
普拉亞德爾卡曼Arrecife Francisco I. Madero附近酒店


優秀 4.5+非常好 4.0+很好 3.5+滿意 3.0+

Arrecife Francisco I. Madero附近人氣酒店

礁湖28酒店及水療中心 – 豪華成人專屬 – 全套房 – 可選全包。
礁湖28酒店及水療中心 – 豪華成人專屬 – 全套房 – 可選全包。礁湖28酒店及水療中心 – 豪華成人專屬 – 全套房 – 可選全包。
距離Arrecife Francisco I. Madero2.03km
不論是商務還是休閑旅客,礁湖28酒店及水療中心 – 豪華成人專屬 – 全套房 – 可選全包。都能讓您的普拉亞德爾卡曼之行變得更加美好而難忘。包括Bendito Pecado、Caminarte和La Galeria de Playa都在短距離內,入住酒店的旅客在該地區遊覽會很方便。酒店為您在客房內配備了熨衣設備、房內保險箱和空調,所有入住的客人均可便捷的使用。除此之外,配備有24小時熱水和吹風機的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。您可以在酒吧點上一杯,在優雅的氛圍中小酌一番。若是覺得酒店的餐飲無法滿足您挑剔的味蕾,不妨去附近的Nativo(拉美料理)、Ah Cacao Chocolate Cafe(拉美料理)或Imprevist品嚐下一流的推薦美食。酒店種類繁多的休閑設施能為每一位下榻於此的您創造多元化的休閑空間,這其中包括按摩室和健身室。酒店設有商務中心,為旅客提供高品質的商務服務。24小時開放的前台服務可為您隨時提供訊息,以幫助您探索這個魅力之都。

RR3980SDmichaelk 2020.01.16
這家酒店很好,床很舒服。自助早餐很棒,服務也很棒。有一個女服務員,名叫弗爾妮斯(Verynice),她是微笑最好的最好的女服務員。家政服務也很棒,我的房間總是打掃得很好。我有一個漂亮的陽台,可以俯瞰街道,並且在早晨,這裏很安靜。 。 。但。 。 。如果您想安靜與和平,這不是您想要的酒店。如果您想要響亮的音樂和屋頂游泳池,可以變成喧鬧的酒吧和舞池,直到中午或以後,那麼這個地方適合您。我當時在四樓,有時走廊裏有喝醉的女孩大喊大叫。整個晚上的大部分時間裏,人們都會聽到泳池音樂的重擊聲。它並不太麻煩,但是除了您必須付費的水療中心之外,沒有其他地方可以在酒店內享受安靜的體驗。管理層未解決或解決的另一個問題是我們安排從機場接送並送至酒店的交通。情況如此混亂,找回行李等了一個半小時后,我決定付錢給出租車,不再找私人護理來接我們。當我們開車去酒店時,我接到汽車公司的電話,責備我離開了那裡。我在多個航站樓(坎昆機場不小)尋找這位駕駛員時,幾次打電話給Reef 28,每次被擱置15分鐘,沒人幫我。該酒店從未解決此問題,而這種差勁的客戶服務反映在Reef 28總經理身上。
Meliora by Bunik
Meliora by BunikMeliora by Bunik
距離Arrecife Francisco I. Madero2.85km
著名的景點普拉亞德爾卡曼、Modulo IFE和Playa Del Carmen均可步行很短距離到達。酒店對客房的裝飾十分考究,每間設施齊全的客房都配備有房內保險箱、空調和衣櫃/衣櫥。酒店提供的休閑設施,旨在為旅客營造多姿多彩、奢華完美的住宿體驗。酒店設有24小時前台諮詢服務,為下榻至此的您提供最貼心的行程安排。

