



4.6/511 評價


We had the most wonderful time at Ochiairo! I came here for a birthday trip with my husband and best friend and we stayed in the spacious Aofuji room overlooking the river. The spatial arrangement offered more than enough space and privacy for 3 people and probably 2 couples or a family and kids. The white noise lulled us to sleep every night and it was simply magical. The international staff was so helpful to us. While we don’t speak Japanese, they did their best to understand and attend to us and it all worked out. They went above and beyond making my birthday feel very special. It was the small details that really mattered - ensuring that we had bikes and activities arranged the night before, coming to our room to teach me how to wear my yukata when I asked them to help, and even cleaning out and lovingly packaging some souvenir bento containers we arrived with when they saw them in our mini fridge! Everything about this place is just so beautiful. A few notes: - THE BATHS! When I tell you that I screamed when I saw the cave and private onsen in particular - just trust that they cannot be missed. - We are all tattooed - one of us significantly so. They have small tattoo covers but ask that you do cover them in the main bath areas (I only know this because I asked and they were incredibly polite about the advice) - We brought tattoo cover but in case you don’t want to bother, please take advantage of the absolutely stunning outdoor private baths - The food is great and eat dinner in sitting rooms upstairs (not served in your room) - You get unlimited drinks (alcoholic and otherwise) and snacks which was another pleasant surprise because they are so tasty! - The koi fish in the front swim up to you and follow you around with such enthusiasm. It’s as if they’re little pond puppies. The staff allowed us to feed them so if interested, please ask. - Don’t miss the swing next to the suspension bridge! - While I loved our room - please note that there is an abandoned hotel directly across the river from it. Kind of ruined the “I am communing with nature” vibes but it was fine in the long run. I could go on, but just trust that this place is just exceptional!





4.6/511 評價


We had the most wonderful time at Ochiairo! I came here for a birthday trip with my husband and best friend and we stayed in the spacious Aofuji room overlooking the river. The spatial arrangement offered more than enough space and privacy for 3 people and probably 2 couples or a family and kids. The white noise lulled us to sleep every night and it was simply magical. The international staff was so helpful to us. While we don’t speak Japanese, they did their best to understand and attend to us and it all worked out. They went above and beyond making my birthday feel very special. It was the small details that really mattered - ensuring that we had bikes and activities arranged the night before, coming to our room to teach me how to wear my yukata when I asked them to help, and even cleaning out and lovingly packaging some souvenir bento containers we arrived with when they saw them in our mini fridge! Everything about this place is just so beautiful. A few notes: - THE BATHS! When I tell you that I screamed when I saw the cave and private onsen in particular - just trust that they cannot be missed. - We are all tattooed - one of us significantly so. They have small tattoo covers but ask that you do cover them in the main bath areas (I only know this because I asked and they were incredibly polite about the advice) - We brought tattoo cover but in case you don’t want to bother, please take advantage of the absolutely stunning outdoor private baths - The food is great and eat dinner in sitting rooms upstairs (not served in your room) - You get unlimited drinks (alcoholic and otherwise) and snacks which was another pleasant surprise because they are so tasty! - The koi fish in the front swim up to you and follow you around with such enthusiasm. It’s as if they’re little pond puppies. The staff allowed us to feed them so if interested, please ask. - Don’t miss the swing next to the suspension bridge! - While I loved our room - please note that there is an abandoned hotel directly across the river from it. Kind of ruined the “I am communing with nature” vibes but it was fine in the long run. I could go on, but just trust that this place is just exceptional!



