正在尋找Selami Ali Cami附近的酒店?不妨參考真實旅客的評價。


探索Selami Ali Cami附近的熱門酒店




4.4/559 評價


庫庫克塞克梅塞 伊斯坦堡|距離Selami Ali Cami2.01km
總的來說,住宿很安靜,房間很小,但可以管理,但我們被這家酒店的一位員工愚弄了,當他們建議你旅行包時,永遠不會落入這些員工的陷阱。伊比斯·韋斯特招待會上的艾爾丁奇·伊澤爾就是那種用旅遊套餐欺騙我們並給予我們正好相反的人。我們本想買個人車去旅遊,他給我們的Azure旅行社做了一次可悲的旅行,我們從來沒有要求過。最重要的是,當我們回來時,Erdinc非常粗魯,當我們抱怨旅行時,他開始對我們大喊大叫,用他的話來說:“我能做什麼,現在很晚了,如果你一天被浪費了,我什麼也不能做”這就是他回答的方式,Azure旅遊司機在山頂上開車時打電話,我們沒有被帶到我們給錢的地方,導遊很可憐,更糟,如此糟糕的旅行厄丁克爲我們提供了一次機會,並想通過說,來結束這件事,“我能做什麼”非常糟糕的經歷,男人永遠不會與Ibis West酒店預訂旅行,在檢查評論後自己預訂旅行,因爲Ibis West將爲您提供可悲的旅行,酒店可以通過讓遊客過上地獄般的生活來賺取生活費。我們是10人一組,在Erdinc...的可憐服務下,最後在對我們大吼了一個小時後,他同意給我們500里拉的折扣,好像他在幫我們什麼忙一樣。真的是惡劣和不專業的行爲,如果伊比斯錯給了我們一個錯誤的旅行,他們應該道歉,應該退還我們的錢,但是...艾爾丁克沒有打算對我們大喊大叫,說“我在這做什麼”最重要的是,第二天,Erdinc同意給旅遊包人打電話,但是第二天我們去接待會時,讓我們很驚訝,Erdinc已經走了,旅遊包人根本沒出現...這是我們從Ibis West酒店得到的迴應。。千萬不要掉進陷阱...我們真的一點也不開心...附上了Erdinc的照片,注意這個在伊比斯西部的人...無論你發生了什麼...他可能會說“我在這做什麼,我什麼都做不了”
4/592 評價


伊斯坦堡|距離Selami Ali Cami2.14km
Your administrators and hotel service spoil our holiday. All requests are ignored. They absolutely do not care about requests until you start going to them and complaining. Please take steps to improve the quality of your service. There will definitely be a jamb in each room, they will not be eliminated for a very long time. In the first room there was a disgusting stench from the toilet, in the other room there were non-working lamps and the view overlooked a construction site with a garbage dump. In another room, which cost twice as much, a la deluxe room, the bathroom had uneven floors, which makes a health hazard, always huge puddles on the floor, you can break your head or even worse fly out of the panoramic window. There were no slippers in the room, shower accessories for two persons, toothpaste, only 2 small bottles of water, I had to call the reception 4 times, the administrators do not care about you. The water and snacks are overpriced. The restaurant is overpriced. They brought raw, not fried chicken at all, at least the waiter apologized and offered a free dessert. Dessert was brought to the room after 2 hours, after we got tired of waiting and called ourselves. In pool you must bring your own towels from room, also you have to buy swimming cap which is overpriced of course. It was one of the worst hotels we have ever had. В каждом номере обязательно будет косяк, устранять не будут очень долго. В первой комнате стояла отвратительная вонь из туалета, в другой комнате были нерабочие светильники и вид выходил на стройку с мусорной свалкой. В другом номере, которая стоила в два раза дороже, а-ля люкс номер, в ванной комнате были кривые полы, что создает опасность для здоровья, всегда огромные лужи на полу, можно голову разбить или ещё хуже вылететь с панорамного окна. Не было в номере тапочек, душевых принадлженостей на двоих, зубной пасты, всего 2 маленькие бутылки с водой, пришлось 4 раза звонить в ресемшен, администраторам нет дела до вас. В ресторане цены завышенные. Принесли сырую, вообще не прожаренную курицу, ладно хоть официант извинился и предложил бесплатный десерт. Десерт принесли в номер через 2 часа, после того как мы устали ждать и позвонили сами. В бассейн вы должны сами принести свое полотенце и ещё обязаны будете купить шапочку для купания, по завышенной цене разумеется.



4.1/520 評價


庫庫克塞克梅塞 伊斯坦堡|距離Selami Ali Cami1.8km
I should firstly say that all staff at the hotel are amazing. They are polite and so helpful. One of the staff who stands in front of the door went to the road and found a taxi for us and bring it to the door when there was no taxi around. HOWEVER, generally the hotel cannot be considered as four star, it can hardly be a 3 star hotel. There are two significant negative points which makes the whole experience bad: 1. The room: room was big enough but the decoration and amenities were so outdated, the view was rubbish, when we entered lots of bad smell made us so disappointed. the bathroom was the worst part. broken shower holder (I told the reception but it wasnt sorted), shortage of toilet tissues, smell, broken toilet seat, awkward toilet tissue holder, etc. 2. breakfast: This was the worst part of the experience. The breakfast was so basic. just lots of cheese and cheese!!!, no cream, a couple of choices for bread, a few choices of sausages, all not really nice, very basic. occasionally you could find something else like aubergines. Fruits (whole oranges and pears and occasionally melons, not every day, and if you are late nothing. I had to ask the staff why the empty dishes are not updated and they said its finished, while all breakfast must be available during the whole breakfast time). same with juice (only lemonade every day) and again if you are late no juice. a hot drink, only tea!!!! unbelievably no coffee!!! When I asked for coffee they said you need to pay extra!!!!! BUT MOST TERRIBLE part was that the staff were told to ask guests if they need fried eggs (omelette in Turkish!). and when you said yes, they bring fried eggs but charge you 46tl!!! There were lots of arguments during breakfast between staff and guests about this. They also put some other sweets like pancakes etc. on the other side and children could see and ask for them, but again you had to pay extra. I had several arguments with staff and realised this has nothing to do with them. This is a wrong policy dictated by the manager who doesn't want to accept these are wrong. We have already paid extra for breakfast, why do we need to pay again for things like coffee, fried eggs, sweets, and so on? why things are finished before breakfast time finishes... overall, if breakfast and bathroom are important for you, and you want a hotel close to attractions avid this hotel. another thing was that during booking I saw there is a sauna and gym but no one gave us information about these.