訪客 2023.03.31
I would not recommend this hotel. There was no water supply in the room and electricity supply in the communal area (which means no lift) for our last night of stay. We have to carry our heavy luggage down the stairs at check out. Receptionist promised to refund the money for the last night, but our booking agent said the hotel is not reachable as they never reply to phone calls or emails, so our refund request is still on hold. The hotel committed to proceed with our refund immediately but obviously this is not the case. I am really disappointed with my stay.
距離Arrecife Francisco I. Madero3.94km
對於想要捕捉普拉亞德爾卡曼城市風采的旅客來説,白金尤卡坦公主僅限成人入住全包酒店是一個理想的選擇。酒店距離科蘇美爾國際機場大約有21km。酒店鄰近多個熱門旅遊景點,包括Arrendadora Turistica Noa、Juan More Taco Food Tour和L' Aquarium,旅客可以將行程安排的更加緊湊。客房內的所有設施都是經過精心的考慮和安排,包括熨衣設備、房內保險箱和空調,滿足您入住需求的同時又能增添家的温馨感。除此之外,配備有拖鞋、浴缸和吹風機的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。您可以在酒吧點上一杯,在優雅的氛圍中小酌一番。貼心的送餐服務可以滿足那些喜歡在私人場合進餐的旅客。相信按摩室周到的服務和室外游泳池一流的設施,會讓您擁有別樣的體驗。酒店設有會議廳和商務中心,為旅客提供高品質的商務服務。酒店提供的乾洗服務,讓您的旅途更加方便。

訪客 2022.05.08
這是Playa Del Carmen中最好的價值。最好的一筆錢,特別是如果您正在此應用程序上預訂。美食。牛排餐廳也很棒。一切都乾淨現代,雖然不是最新的酒店。這是我們去酒店。只有抱怨他們停止了包括高級龍舌蘭酒(唐胡里奧)在內的所有
卡瑞特藝術酒店 - 全公園 - 全樂趣全包
卡瑞特藝術酒店 - 全公園 - 全樂趣全包卡瑞特藝術酒店 - 全公園 - 全樂趣全包
距離Arrecife Francisco I. Madero8.43km
不論是商務還是休閑旅客,卡瑞特藝術酒店 - 全公園 - 全樂趣全包都能讓您的索裏達瑞達德之行變得更加美好而難忘。酒店地理位置優越,駕車至普拉亞-德爾卡門機場僅需4km 。旅客們會發現西卡萊特公園、Experiencias Xcaret和西普洛瑪雅探險樂園距離酒店都不遠。酒店佔盡地理之宜,Xplor Park - Cancun、Rio Secreto和playacar離此都很近。酒吧旨在為旅客和您的朋友提供一處消遣的場所。如果旅客想在自己的房間舒適的用餐,酒店可提供客房服務。倘若您覺得酒店的餐飲服務無法滿足您的需求,附近的Excel Sense Rooftop(拉美料理)、Mi Ranchito Playero(地中海菜)和Casa Sofia Playa del Carmen(意大利菜)不妨可以試試。住客既能在 健身室揮灑汗水,也可以在Spa放鬆身心。酒店的會議廳和商務中心將熱情的服務與專業的素質完美地結合在一起。為了方便旅客,外幣兑換服務已為您準備就緒。

TTianyiju 2024.03.01
距離Arrecife Francisco I. Madero8.84km
不論是商務還是休閑旅客,墨西哥艾克斯克拉特酒店-所有公園及遊覽-全包式都能讓您的普拉亞德爾卡曼之行變得更加美好而難忘。酒店地理位置優越,駕車至普拉亞-德爾卡門機場僅需4km 。旅客們會發現西卡萊特公園、Experiencias Xcaret和西普洛瑪雅探險樂園距離酒店都不遠。酒店佔盡地理之宜,Rio Secreto、playacar和Playacar離此都很近。酒店對客房的裝飾十分考究,每間設施齊全的客房都配備有空調。除此之外,配備有24小時熱水的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。在空閑的時候,去大堂吧喝杯飲品放鬆一下是不錯的選擇。如果旅客想在自己的房間舒適的用餐,酒店可提供客房服務。若是覺得酒店的餐飲無法滿足您挑剔的味蕾,不妨去附近的Excel Sense Rooftop(拉美料理)、Evass Restaurant或La Laguna Restaurant(西班牙菜)品嚐下一流的推薦美食。酒店種類繁多的休閑設施能為每一位下榻於此的您創造多元化的休閑空間,這其中包括按摩室和健身室。酒店的會議廳將熱情的服務與專業的素質完美地結合在一起。酒店提供的乾洗服務,讓您的旅途更加方便。