3.5/551 評價
4.6/511 評價
We had the most wonderful time at Ochiairo! I came here for a birthday trip with my husband and best friend and we stayed in the spacious Aofuji room overlooking the river. The spatial arrangement offered more than enough space and privacy for 3 people and probably 2 couples or a family and kids. The white noise lulled us to sleep every night and it was simply magical. The international staff was so helpful to us. While we don’t speak Japanese, they did their best to understand and attend to us and it all worked out. They went above and beyond making my birthday feel very special. It was the small details that really mattered - ensuring that we had bikes and activities arranged the night before, coming to our room to teach me how to wear my yukata when I asked them to help, and even cleaning out and lovingly packaging some souvenir bento containers we arrived with when they saw them in our mini fridge! Everything about this place is just so beautiful. A few notes: - THE BATHS! When I tell you that I screamed when I saw the cave and private onsen in particular - just trust that they cannot be missed. - We are all tattooed - one of us significantly so. They have small tattoo covers but ask that you do cover them in the main bath areas (I only know this because I asked and they were incredibly polite about the advice) - We brought tattoo cover but in case you don’t want to bother, please take advantage of the absolutely stunning outdoor private baths - The food is great and eat dinner in sitting rooms upstairs (not served in your room) - You get unlimited drinks (alcoholic and otherwise) and snacks which was another pleasant surprise because they are so tasty! - The koi fish in the front swim up to you and follow you around with such enthusiasm. It’s as if they’re little pond puppies. The staff allowed us to feed them so if interested, please ask. - Don’t miss the swing next to the suspension bridge! - While I loved our room - please note that there is an abandoned hotel directly across the river from it. Kind of ruined the “I am communing with nature” vibes but it was fine in the long run. I could go on, but just trust that this place is just exceptional!
4.5/53 評價
3.9/56 評價
4.7/55 評價
5年後重訪。如果要用一個詞來形容這家日式旅館,那就是“美”。從大門的外觀,從一進門的氣氛,就已經很出眾了(通常會有一兩個問題或反駁,但完全沒有)。一家真正一流的日式旅館,擁有傳統和獨特的風格。即使在浴缸裡也很酷哈哈。因為是修善寺,所以熱水的質量不是很好,但可能因為房間不多,不會和其他客人重疊,所以很舒服。經濟實惠的客人可以選擇帶露天浴池的客房和超豪華客房。 (我還做不到哈哈)食物是標準的懷石料理。器皿的感覺真是太棒了,食物本身也很棒。我不是那種喜歡尋找驚喜或新發現的人,但 Coco 的獨創性和特殊感讓我感到安心。這家日式旅館的奇妙之處在於,它一點也不讓你感到正式,儘管它講究美感,具有“品位和尊嚴”。沒有什麼比試圖表現得比本質更好的別有用心了。因此,家庭非常受歡迎。第一次去看他的時候,大兒子才1歲半。本來還想帶3個孩子會怎麼樣,不過覺得孩子們比平時安靜了一點,可能是客棧氛圍的緣故吧。。。lol據我所知,絕對是最好的客棧之一.
4.8/566 評價
最近有幸入住伊豆萬豪,必須說,這是一次真正美妙的體驗,從我到達的那一刻起,就被酒店令人驚歎的位置吹走了。酒店坐落在風景如畫的伊豆小鎮上,周圍環繞着令人驚歎的自然美景,酒店本身同樣令人印象深刻,設計精美,裝飾精美,營造出輕鬆誘人的氛圍。房間寬敞豪華,擁有舒適住宿所需的所有設施。然而,真正讓我脫穎而出的是Izu Marriott的工作人員提供的卓越服務。他們非常有禮貌和包容,超越一切,以確保我有一個難忘的住宿。無論我需要當地景點的建議還是房間的幫助,工作人員總是可用,渴望幫助。特別感謝羅山和前台團隊,他們爲我們提供了卓越的服務。



在Trip.com網站或者Trip.com APP上您可以找到最新的伊豆酒店優惠。正在計劃前往伊豆旅行嗎?比較有名的景點和市中心都是遊客們在伊豆旅行熱門的住宿區域。若是您去日本旅遊,伊豆是一個十分好的選擇。


在Trip.com上,我們為您精心推薦了43家伊豆酒店。當地酒店平均價格大概是1872 HKD一晚,伊豆有各種各樣的酒店,定能滿足您對不同旅行的住宿需求。伊豆有2家五星級酒店,平均每晚658 HKD。伊豆有17家四星級酒店,平均每晚2554 HKD。伊豆有16家三星級酒店,平均每晚1460 HKD。伊豆有2家二星級酒店,平均每晚854 HKD。伊豆的酒店性價比高,所以不需要為住宿準備太高預算。伊豆有萬豪的連鎖酒店,喜歡這個品牌的遊客可以選擇入住,享受萬豪提供的優質服務。喜歡萬豪的客人來到這裡,可以選擇該品牌旗下的酒店。伊豆施拉卡貝蘇酒店(Shirakabeso)是Trip.com客人最喜歡入住的酒店之一。除此之外,土肥富士屋酒店(Toi Fujiya Hotel)也是遊客們常去的酒店。

倘若您住在伊豆市區的酒店,可以優先遊覽附近的景點,比如修善寺。在伊豆周圍尋幽探祕,戀人峽是個好去處。除了之前介紹過的景點外,修善寺虹之鄉也是比較有名的。而喜歡購物的旅客,記得把中伊豆葡萄酒廠 Chateau T.S加入行程。
