

3.9/5131 評價
4.1/5107 評價
服務員對待亞洲麪孔好像都不是很熱情,在早餐的時候,問都不問就請你去團隊餐那個區域!結果我們發現還有一個區域是老外在用,而且餐量和質量都不一樣!兩個標註!後來我們就詢問!她們才不情願的說錯把我們當成團隊了,怎麼?中國人就衹能通過團隊出遊嗎?期間一名女服務員還質疑我們怎麼可以去好的自助餐區域拿吃的?非常過分! 另外在結算費用的時候,我們總共兩個房間,我給了5塊錢瑞郎現金的城市稅,(2.5瑞郎)一間,結果到了機場又收到被扣除2.5瑞郎城市稅的短信!
4/569 評價
我的gopro11就是在這天丟的,我也不知道丟哪裡了。。。哎 設施:該有的都有,空間比較小,類似很久以前住的七天連鎖。 衞生:很乾凈 環境:提前一天來機場住的,晚飯可以坐快軌去機場吃,有很多吃的可以選擇,瑞士吃的很難吃,終於最後一天吃到了肯德基。 服務:酒店工作人員很熱情的小姐姐們,很好。 都説蘇黎世有針對亞洲人歧視,我在整個瑞士都沒遇到,在機場遇到了,是機場超市的一名女收銀員,服務態度非常差。
3.9/5119 評價
4/5100 評價
I have spent 18 days working from JOYN Zurich so think this should be a fairly accurate review of my experience. For context, JOYN is new so may still be working through teething issues, but hopefully this is useful feedback. Pros; - Comfortable, well equipped rooms. I was in one of the largest apartments they offer and it is a good space to spend a lot of time - The kitchenette whilst small is workable and has most of what you'd need - Well located close to the airport and about 25 mins by tram to central Zurich - Nice bathroom and good shower pressure - Gym is good with nice new equipment - Very close to great supermarkets (Coop and Migros next door) - The communal spaces are lovely, including the central courtyard and roof gardens - Strong water pressure from the shower (although the drain didn't seem to be able to cope with the volume of water which meant potential overflowing of the shower unless carefully managed) - The room has a small dishwasher. There were two dishwasher tablets provided and these weren't topped up by the cleaners, meaning you'll need to buy more Unfortunately the cons are pretty significant though, particularly if you want to work from here; Cons - The wifi is atrocious. At best the speeds hover around 1mbps which isn't good enough for stable whatsapp or facetime calls, let alone Teams or Zoom work calls. I thought this may have been my room but is pretty much my experience in all the open spaces including the ground floor communal spaces (see screenshot from Speedtest). This makes it unsuitable for any work. - The cleaning services are a bare minimum. After one week they changed my linen and towels but didn't vacuum, sweep the floor, empty bins or clean the bathroom. After another 7 days they'd hadn't come to clean again and when prompted they said it would be cleaned that day (but it wasn't). On the 8th day I asked and again they promised to have it cleaned. Whilst I wouldn't mind cleaning myself, there is no vacuum cleaner, cleaning cloths or anything else in the room to clean with, so unless you want to buy your own, be prepared for it to get pretty dusty and the bathroom to get dirty. Cleaning also didn't include replacing the kitchen towels so you'll have to wash these yourself if you're staying for an extended period. - Other than the supermarkets nearby there is pretty much nothing else around Perhaps they're not used to guests having longer stays, but with cleaning services like this, it will become pretty horrible unless guests buy the cleaning products and do it themselves.
3.8/541 評價
酒店的硬件設施挺不錯,床很大,裝修很獨特……但服務遠遠達不到五星的水平,可以說沒有服務……員工見到客人都不打招呼,早上放了一下DND結果一整天就沒人來打掃。最奇怪的是作為一個機場酒店沒有免費的shuttle bus


  • 奧普菲孔有哪些設有接送服務的熱門酒店?

    無論您是到奧普菲孔公幹或遊覽,蘇黎世麗笙酒店及套房蘇黎世機場宜必思快捷酒店諾富特蘇黎世機場會展中心酒店 都是您的首選酒店。

  • 奧普菲孔設有接送服務的酒店的平均價格是多少?


  • 奧普菲孔哪些設有接送服務的酒店適合商務差旅?

    奧普菲孔許多設有接送服務的酒店都適合商務差旅。蘇黎世機場希爾頓酒店 是您的首選酒店。

  • 奧普菲孔哪些設有接送服務的酒店為豪華酒店?

    奧普菲孔許多設有接送服務的酒店為豪華酒店。蘇黎世卡米哈大酒店-傲途格精選 非常熱門。

  • 奧普菲孔哪些設有接送服務的酒店容許帶同寵物?


  • 奧普菲孔設有接送服務的酒店有哪些推廣活動?

    Trip.com 全年為用戶提供各種推廣及折扣。您可前往promotions page了解 Trip.com 有哪些推廣活動。






奧普菲孔,可供選擇的酒店較少,建議您提早預訂好要入住的酒店。在奧普菲孔尋找酒店時,準備每晚3115 HKD左右的預算,應該能找到不錯的住宿。奧普菲孔有1家五星級酒店,平均每晚12621 HKD。奧普菲孔有1家四星級酒店,平均每晚974 HKD。奧普菲孔有2家三星級酒店,平均每晚666 HKD。奧普菲孔有1家二星級酒店,平均每晚552 HKD。作為著名的旅遊城市,奧普菲孔入駐了許多為人熟悉的連鎖酒店品牌。如若您對旅行住宿比較有要求,在奧普菲孔還是挺容易找到舒適酒店的,像希爾頓旗下的酒店就很好。不少到奧普菲孔的遊客都會預訂希爾頓的酒店。蘇黎世機場NH酒店(NH Zurich Airport Hotel)奧普菲孔中較具人氣的熱門酒店之一。除此之外,希爾頓阿帕特公寓式酒店(Apart-Hotel Operated by Hilton)也是遊客們常去的酒店。