SShisandao-X 2022.12.30
朋友給我安利了大名鼎鼎的Xcaret水上樂園,聖誕節的酒店價格貴得離譜,尤其是Xcaret旗下的酒店,所以這次除了住這家Xcaret Mexico(下稱X)以外,另一家是中國遊客不太多的Iberostar Quetzal (下稱Q)。Q酒店的價格不到X酒店的一半(當然X酒店包含了遊樂園門票,值不值自己算)。相對於國人如雷貫耳、硬件設施、風景更勝一籌的X,我更推薦Q 環境: X酒店就是國人熟悉的五星級酒店,房間大,設施新,硬件沒得説。沙灘很有特色,有種阿凡達懸浮山的感覺,海灘一多半是礁石,一小段沙灘,水質超好。X是花園,Q是叢林。 餐飲服務: 如果衹住了X酒店一家,我可能會覺得還不錯,可惜我住了Q酒店。相比之下Q酒店有種賓至如歸的感覺,服務員更開心隨和,酒水敞開了喝,自助餐新鮮花樣多、基本不用等位,聖誕那天大龍蝦、生蠔暢吃,一點不帶吝嗇的。相比之下,X酒店的服務員都是一副公事公辦的感覺,自助餐人不多也要等位,看着地方大其實吃喝花樣少。 還預約了Xin Gao日式餐,期望值別太高,娃點了個前菜是什麼什麼rice,上來的是一碗白花花的米飯!我點個刺身,沒上芥末,服務員説不好意思,今天沒有芥末了,給您泡薑片是替代芥末的 活動: 去Xcaret旗下的樂園非常方便,20分鐘一班。酒店有免費送機,需提前一天預約
距離Arrecife Francisco I. Madero16.47km
對於想要捕捉聖米格爾代科蘇梅爾城市風采的旅客來説,蔚藍海灘酒店-高爾夫/水肺潛水/Spa是一個理想的選擇。從酒店出發,至科蘇美爾國際機場僅有4km遠。附近很多景點,包括Playa Azul、Islands Beach Club和San Juan Reef都離酒店不遠。酒店坐落於Iglesia Olas de Gracia邊,附近還有很多景點包括Cozumel Sailing和Swim & Freedive Cozumel。酒店為您在客房內配備了熨衣設備、房內保險箱和空調,所有入住的客人均可便捷的使用。服務人員會提前為您準備好咖啡壺/茶壺和瓶裝水,以滿足您的飲水需求。倘若您在忙碌的一天後想在自己的客房內放鬆,提供吹風機的客房浴室是不錯的選擇。在酒吧點上一杯消除一天的疲勞,對於旅客來説是一個不錯的休閑選擇。如果您喜歡安靜的用餐,酒店可以提供房間送餐服務。若是覺得酒店的餐飲無法滿足您挑剔的味蕾,不妨去附近的Cerveceria Punta Sur(披薩)、Sorrisi(意大利菜)或La Monina品嚐下一流的推薦美食。酒店種類繁多的休閑設施能為每一位下榻於此的旅客創造多元化的休閑空間,這其中包括按摩室和Spa 。酒店的會議廳提供優質服務,是眾多商旅客選擇入住這裏的原因。24小時開放的前台服務可為您隨時提供訊息,以幫助您探索這個魅力之都。

