正在尋找IGM massage (International Green Mint Massage)附近的酒店?不妨參考真實旅客的評價。


探索IGM massage (International Green Mint Massage)附近的熱門酒店


3.9/5210 評價


芭東海灘 布吉|距離IGM massage (International Green Mint Massage)1.07km
因為要住7天所以當初選了很久最後決定選擇這間酒店果然也符合預期 值得給大家推薦 設施:泳池挺大有點深 旁邊就是健身房 餐廳沒圖片價格均200🐷早餐在大堂旁邊的餐廳 馬路到酒店有段大斜坡可以找黃衣服酒店人員接送上下 不用不好意思他們非常熱情 酒店大堂有一日游攤位報名對比了下比外麪街邊的便宜有點驚訝 不想出去找的推薦在大堂報 早餐種類算多有湯麵有粥中西式結合 衛生:房間每天都會整理即使你不要求 有20🐷小費的話會幫你折衣服和整理物品 住轉角房的話陽台有時候會有小鳥螞蟻蝸牛爬過 洗澡熱水不太熱但還行可能住的最高層 房間會配人字拖 環境:最大的優點就是這個因為在山上非常安靜 遠離芭東海灘的煩囂 景色在這個價位超值(看下圖)日落晚霞芭東夜景盡收眼底隨拍都是大片 步行到江西冷逛街和bigC買日用品或者去班贊吃海鮮按摩看拳擊都是10分鐘 走多幾次就沒覺得那麼遠了 不想走也可以叫突突 不過無論遠近起步價就是200不划算 酒店門口的主路是一些gogo吧歐美客多招攬生意的女服務員也多經過不理就是不會糾纏 往左往右都有7-11和一些本地餐館價格適中美味 服務:前台小姐姐會一點中文 酒店住客感覺印度人和中國人(特別是廣東人很多)對半開 也遇到過韓國和日本人 歐美客人較少 酒店員工都會主動和你問好 非常熱情 有來往芭東海灘和酒店的酒店巴士(下圖白色敞篷小貨車)不過需要在前台預約 坐了幾次去芭東海灘方向都坐滿了還是挺火的 海灘回來的時候有時候塞車可能會比計劃晚15分鐘左右到(我那天就是從15分等到28分酒店車才到海灘幸虧堅持等沒打車回去)停車那個位置就是芭東海灘的公交站無論去機場還是普吉鎮都是在這裏等公交 總之還是非常推薦是適合長住的酒店



3.9/568 評價


芭東海灘 布吉|距離IGM massage (International Green Mint Massage)0.03km
Completely mislead. First of all, the pictures on everybody’s website makes the seeka boutique resort look beautiful, But once you got there, there were broken lamps and in painted walls, cat fecal around the pool, bad stench also around the pool, and that does not include the actual bedroom itself.. my bedroom when I got there was a mess and was not even made up, so they downgraded me to a standard double bedroom. They asked me if this room was OK, and I said yes it will do. The room was relatively clean, however there was no hot water to be found. After about the sixth night in that room, my partner and I started to get itchy while sleeping in the bed. My lower back was also starting to endure a lot of pain from sleeping on this thin mattress. So my partner got up and looked in the bed turn on the lights, only to find several bugs in the bed. We found one live bug similar in spaces on the wall near the bed, and about 20 of the same species bug dead on the floor behind the bed. It turns out after further investigation these were bedbugs. Disgusting!!! So my partner and I were finally moved to the deluxe double room which I had initially purchased 3/4 through my stay. This room seem to be a little cleaner much bigger, but the air conditioning was minimal. Also during my stay breakfast was included, because I had paid extra for this. they claim it’s a Buffay style but it was not, it was two servers one cooking and one taking an order for every individual having breakfast. It seem to take forever to get your meal. I remember seeing the server running out of the kitchen with a broom in hand chasing what looked to be such a small animal with a tail. It was a rat that ran out of the kitchen area. There was also constant construction on the second floor which could be heard throughout the whole hotel at all hours of the day and night. I am not sure how this place was rated at three stars with good reviews. I have never encountered such a horrible stay and establishment in all my traveling endeavors. I rate this hotel a one star, and never plan on going back there. Do not waste your time at this hotel. The pictures on various websites that I have researched have all been photo shopped well lit which is the opposite of what took place in real life. I rate this hotel a D+, and one star, stay away!!!