正在搜尋Selami Ali Cami附近的酒店?比較房價和評價,找到您的理想酒店。
3.9/59 評價
4.3/5705 評價
4.2/562 評價
Perfect hotel, everything is awesome. I am a part of a big group and when we arrived at the hotel check in was very quick and bellboys kindly helped us. Very polite and welcoming staff. Food is good. Room is spacious and well cleaned. View from the room is amazing.
4.1/520 評價
I should firstly say that all staff at the hotel are amazing. They are polite and so helpful. One of the staff who stands in front of the door went to the road and found a taxi for us and bring it to the door when there was no taxi around. HOWEVER, generally the hotel cannot be considered as four star, it can hardly be a 3 star hotel. There are two significant negative points which makes the whole experience bad: 1. The room: room was big enough but the decoration and amenities were so outdated, the view was rubbish, when we entered lots of bad smell made us so disappointed. the bathroom was the worst part. broken shower holder (I told the reception but it wasnt sorted), shortage of toilet tissues, smell, broken toilet seat, awkward toilet tissue holder, etc. 2. breakfast: This was the worst part of the experience. The breakfast was so basic. just lots of cheese and cheese!!!, no cream, a couple of choices for bread, a few choices of sausages, all not really nice, very basic. occasionally you could find something else like aubergines. Fruits (whole oranges and pears and occasionally melons, not every day, and if you are late nothing. I had to ask the staff why the empty dishes are not updated and they said its finished, while all breakfast must be available during the whole breakfast time). same with juice (only lemonade every day) and again if you are late no juice. a hot drink, only tea!!!! unbelievably no coffee!!! When I asked for coffee they said you need to pay extra!!!!! BUT MOST TERRIBLE part was that the staff were told to ask guests if they need fried eggs (omelette in Turkish!). and when you said yes, they bring fried eggs but charge you 46tl!!! There were lots of arguments during breakfast between staff and guests about this. They also put some other sweets like pancakes etc. on the other side and children could see and ask for them, but again you had to pay extra. I had several arguments with staff and realised this has nothing to do with them. This is a wrong policy dictated by the manager who doesn't want to accept these are wrong. We have already paid extra for breakfast, why do we need to pay again for things like coffee, fried eggs, sweets, and so on? why things are finished before breakfast time finishes... overall, if breakfast and bathroom are important for you, and you want a hotel close to attractions avid this hotel. another thing was that during booking I saw there is a sauna and gym but no one gave us information about these.
3.5/527 評價
4.4/593 評價



在Trip.com網站或者Trip.com APP上您可以找到最新的伊斯坦布爾酒店優惠。Trip.com有各類伊斯坦布爾特價酒店優惠,您可以在這裡找到價格便宜的伊斯坦布爾平價酒店住宿。伊斯坦布爾是個讓您流連忘返的旅遊勝地,這裡有很多值得一遊的景點。當您安排行程時,在伊斯坦布爾住上3-5日是非常不錯的選擇。


在Trip.com上,伊斯坦布爾有1817家酒店,包括有奢華酒店、精品酒店及廉價酒店等。在伊斯坦布爾尋找酒店時,準備每晚523 HKD左右的預算,應該能找到不錯的住宿。伊斯坦布爾有126家五星級酒店,平均每晚928 HKD。伊斯坦布爾有205家四星級酒店,平均每晚553 HKD。伊斯坦布爾有109家三星級酒店,平均每晚362 HKD。伊斯坦布爾有10家二星級酒店,平均每晚287 HKD。作為著名的旅遊城市,伊斯坦布爾入駐了許多為人熟悉的連鎖酒店品牌。在伊斯坦布爾,連鎖酒店如華美達是遊客們入住的熱門住宿。如若您對旅行住宿比較有要求,在伊斯坦布爾還是挺容易找到舒適酒店的,像華美達旗下的酒店就很好。作為伊斯坦布爾的熱門酒店,伊斯坦布爾奧斯曼帝國傳統酒店(Legacy Ottoman Hotel İstanbul)是評價最高的酒店之一。當然,許多遊客也會選擇沃機場酒店(Wow Airport Hotel)入住。

伊斯坦布爾市區有不少出名的特色景點,例如:伊斯坦布爾舊城區, 圣索菲亞大教堂, 藍色清真寺。若想與家人度過一個愉快假期,可以到Aqua Club Dolphin, Sariyer小鎮, Sirkeci一遊。另外,當地評價最高的景點還有:大巴扎, 土耳其獨立大街。若您希望購買一些當地特產,可以考慮去當地的商業區伊斯坦布爾塞維黑爾購物中心, istinye park, Istinye Park購物中心逛一逛。










