正在尋找Santa Rita Park附近的酒店?不妨參考真實旅客的評價。


正在搜尋Santa Rita Park附近的酒店?比較房價和評價,找到您的理想酒店。
4/5118 評價
我通常對機場酒店的期望不高,因此,當我在巴拿馬城中轉時,我對Riande Aeropuerto聲稱是距Tocumen機場僅幾分鐘路程的綠洲表示懷疑。原來我不應該去。這個地方完全和廣告一樣。 大多數機場酒店都追求高度和密度。蓮德沒有。在一個巨大的廣場上只有兩層樓高,裡面有一個非常美麗的花園和泳池區。我絕對建議在二樓向內放置一個房間。這是值得的額外費用,而且與一樓的房間不同,從露台關閉的時間中不會有一半是黑暗的。 對我來說,真正的驚喜是花園的質量,上面種滿了許多蘭花的棕櫚樹品種繁多。晚餐之前和之後,這都是一個非常放鬆和安靜的地方。游泳池很大,有一個不錯的戶外酒吧。 另一個驚喜是晚餐和附帶早餐的食物質量。魚和章魚的醃魚都很出色,燒烤菜單上的蝦也很棒。 房間很標準,但是有冰箱,但是質量很好。互聯網是體面的。 往返機場的接送服務效率很高。 對於他們提供的東西,Riande Aeropeurto價格合理。坦率地說,如果該類別只是機場酒店,那我將列為極好。
4.5/557 評價
4.3/5103 評價
It had already been a long day of travel, but I was excited to get to my room to drop off my bags and go explore Panama a little. We were only there for less than 24 hours so time was super valuable. Upon entering the hotel, it seemed a little dated, dirty, and worn. The location was extremely convenient since it was so close to the airport ($8-9 Uber black ride, $4-5 Uber X) and we would be there just to rest our head before our 9am flight. After waiting for 25 minutes for the two people in front of me to be checked in (only one desk person), I handed my passport and credit card over and I was promptly informed that I did not have a reservation. Instantly I looked on my Bonvoy app to confirm I did in fact have a reservation, but that was not enough for him. Even though I gave him the confirmation number and showed him the reservation for a two bed room. I had to go through my emails to find the confirmation email with room rate. I even checked in via the app to try to expedite the process and showed him I was now checked-in. Finally after about 30 minutes he gave me a room, while a nice line of 5 or 6 pilots and flight attendants waiting to check-in mounded behind me. I apologized to them while departing to my room, the desk guy did appear to care they were waiting. I was traveling with my elderly mother, so I just wanted to get her to the room so she could relax for a minute. After opening the door, guess what I was in a single king bed room, definitely not what I booked. I left my mom at the door so we did not have to lug our bags downstairs again. The line was not down to 4 people. Luckily they saw me and the pilots felt bad and let me jump in line. Not once did the deskman apologize for anything. He even had an attitude about it. The beds were acceptable, but not as comfortable as other Courtyards I have stayed. The room looked well worn. The hallway did not even look like it was vacuumed, food particles were on the ground! The next morning breakfast was great for a Courtyard, the only bright star for this dump. The server was extremely attentive and pleasant. The food was pretty good. Maybe the bar was set so low with the other experiences here. I should have went with my instincts and kept my original reservations that were deeper in the city. When I come back to Panama, this will definitely not be my hotel.
4.3/577 評價
這是間非常完美的酒店 非常感謝adriana y denisse 入住時 讓我感受到貴賓的待遇 酒店一切都非常整齊 乾淨 非常值得推薦 下次到巴拿馬 必定是首選酒店


  • Santa Rita Park附近哪些酒店最受歡迎?

    住宿民宿旅館 是其中一間最熱門的酒店。

  • Santa Rita Park附近哪些酒店受預算有限的旅客歡迎?

    無論您是出門公幹還是旅行散心, 住宿民宿旅館 都是您的最佳選擇。

  • Santa Rita Park附近哪些酒店有提供早餐?

    一日之計在於晨,吃一頓豐富美味的早餐,開展精彩的一天吧!如果您想在巴拿馬城Santa Rita Park附近找一間提供早餐的酒店,可考慮入住 機場皇冠假日酒店利安德機場娛樂場酒店 。記得盡早預訂這幾間熱門酒店!