正在搜尋IGM massage (International Green Mint Massage)附近的酒店?比較房價和評價,找到您的理想酒店。
4.4/558 評價
綠色海港酒店 & 服務公寓
4.4/518 評價
4.5/525 評價
酒店距離芭東海灘步行15分鐘,到海鮮市場也差不多這個時間,711也在附近。附近晚上很熱鬧,但酒店卻恰到好處的安靜,這很難得。 房間衞生做得仔細,實拍如圖。和很多住過的泰國民宿不同的是第二天會有續房衞生,不錯。 老闆是中國河南人,中國人入住溝通很絲滑,入住前和入住中有很多需要幫助老闆都能盡心提供,這對國人的入住體驗加分不少。 最後説幾個普吉攻略: 1、泰國任何機場落地後不要兑換太多泰銖,很不划算,其實泰國每個城市都有很多兑換點,比機場划算很多。 2、普吉芭東海鮮市場一樓賣海鮮,二樓加工海鮮。別不好意思砍價,照死裏砍。抱着大龍蝦啃不是奢望。 3、有那種綠葉子的店別去碰,回國萬一查你的尿夠踩一段時間縫紉機了。 4、要去芭東附近幾個海灘租個摩託車是最方便的,但你的預算裏最好多一項1000泰銖合200元人民幣的無證駕駛罰款,交了罰款後把單子帶身上後面兩天免罰。處理違法非常簡單,照警察説的做就可以了。
3.2/533 評價
3.9/568 評價
Completely mislead. First of all, the pictures on everybody’s website makes the seeka boutique resort look beautiful, But once you got there, there were broken lamps and in painted walls, cat fecal around the pool, bad stench also around the pool, and that does not include the actual bedroom itself.. my bedroom when I got there was a mess and was not even made up, so they downgraded me to a standard double bedroom. They asked me if this room was OK, and I said yes it will do. The room was relatively clean, however there was no hot water to be found. After about the sixth night in that room, my partner and I started to get itchy while sleeping in the bed. My lower back was also starting to endure a lot of pain from sleeping on this thin mattress. So my partner got up and looked in the bed turn on the lights, only to find several bugs in the bed. We found one live bug similar in spaces on the wall near the bed, and about 20 of the same species bug dead on the floor behind the bed. It turns out after further investigation these were bedbugs. Disgusting!!! So my partner and I were finally moved to the deluxe double room which I had initially purchased 3/4 through my stay. This room seem to be a little cleaner much bigger, but the air conditioning was minimal. Also during my stay breakfast was included, because I had paid extra for this. they claim it’s a Buffay style but it was not, it was two servers one cooking and one taking an order for every individual having breakfast. It seem to take forever to get your meal. I remember seeing the server running out of the kitchen with a broom in hand chasing what looked to be such a small animal with a tail. It was a rat that ran out of the kitchen area. There was also constant construction on the second floor which could be heard throughout the whole hotel at all hours of the day and night. I am not sure how this place was rated at three stars with good reviews. I have never encountered such a horrible stay and establishment in all my traveling endeavors. I rate this hotel a one star, and never plan on going back there. Do not waste your time at this hotel. The pictures on various websites that I have researched have all been photo shopped well lit which is the opposite of what took place in real life. I rate this hotel a D+, and one star, stay away!!!
5/510 評價
地理位置很好,去哪都方便,民宿走到最熱鬧的芭東夜市就10多分鐘,去看西蒙**秀也就幾百米,還有幾家網紅按摩店 De flora和let's relex也都可以步行去。民宿附近有家泰餐也很好吃,忘了叫啥,可以問問老闆。老闆很帥很熱情,不懂的有問老闆都會耐心回答還會讓我們避雷(安全感拉滿)。走之前還和老闆聊天聊了好一會兒,住在這裏的日子非常愉快,位置鬧中取靜,不然芭東路邊還是挺吵的。推薦大家可以選擇這裏,祝老闆生意興隆!






布吉國際機場為泰國吞吐量第二大之國際機場,為前往布吉之主要路徑。當地交通方面,公眾交通網絡不算發達,除了自駕,一般依賴的士、Tuk Tuk 及包車為主。機場交通方面,亦可選擇智能巴士及共乘小巴/巴士,但需時較久。


芭東海灘 Patong Beach


皇帝島 Raya Island

到訪布吉當然不能錯過浮潛體驗,相比起最為廣為人知的島嶼如 PP 島,皇帝島相對清幽安靜,因此交通安排相對不發達,建議可合租快艇,或參加一日跳島行程,一般會與珊瑚島安排同日遊覽,浮潛欣賞水底珊瑚礁世界。

布吉週末夜市 Naka Market

布吉長年多雨,遇上天氣欠佳的日子,可以前往 Naka Market 這個有蓋市集。布吉週末夜市每週營業兩日,攤位選擇豐富,雖然與市區距離較遠,但價格因此更相宜,非常受旅客歡迎。
