

4.5/5101 評價
3.9/5114 評價
4.2/5102 評價
4.1/5103 評價
I have lived in NYC 20 years, and occasionally, we like to play tourist in our own city. My husband and I decided to stay a night at the Moxy LES in celebration of my 40th birthday. I even talked another couple who were celebrating with us into getting a room too. I chose this location as I saw the beautiful roof bar advertised and thought it’d be fun to start our night with a cocktail on the roof with a few friends before setting out to my main celebration elsewhere. Having stayed at several other similar hotels in town like Sixty LES, I never had an issue grabbing a cocktail at the rooftop bar. This was not the case here. I arrived with a group of 7 to head to the Highlight Room at around 7pm (wayyy before the nightlife rush!), and was told I had “priority” as a guest of the hotel, but first I had to commit to spending $350 for us to come up. Don’t advertise your bars as an amenity of the hotel if they are not freely accessible to guests. What if my friends just wanted a nice lemonade and to check out the view?? I guess they’re not welcome or that’s a lot of lemonade we’d have to buy! Just to note: Loosie’s, the club in the basement of the hotel with the “no-attitude dancefloor” — to quote the hotel website — is notoriously snooty at the door, and guests of the hotel are not prioritized for entry there either. We had other plans that night so didn’t even bother, but word to the wise. As for the room: Yes, they’re small. Expected in NYC, and was fine for us since we were only staying 1 night, but I would not want to stay here longer than a couple days. There is no real closet. Just a few hangers on a bar on the wall (some under the television!) so your clothes kind of have to hang flat against the wall. There are cubbies under the bed for storage. Not ideal in such a tight space. I stubbed my toe on them more than once. Maybe I’m clumsy or maybe it’s just a bad design! The light situation is super weird. I don’t know if our lighting was accidentally installed incorrectly, but in order to turn the bathroom light on, you had to have the main room light on. The main room light could be turned on separately. So basically, if you needed to go in the middle of the night, you either had to pee in the dark or turn on the lights of the whole room while your partner is sleeping! (Possible we didn’t see another light switch somewhere but I’m pretty sure the only switches were 2 by the door.) Toiletries: The shower had 2 pump bottles (sustainable. I respect that!) — but one was filled with a shampoo/body wash combo — and the other conditioner. I would expect something a bit more luxe even for a 4 star hotel — and certainly a separate shampoo and body wash! There was no lotion, which is usually standard in even the Holiday Inn. There was one small bar of soap for hand washing. No places to hang towels. I had to throw mine over the top of the shower door. Towels were pretty scratchy too. They do have a steamer and hair dryer. Bless! There was no fridge
4.3/597 評價
離肯尼迪機場是挺近的,坐shuttle bus太費勁,還要先坐air train到指定的地方 酒店不能刷磁條信用卡,真是見了鬼了,deposit還得用現金付 房間很小就算了,air condition吵的像拖拉機,直接關掉不能用 插座有的是壞的不好用 淋浴的水量小但是水很急,洗了一點不舒服 美國的酒店是真差勁,一千多的酒店不如國內二百多的
4.3/5114 評價
我們住的一晚總體來說還不錯,但我將這家酒店評爲“平均”是因爲:-在辦理入住手續時,佩吉沒有承認我們是希爾頓榮譽鑽石會員。-我們的房間(1011)形狀很糟糕。地板很粘。傢俱都流淚了,破舊不堪。天花板上有許多水漬,牆壁在一些地方也受到水的損壞。淋浴沒有熱水,當你把它調到熱水時,冷水出來了,你不得不讓它流一會兒(浪費了很多水)來加熱,至多是溫水。然而,我們的整體住宿還可以,因爲:-很高興看到我們使用的回收桶...。-感謝往返機場的免費班車。-享受免費早餐-選擇很多。- 我們從10樓的房間可以看到城市的美景。這家酒店靠近拉瓜迪亞機場。除了走廊噪音外,它很安靜。我們沒有車,所以我無法評論酒店的停車位。前台有大量的菜單提供墨西哥、中國和意大利食品。





在Trip.com網站或者Trip.com APP上您可以找到最新的紐約酒店優惠。如果您希望在紐約入住最好的酒店,Trip.com能夠幫到您!如若您計劃到美國旅行,紐約絕對是其中一個必遊城市。當您安排行程時,在紐約住上3-5日是非常不錯的選擇。


在紐約旅行太需要擔心住宿問題,因為這裡有超過891家可以選擇。當地酒店平均價格大概是2645 HKD一晚,紐約有各種各樣的酒店,定能滿足您對不同旅行的住宿需求。紐約有68家五星級酒店,平均每晚4848 HKD。紐約有218家四星級酒店,平均每晚3172 HKD。紐約有255家三星級酒店,平均每晚2156 HKD。紐約有195家二星級酒店,平均每晚1422 HKD。作為著名的旅遊城市,紐約入駐了許多為人熟悉的連鎖酒店品牌。不少到紐約的遊客都會預訂華美達的酒店。華美達是去當地旅遊,遊客選擇最多的品牌之一。作為紐約的熱門酒店,阿爾羅諾瑪德酒店(Arlo NoMad)是評價最高的酒店之一。當然,許多遊客也會選擇紐約羅斯福酒店(The Roosevelt Hotel, New York City)入住。

倘若您住在紐約市區的酒店,可以優先遊覽附近的景點,比如紐約世貿大廈, 華爾街, 唐人街。在紐約周圍尋幽探祕,法拉盛市政廳, 紐約植物園, 長灘是個好去處。其實到紐約旅遊,最熱門的景點還有第五大道, 中央公園, 帝國大廈。若您希望購買一些當地特產,可以考慮去當地的商業區麥迪遜大道, Baccarat, 下城區逛一逛。