Ccnphoebe 2024.07.21
真的很可愛的住宿,餐廳的工作人員特別友好。華麗的度假村,有兩個海灘和漂亮的游泳池 - 酒店餐廳的食物很棒,所以我們每晚都在那裏愉快地用餐。
距離Arrecife Francisco I. Madero16.6km
不論是商務還是休閑旅客,美利亞科蘇梅爾全包酒店都能讓您的科蘇梅爾之行變得更加美好而難忘。科蘇美爾國際機場位於距離該酒店大約5km的地方。著名的景點Playa Azul、Islands Beach Club和San Juan Reef均可步行很短距離到達。從酒店到Swim & Freedive Cozumel遊覽很方便,La Ruta de las Indias和Cozumel Sailing也均在附近。客房內的所有設施都是經過精心的考慮和安排,包括熨衣設備、房內保險箱和空調,滿足您入住需求的同時又能增添家的温馨感。有飲水需求的旅客,酒店還為您提供了咖啡壺/茶壺。除此之外,配備有吹風機的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。大堂吧給旅客提供了一個舒適的環境,可供休憩。旅客想要在自己的房間邊聽音樂邊享受美食,衹需呼叫送餐服務。在享受酒店貼心周到的餐飲服務的同時,也別放棄對周邊美味的探索,Restaurante Gaviotas(西餐)、Mi Pueblito Mexican Cuisine(墨西哥菜)和La Monina也許是可以讓您找到答案的地方。酒店種類繁多的休閑設施能為每一位下榻於此的您創造多元化的休閑空間,這其中包括按摩室和健身室。酒店配備有會議廳和商務中心,可供旅客使用。外國旅客可以通過多國語言工作人員瞭解當地風土人情的相關訊息。
B 獨特酒店
B 獨特酒店B 獨特酒店
距離Arrecife Francisco I. Madero16.76km
不論是商務還是休閑旅客,B 獨特酒店都能讓您的聖米格爾代科蘇梅爾之行變得更加美好而難忘。從酒店很方便到達科蘇美爾國際機場,僅有3km距離。包括La Ruta de las Indias、Cozumel Sailing和San Juan Reef都在短距離內,入住酒店的旅客在該地區遊覽會很方便。酒店鄰近多個熱門旅遊景點,包括Iglesia Olas de Gracia、Chabad of Cozumel和Capilla Santa Cruz,旅客可以將行程安排的更加緊湊。酒店對客房的裝飾十分考究,每間設施齊全的客房都配備有熨衣設備、房內保險箱和空調。除此之外,配備有吹風機的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。在餘暇時間,可以選擇去酒店的酒吧喝上一杯飲料,驅走所有的疲憊。貼心的送餐服務可以滿足那些喜歡在私人場合進餐的旅客。倘若您覺得酒店的餐飲服務無法滿足您的需求,附近的El Moro、Sorrisi(意大利菜)和Fernando Junior's Lobster House不妨可以試試。在漫長的一天結束後,遊客可以在按摩室和Spa進行放鬆,可大大提升您對酒店的滿意度。酒店設有會議廳,為旅客提供高品質的商務服務。為了方便旅客,外幣兑換服務已為您準備就緒。

KKate L 2024.07.24
We were incredibly disappointed with this hotel, it looks 5 star but the experience isn’t. We stayed July 2024. On check in, the whole process took over an hour because they had put our reservation down for August…not July. This was eventually resolved and we were given a ‘temporary’ room for a few hours. At this point we were understanding- these things happen and they offered a solution. The man on the check in was pleasant but incredibly slow. We stayed for 4 nights and there is no doubt the setting is wonderful and the rooms were lovely- however breakfast (included) was atrocious and lacking the basics. Bread but no butter or jam etc out, we had to ask every time and often more than one member of staff to eventually get it- often taking over 20 mins. One day there was no buffet at all but no one could explain why. You could order 2 out of the 3 remaining dishes on the menu but you were only allowed one per person. I had pancakes but then had the same fiasco that they came with no syrup and I had to ask 2 members of staff and wait 20 mins to eventually get it. On the Saturday night we stayed there, the hotel decided to throw a party until 2am…. Guests unfortunately were not invited or made aware so we were kept awake for several hours in our room. I went to reception to complain and was told a manager would speak with me in the morning..needless to say they didn’t. Reading between the lines, they host a lot of events for the local community (which is great) but the communication around it was poor and not acceptable for hotel guests. If they had invited hotel guests and offered a drink on the house or something along those lines it would make much more sense. The whole experience was completely bizarre and not worth the price they charged. I would expect this kind of service from a cheap local guesthouse, not a 5 star resort. The staff were not unpleasant at all but poorly organised and lacking basic communication.
距離Arrecife Francisco I. Madero18km
若想要遊覽聖米格爾代科蘇梅爾,空蘇美爾廣場酒店將會是一個不錯的的住宿之選。從酒店很方便到達科蘇美爾國際機場,僅有2km距離。包括Coral Reefs Monument、Rentadora Isis和Benito Juarez Park都在短距離內,入住酒店的旅客在該地區遊覽會很方便。酒店鄰近多個熱門旅遊景點,包括Palancar Shallows and Gardens、Cozumel Sailing和Tormentos Reef,旅客可以將行程安排的更加緊湊。酒店為您在客房內配備了熨衣設備、空調和衣櫃/衣櫥,所有入住的客人均可便捷的使用。浴室內提供吹風機,讓您感受到賓至如歸的享受。旅客可以在閑暇時間去酒店的休閑區,提升健康幸福感。外國旅客可以通過多國語言工作人員瞭解當地風土人情的相關訊息。