  • Santa Rita Park附近酒店每晚的平均價格是?

    根據 Trip.com 的數據分析,巴拿馬城Santa Rita Park附近的酒店每晚平均價格為HK$941。價格浮動且變動頻繁,以上數據只供參考。

  • Santa Rita Park附近哪些酒店有提供免費 Wi-Fi?

    無論您是要出門公幹還是旅行散心,Wi-Fi 都必不可少。 住宿民宿旅館 是一間提供免費 Wi-Fi 的熱門酒店。

  • Santa Rita Park附近哪些酒店設有健身室?

    健康對於很多客人來說都是頭等大事,因此大部份酒店都會提供健身室,讓您即便在假期中也能努力鍛鍊身體。 機場皇冠假日酒店利安德機場娛樂場酒店 是幾間提供健身室的熱門酒店。

  • Santa Rita Park附近有哪些無障礙酒店?

    機場皇冠假日酒店利安德機場娛樂場酒店 是幾間提供無障礙設施的熱門酒店。

  • Santa Rita Park附近哪些酒店設有禁煙房?

    很多客人都非常重視酒店房間的質素,並想確保房間裡空氣清新潔淨。 機場皇冠假日酒店利安德機場娛樂場酒店 是幾間提供非吸煙房間的熱門酒店。

  • Santa Rita Park附近哪些熱門酒店設有停車場?

    如果您打算自行駕車到巴拿馬城Santa Rita Park,何不入住 住宿民宿旅館 ?這間酒店有停車場。

  • Santa Rita Park附近有哪些推薦酒店?

    如果您舉棋不定,難以選擇,不如考慮入住 住宿民宿旅館 。這間酒店評價極佳,記得提早預訂!

  • Santa Rita Park附近哪些熱門酒店設有游泳池?

    暑假正是一家大小一齊去巴拿馬城Santa Rita Park的好時候! 住宿民宿旅館 是一間有游泳池的熱門酒店。

  • Santa Rita Park附近哪些熱們酒店設有餐廳?

    如果您想在旅行中品嘗一下正宗當地美食,您可以考慮入住 機場皇冠假日酒店利安德機場娛樂場酒店 。這幾間酒店附近有不少提供當地美食的餐廳。



Marcos A. Gelabert Albrook International Airport是巴拿馬城通往世界各大城市的主要航空門戶。巴拿馬城的交通非常便利,除了飛機,遊客們也可以通過火車和汽車等方式來到這個城市。

在Trip.com上,巴拿馬城有169家酒店,包括有奢華酒店、精品酒店及廉價酒店等。巴拿馬城的酒店物美價廉,只需約755 HKD就能在當地不錯的酒店住上一晚。巴拿馬城有20家五星級酒店,平均每晚954 HKD。巴拿馬城有41家四星級酒店,平均每晚530 HKD。巴拿馬城有38家三星級酒店,平均每晚368 HKD。巴拿馬城有9家二星級酒店,平均每晚191 HKD。作為著名的旅遊城市,巴拿馬城入駐了許多為人熟悉的連鎖酒店品牌。如若您對旅行住宿比較有要求,在巴拿馬城還是挺容易找到舒適酒店的,像華美達旗下的酒店就很好。喜歡華美達的客人來到這裡,可以選擇該品牌旗下的酒店。巴拿馬城威尼托賭場酒店(Veneto Hotel & Casino)是Trip.com客人最喜歡入住的酒店之一。假若您還有猶豫,Trip.com推薦您入住布里斯都酒店(The Bristol Hotel)

倘若您住在巴拿馬城市區的酒店,可以優先遊覽附近的景點,比如Habla Ya Spanish for Travelers - Day Classes, Punta Culebra Nature Center, Bingo 90。在巴拿馬城周圍尋幽探祕,San Blas Islands, 巴拿馬運河是個好去處。另外,當地評價最高的景點還有:Joe Brown Adventures, Panama Viejo老城區。而喜歡購物的旅客,記得把Albrook購物城, Multiplaza Pacific Mall加入行程。










