正在尋找Bloom Spa - Spa Nhat Ban附近的酒店?不妨參考真實旅客的評價。


探索Bloom Spa - Spa Nhat Ban附近的熱門酒店


4.4/558 評價


河內|距離Bloom Spa - Spa Nhat Ban0.88km


We stayed for 5 days starting from June 3 - June 7. The hotel is well located within the city and the services provided are excellent. The staff are polite, respectful and helpful. We stayed as part of our leisure trip; however the hotel is comfortable stay for business trip as well as the services provided are to the point. The breakfast buffet is excellent and has Continental, Vietnamese, Japanese and Korean in the spread (Even though we are Indians, we prefer to try the local cuisine and continental when staying overseas. So the food was extremely agreeable for us --- however, if you prefer Indian food, they don't provide that in the buffet spread or menu). Also the food we tried by using the all-day in-room dining services were also good. We tried the cheese cake as we had read great online reviews about it while opting to stay at this hotel and it lived upto our expectations. The spa services provided were also excellent and refreshing. They offer currency exchange services at the reception itself, so you don't have to go to bank or money exchange services for converting USD to VND. The room we stayed in was 825 in the non-smoking floor. It offers city view and is clean and hygienic. The washroom is equipped with automatic bidet toilet; and provides hair dryer and other standard toiletries. The housekeeping is done well. To sum up, it was a pleasant stay for us here and would recommend for this hotel to our acquaintances.
4.5/548 評價


文廟 河內|距離Bloom Spa - Spa Nhat Ban1.52km
神威遊越南|河內如同一列火車,Grand Mercure就像是在火車上 #去旅行入住這家高顏值酒店就對了# 別看越南的首都河內,開了越來越多的好酒店新酒店。 但論地理位置,Grand Mercure絕對是首選之一。 首先它位於還劍湖的黃金地帶。 在17樓的行政lounge,可以一邊喝着特調的椰子咖啡,一邊俯視中心地帶的全部風景。 出行去任何博物館和景點,靠走着就行。 其次,它又不像嘉佩樂或索菲特傳奇那樣,處於酒吧夜市的鬧區, 打車不方便不説,還嚴重交通堵塞。 我住的房子在5層,有個花園露台,草坪和綠樹,小鳥與花朵。 將瑜伽墊鋪在草坪上,用冥想的方式與大自然共呼吸。 當然,我更喜歡在頂層的網紅泳池,全玻璃的透明泳池,映襯着河內的藍天與白雲。 暢遊其間,彷彿飄在在了河內的天際線之上。 雖然樓下有許許多多地道的美食餐廳和路邊攤,但我還是更推薦酒店的美食。 行政lounge的早餐有Pho晚餐有好酒,天際線之上的用餐體驗,哪裡都比不上。 當然,若不在行政lounge,也可以在二樓餐廳享用美味。 除了自助的早餐,更推薦晚餐。 在綻放着的花式樣的燈旁,龍蝦、蟹、黑蒜、越南餅……樣樣精緻口味獨特。 河內這座少有夜生活的城市比較沉悶,許多人衹是轉機才來此。 但若是你想體驗越南的城市酒店,那麼有且衹有河內,才有最多選擇。 從鬧市到湖區,從平房到摩天大樓,從本地品牌到傳奇經典。 當我從酒店樓下乘坐02路公交車,7000越南幣(摺合2元人民幣),2站路再走5分鐘到達train street(火車道)。 和一眾來自世界各地的越南客們一起,在鐵道邊搬了張小板凳,點了一杯河內特調的雞蛋咖啡,就着濃厚的雞蛋泡沫等待下午3:15的火車經過。 火車擦着我的臉呼嘯而過時,我突然反應到,這就是杜拉斯筆下那座如同一列火車的城市。 那麼得神奇,那麼得魔幻,又那麼得充滿了生活味。







正在搜尋Bloom Spa - Spa Nhat Ban附近的酒店?比較房價和評價,找到您的理想酒店。
4.2/52 評價
4.4/558 評價
We stayed for 5 days starting from June 3 - June 7. The hotel is well located within the city and the services provided are excellent. The staff are polite, respectful and helpful. We stayed as part of our leisure trip; however the hotel is comfortable stay for business trip as well as the services provided are to the point. The breakfast buffet is excellent and has Continental, Vietnamese, Japanese and Korean in the spread (Even though we are Indians, we prefer to try the local cuisine and continental when staying overseas. So the food was extremely agreeable for us --- however, if you prefer Indian food, they don't provide that in the buffet spread or menu). Also the food we tried by using the all-day in-room dining services were also good. We tried the cheese cake as we had read great online reviews about it while opting to stay at this hotel and it lived upto our expectations. The spa services provided were also excellent and refreshing. They offer currency exchange services at the reception itself, so you don't have to go to bank or money exchange services for converting USD to VND. The room we stayed in was 825 in the non-smoking floor. It offers city view and is clean and hygienic. The washroom is equipped with automatic bidet toilet; and provides hair dryer and other standard toiletries. The housekeeping is done well. To sum up, it was a pleasant stay for us here and would recommend for this hotel to our acquaintances.
4/51 評價
2.8/59 評價
4.3/576 評價
3.8/53 評價
講真 雖然我太急急忙忙什麼照片都沒拍 但是這酒店真的好出我想象 也不是說他有多好多好。但是在我去之前。我其實擔心這麼便宜 176 雙人牀會不會各方面一般般。所以沒抱什麼希望。 但是來了后!覺得很不錯 前台工作人員態度也不錯。早上有免費早餐。但我太早走了 沒吃到 我去考雅思的。理ocean park 考點超級近!!!!!!推薦這考點考生定這個酒店🏨。走一下 過馬路 就是了!!!!!這酒店 放中國 我那房 要400+吧 就這樣 真的推薦





河內有1387家精品酒店,Trip.com能為您提供最高20%的折扣。在河內尋找酒店時,準備每晚284 HKD左右的預算,應該能找到不錯的住宿。河內有30家五星級酒店,平均每晚1105 HKD。河內有85家四星級酒店,平均每晚547 HKD。河內有495家三星級酒店,平均每晚286 HKD。河內有236家二星級酒店,平均每晚142 HKD。作為著名的旅遊城市,河內入駐了許多為人熟悉的連鎖酒店品牌。索菲特酒店是當地其中一個最有人氣的酒店品牌。如若您對旅行住宿比較有要求,在河內還是挺容易找到舒適酒店的,像索菲特旗下的酒店就很好。河內的河內富都大酒店(Fortuna Hotel Hanoi)是Trip.com客人最喜歡入住的酒店之一。假若您還有猶豫,Trip.com推薦您入住河內日興酒店(Nikko Hotel Hanoi)。

河內市區有不少出名的特色景點,例如:友誼文化宮, 三十六行街, 還劍湖。在河內適合度假的景點也頗多,您可以去越南波圍國家公園, 唐林古村, 香寺。另外,當地評價最高的景點還有:河內歌劇院, 河內西湖。而喜歡購物的旅客,記得把Grand Plaza, Royal City, 同春市場加入行程。