訪客 2021.05.18
I was spied on in the shower by a hotel employee, and management tried to cover it up. It wasn’t until we involved the police that they became cooperative. What happened? Look at the photos, and you’ll see a sliding window in the shower that opens to a hallway closet. While I was showering, I looked up and saw a man’s face in the window, watching me. I screamed, grabbed a towel, and ran out to the hallway. When I opened the closet next to my room, I found that same man wearing a hotel uniform, trying to climb down from the window that overlooks my shower. He tried to push past me, but I caught him by the sleeve and took his radio. I shouted for help, and he said over and over, “Please, don’t tell.” Other guests arrived to assist me, and started taking photos and video of the scene. The desk clerk named Angel came upstairs and initially claimed that he’d told the pervert peeping tom named Vicktor to get a broom from that closet. Observe from the photo that this is not a utility closet, and is empty except for pipes. We also found footholds carved into the cinderblock beneath the shower window. Once we pointed out the falsehood of his claim, Angel then said that Vicktor was never in the closet, that it’s his word against mine. Angel refused to call the hotel manager, and then refused to call the police. He took Victor to the office behind the hotel desk, and we saw him on his phone, smiling and laughing. Members of my group called the police and contacted the hotel owner Gilberto, who said he would come in 2 hours because he was not nearby. I give credit to the local police in Cozumel, who responded quickly, and also called their supervisor to the scene, who took our reports and investigated the closet. We discovered that many rooms, on all four floors of the hotel, have these fake utility closets with windows opening to the shower. None of the closets were locked, and only women had been assigned to these rooms by the front desk clerk. When the owner Gilberto arrived, he initially denied everything, then once the police sergeant supervised the interaction, the owner finally conceded that “because it’s bad for business,” he would repair the shower windows and lock the closets, and he also said Vicktor the peeping tom would be terminated. However Gilberto the owner denied that Angel the desk clerk had any part in covering up the incident or funneling female guests to those rooms. I was very concerned about what appeared to be a serious safety and privacy problem—who knows many staff are involved in their peeping tom operation and how long they’ve been doing it? How young are their victims? Are they taking photos and video too? I’ve never felt so violated and disgusted. There are plenty of nice places to stay in Cozumel, go someplace that takes the privacy and safety of their guests seriously.
距離Arrecife Francisco I. Madero18.83km
不論是商務還是休閑旅客,卡里博科蘇梅爾旅館都能讓您的科蘇梅爾之行變得更加美好而難忘。從酒店很方便到達科蘇美爾國際機場,僅有1km距離。包括Parque Arqueologico、Pax和Eben-Ezer Presbyterian Church都在短距離內,入住酒店的旅客在該地區遊覽會很方便。酒店對客房的裝飾十分考究,每間設施齊全的客房都配備有空調。有飲水需求的旅客,酒店還為您提供了瓶裝水。貼心的送餐服務可以滿足那些喜歡在私人場合進餐的旅客。倘若您覺得酒店的餐飲服務無法滿足您的需求,附近的El Moro、Sorrisi(意大利菜)和Fernando Junior's Lobster House不妨可以試試。旅客可以在閑暇時間去酒店的休閑區,提升健康幸福感。酒店會為旅客提供便捷的禮賓服務。

Celeste, the manager was always available within healthy boundary hours. She is available to reach with her WhatsApp contract. She will help you with any question you have. The clientele is a mix of older and younger people when I was there. From Mid-20s to late-60s (retirees, digital nomads, scuba diving tourists and fanatics, couples, families (no children, just young adults), and people on sabbaticals). The space was clean and well maintained. There were a few off pieces like the door frame to room was off alignment. The furniture was dinged and scraped in many places. There was a missing large carpet that was shown in the pics but overall most of what you see in the pictures are true but somewhat outdated. As with almost every property in Mexico in the hospitality industry the current reality is not exactly matching with the past photo albums presented on their websites. People come and go and as a consequence the place gets some wear and tear through the process. So don’t expect everything to look as nice as the photos. Despite these small things, the bikes are decent for rental and you can get almost anywhere on the island in 2 hours. The neighborhood is safe. There is a gym across the street and many restaurants nearby. The guests are respectful, kind and friendly. The staff are polite, helpful and flexible. With all that said, I definitely recommend this space.
查看所有Arrecife Francisco I. Madero酒店

