







3.7/547 評價
環境還行,4星酒店的價格每晚400也不貴,位置在大郊區,下了公共交通走路還要15分鐘,去市中心坐地鐵要30分鐘,去哪哪都不方便,圖便宜環境好的可以選擇,健身房的設施也不多,穿拖鞋在濕浴室很容易滑倒,我要説的是我退房的時候前台的那個態度,我英語特別差,退房時候她説要交城市税,我沒聽明白,以為是要去機場的或者火車站的city 什麼,兩個人30歐,説了3.4遍,特別不耐煩,然後看我實在沒聽懂給我拿了前台放着的一個指示牌,我一看就明白她什麼意思了,那為什麼不在説第一遍我沒懂的時候直接拿出來,反正下次還是選市中心吧
4.6/590 評價
房間空間大,大堂環境不錯。 一開始的房間1601,房卡打不開,來回16樓和前台説卡沒用,後來修了門,以為是電池沒電,第二天回去還是不行還是不行。 每天拖着疲憊的身軀想進去就躺着,連續兩天都是這樣。 第二天果斷要求換房1604,但是新房間晚上回去還是不能開門,試了幾次,終於打開門,但是燈卻開不了,又下去拿新卡。大燈還是壞的。 還是ihg集團下的公司,真是挺差。 其他很好,服務員第一天就問我要不要換房間,我想着東西都拿出來了就算了,還得收拾,就沒換,後悔。房間問題,服務員還給了一張吧枱免費小吃卡,但是真的不滿意,累。。 有車的話很方便,沒車到最近的地鐵站要走10分鐘,周圍也沒吃的,衹能吃酒店的。
3.7/571 評價
Personnel sympathique et l’hôtel est propre. Juste l’emplacement près de l’autoroute c’est compliqué et il y’a très peu de Uber pour se déplacer
4.4/582 評價
4.6/591 評價
If you have never visited Milan, Italy, you might want to give it a thought. And if you do decide to go, consider staying at the Sheraton Milan San Siro. Even though this hotel is located just inside a big city, it is surrounded by green spaces. Beautifully updated and decorated, refreshing, clean and pleasantly relaxing would be my description of this property. I especially enjoyed the views of the garden from the bar area. The staff at the hotel completes the perfect picture of an amazing stay. From the moment I arrived and was greeted at the front desk by Francesco, till my departure seven days later, the staff went above and beyond to insure I had a wonderful experience. Thank you Francesco for all your help, suggestions, kindness and for making me feel welcome. You are a dedicated and admirable person and I am delighted to see someone like you working in the tourism industry. In addition, I would like to recognize Fernando, who assisted me with my luggage, offered suggestions for things to do and places to visit and answered a multitude of tourist type questions. I appreciate your help, patience and your smile and wish you all the best in your future with the Sheraton. Conveniently located in the hotel, is a very nice bar and restaurant. Sometimes the food is excellent and sometimes it isn’t. I ate at the hotel daily and most of the time I enjoyed my meal. Breakfast is outstanding and there are lots of good healthy choices. My advice to future visitors, give it a try ….. and when you do, say hello to Luca at the bar. Luca definitely does his best to make sure you get good service and I for one am thankful for his continued efforts to always give 100% to every guest, no matter how busy he is! I used the gym every day and the equipment and the view are the best you can imagine. I definitely appreciate the maintenance and housekeeping in this area of the hotel. Everything worked perfectly and there was always clean towels, water and cleaning wipes. Generally speaking, the housekeeping at the Sheraton Marriott San Siro is outstanding. Since I am a Lifetime Titanium member with Marriott, I can assure you that I understand good housekeeping and this hotel has achieved a very high level of consistency in this area. Congratulations on a job well done. There are many helpful people who work at this hotel, unfortunately I can’t mention every person I came in contact with, but I do want to say thank you to Jessica at the front desk for her shopping suggestions. Most women all over the world appreciate good shopping advice and without Jessica’s suggestions I would have missed one the the best opportunities of my trip! Thanks so much Jessica, for taking the time and having the interest in helping me locate my favorite shopping area ever. I sincerely appreciate it. Hopefully I will be able to return again sometime in the future. My best regards to everyone, Ms J Swanson
4.4/572 評價
Very nice hotel in Milan, easy to reach the center by the near station. The restaurant ”eat to me” is very good, especially for the service of the kind Sonia and the great Miky (oldi) at the bar! I suggest the typical Italian dishes and the cocktails. We will for sure come back soon!


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在Trip.com網站或者Trip.com APP上您可以找到最新的米蘭酒店優惠。Trip.com有各類米蘭特價酒店優惠,您可以在這裡找到價格便宜的米蘭平價酒店住宿。在意大利,米蘭是一座比較繁華熱鬧的城市。當您安排行程時,在米蘭住上3-5日是非常不錯的選擇。


米蘭有1409家精品酒店,Trip.com能為您提供最高20%的折扣。米蘭的酒店物美價廉,只需約1004 HKD就能在當地不錯的酒店住上一晚。米蘭有24家五星級酒店,平均每晚3332 HKD。米蘭有150家四星級酒店,平均每晚1206 HKD。米蘭有127家三星級酒店,平均每晚871 HKD。米蘭有57家二星級酒店,平均每晚620 HKD。現在,有許多知名連鎖品牌酒店已經入駐米蘭了。在米蘭,連鎖酒店如華美達是遊客們入住的熱門住宿。喜歡華美達的客人來到這裡,可以選擇該品牌旗下的酒店。米蘭馬爾彭薩機場理念酒店(Idea Hotel Milano Malpensa Airport)是米蘭中較具人氣的熱門酒店之一。假若您還有猶豫,Trip.com推薦您入住米蘭星際安德森酒店(Starhotels Anderson Milan)。

米蘭市區有不少出名的特色景點,例如:斯卡拉歌劇院, 大教堂廣場, 米蘭大教堂。在米蘭周圍尋幽探祕,科莫, 科莫湖, 米蘭國際展覽中心是個好去處。其實到米蘭旅遊,最熱門的景點還有圣西羅足球場, 蒙特拿破侖大街, 米蘭唐人街。若您希望購買一些當地特產,可以考慮去當地的商業區文藝復興百貨, Excelsior Milano, 寶格麗逛一逛。










