物。