為您推介熱門Arrecife Francisco I. Madero酒店

帕拉迪索卡曼海灘全包式住宿 - 瑪雅海濱
普拉亞德爾卡曼 | 距離Arrecife Francisco I. Madero0.81KM
芭拉迪莎酒店拉佩拉全包式住宿 - 限成人- 瑪雅海濱
普拉亞德爾卡曼 | 距離Arrecife Francisco I. Madero0.81KM
普拉亞德爾卡曼 | 距離Arrecife Francisco I. Madero0.91KM
普拉亞德爾卡曼 | 距離Arrecife Francisco I. Madero1.19KM
普拉亞德爾卡曼 | 距離Arrecife Francisco I. Madero1.33KM
Singular Dream Beach Residences
普拉亞德爾卡曼 | 距離Arrecife Francisco I. Madero1.38KM
普拉亞德爾卡曼 | 距離Arrecife Francisco I. Madero1.22KM


訪客I don’t even know where to start. Residence Inn at Marriot Playa Del Carmen has to be on of my pleasant hotel experiences ever. Starting from the positive vibe you feel as soon as you enter the premises all the way to when you checkout, they make you feel like a truly valued guest. Staff Everyone keeps smiling at you and they always try their best to accommodate your requests. Willy(security) was always there to assist whenever we arrived at the hotel. He was very professional and knowledgeable of the area, so he could put you on the right track regardless of which destination you were trying to get to. Gabriela (front desk) was super pleasant to work with during our check-in, when we had to extend our stay and every others time we had to request assistance from her. She always had a smile on her face and truly made us feel welcome. Cleanness The hotel appears to be brand new, with modern amenities and great décor. They keep all the common areas squeaky clean. I had to work from my room, so oftentimes when Domingo and Paulina came by to clean the room, I was in the middle of a meeting, but they never gave up on me and kept coming back until they made sure my room was clean on daily basis. Amenities Considering it is a hotel, they have an amazing gym and rooftop pool. I was hesitant about working out there at first when I made a reservation, but after seeing the equipment, size and clean environment they have at the gym, I actually looked forward to working out in the mornings. Food They serve decent breakfast(included) in the mornings between 7 to 10 am. They also have a specious dining area, so you will never have an issue finding a table. Waiters are also amazing, they try everything they can to make sure you have a pleasant dining experience. Thank you for an amazing experience, we will be back!
Residence Inn Playa del Carmen
Residence Inn Playa del Carmen
每晚最低價格: HKD 598
111191911酒店非常非常令人驚喜 就在海邊格一條馬路 屋頂泳池是我見過最美麗的無邊泳池 遠處的海近在咫尺 熱鬧的第五大道就在腳下 疫情期間小鎮上幾乎沒有任何遊客 店鋪都關掉 這個酒店提供了路途中的最大安慰
每晚最低價格: HKD 864
AAi一家酒店從我預訂的網站上糾正了他們的錯誤。當我們到達時,他們告訴我們我們需要支付額外的稅費,不包括bkft。但是我們向他們展示了我們支付的行程。 Hotel(Guillermo)主動為我們解決了錯誤,這是一個很好的舉措!讓我們在美麗的旅途中享受更多。 餐廳服務員超級友善,並注重客人,這是我們一直期望的五星級服務。感謝Walter給我們帶來了美好的體驗。 也是今天早上協助我們將行李帶到樓下的那個人,Axel在服務中注重細節,認為我們的需要!!他應得的更多! 感謝那些美好的經驗。您的同事使我們的旅行變得輕鬆而愉快!
每晚最低價格: HKD 1508
訪客The Carmen is clean and well situated. The ocean front suite was nice, bright, and spacious. However... - the reception checking in is horrible. There is a cheapo app that you must type all your data in to even though they have the reservation. One typing mistake and they say you are not registered. - Then you must type in your credit card (yes, type -- no reader) to this app. Very insecure! Took around ten minutes and the app never worked. The clerk ended up typing it in. With the Carmen, gone are the ”good day sir, welcome back: times. - On the card, they charge 100 US for ”incidentals”. I actually never found any incidentals to spend anything on. After two days and a message there are still two of these charge on my card and no reply for refund. - then they snag you with a pointless ”bracelet of death” for no visible purpose. The thing is like military grade plastic with