

4.1/540 評價
We all look for a hotel to provide a complete, pleasant experience. However, when you “sort through” the component parts of a stay, the single most important part of the stay has to be the importance of a comfortable, good night’s sleep. This hotel advertises, on its website that it has air conditioning. When you check in, you read that the hotel prides itself in providing a 19.5 degree Celsius temp for a great night’s sleep. We had been staying on the Mediterranean coast, but would have been required to arise at around 2 AM in order to make our flight the next morning. We decided on this hotel, because of its nearness to the airport, providing us a connecting flight to Paris. We found it on TripAdvisor and other sites as well. We called and made our reservation. When we arrived in the room, it was very warm - 25.5 Celsius. It’s completely understandable that they would not want to spend the money to condition the air in rooms that are not occupied. We turned down the air as low as it would go at around 5 pm and waited in the room for two hours - the restaurant did not open until 7 pm. The temp had not come down any at all in the first two hours, but it was the heat of the day. After arriving back in the room after supper, the room was still 25.5°C. The sun was still up, and it had been a very warm day. Once again, I gave them the benefit of the doubt. We tried to go to bed, but the temperature never came down. At around 1 AM when the temperature was still 25.5°C, I called the front desk and told the young man that the room was not cooling and we desperately needed to sleep. He asked me if I correctly set the thermostat device and I told him that I was quite certain I had. He was concerned that I might not be understanding the device, so he asked me to come downstairs where he could demonstrate the procedure for setting the temp at the lowest level. I got dressed and went downstairs, and after he explained the procedure to me, I advised him that that is exactly what I was doing. This young man was very polite and told me he had no choice but to give us another room. We switched rooms and the new room was at 23.5°C. I turned it all the way down the moment we walked in and within 20 minutes the temperature had gone up a half a degree - probably from being opened up and disturbing the air with hallway air. It never went down. We were completely miserable. The lack of rest made our Paris flight and the subsequent trans Atlantic flight to Atlanta very tiring. Perhaps the outside temp was unseasonably warm (I don’t know). However, if a hotel doesn’t supply its hotel with enough air conditioning to cool the rooms for customers during the warmest months of the year, it either should not advertise Air Conditioning or should shut down and not sell rooms during that period of time. They made the business decision to under air condition their building. They should be honest enough to tell people that they cannot cool the rooms. The young
3.7/560 評價
4.3/571 評價
4/534 評價
Accueil très chaleureux, une équipe aux petits soins un petit déjeuner avec des produits de qualité. Chambres confortables, douillettes et très propres. Le plus : un engagement pour une démarche éco responsable avec le tri de tous les déchets, des produits locaux au petit déjeuner, une fontaine à eau, pas d'emballages plastique ... Je recommande vivement car on peu voyager pour affaire et prendre soin de notre planète ! Eve
4.1/546 評價





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