little teeth inside. If you have the misfortune to pull it too tight you cannot remove it and you cut off circulation to your hand. You need a knife or scissors, and what traveler has those? There is no need for this whatsoever, and it is very dangerous if you pull it. If you get it caught it will take your hand off rather than breaking. - I had a ”luxury ocean front suite”, and the room and bed were nice. There was a puny little balcony with two very uncomfortable plastic chars. The jetted tub was cold and the jets did not work! In the room there is dangerous glass partition on the shower. Running into this at night could be a serious injury.
卡曼海灘酒店 - 海洋前
卡曼海灘酒店 - 海洋前
每晚最低價格: HKD 742
每晚最低價格: HKD 210
訪客What a great place! The location is excellent. It is right on the main square. The hotel is close to 5th Avenue but it is far enough away so not to hear it. The receptionist, Rocio, was extremely helpful. She even helped us with our bags. Lucas was also very helpful. Super people. We will definitely come back.
卡什精品酒店 - 限成人
卡什精品酒店 - 限成人
每晚最低價格: HKD 299
KKristina酒店絕對華麗,棕櫚樹、花、鳥很多--白天是安靜的天堂。但晚上...甜心耶穌,酒店旁邊有兩個酒吧,聽得見他們兩個都完美。如果你是一個夜行者,凌晨2點才上牀,那很好,但是如果你敢早一點睡覺,你可能會有點分心。 而不是那個,酒店,設施,人,服務,位置-一切都很棒。
每晚最低價格: HKD 365
訪客From start to finish, the experience at Ocean Riviera Paradise El Beso was simply outstanding. The resort itself is beautiful, with immaculately maintained grounds. But what really stood out to me was the exceptional service provided by the employees, particularly Miroslava, Rafael, Timu, Jorge (from the trolly), Mijael (bartender), and Francisco!! As mentioned, the employees at Ocean Riviera Paradise El Beso that truly make the resort stand out and made our time there absolutely AMAZING are Miroslava, Rafael, Timu, Jorge (from the trolly), Mijael (bartender), and Francisco! Here are some more positives about their exceptional service: * They are incredibly knowledgeable about the resort and the surrounding area. They were always happy to provide recommendations for activities, restaurants, and local attractions, and they seemed genuinely invested in ensuring that we had a wonderful time! * They were dedicated to providing exceptional service and ensuring that we felt valued and appreciated. They clearly take pride in their work and went out of their way to make sure that every guest had a personalized and memorable experience. * They are warm, friendly, and approachable. They are always available to answer questions or offer assistance, but never intrusive or pushy. * They are professional, and they take their jobs very seriously. They are punctual, reliable, and always strived to exceed guest expectations. Overall, these employees at Ocean Riviera Paradise El Beso are truly exceptional. Their dedication to providing outstanding service and ensuring that guests have a wonderful time is evident in everything they do. I can't speak highly enough of them and their commitment to making the resort a truly special place. Please do ensure this feedback is shared with them all. THANK YOU FOR THE AWESOME TIME GUYS!!! You made the trip super awesome and we are super grateful to have met you all. - Adrian (NYC)
海河天堂艾貝索 - 限成人- 全包式
海河天堂艾貝索 - 限成人- 全包式
每晚最低價格: HKD 1419
訪客Four family couples rented 4 condos here in Feb 2023. We were there a week. Playa Del Carmen (PDC) is no longer a sleepy fishing village and Google says has 340,000 population. The touristy pedestrian 5th Avenue is flanked by a great music scene reminiscent of New Orleans - IMP. Lots of great live music everywhere, afternoon and evening. As with all tourist destinations it was not inexpensive. While you could find deals (25 peso tacos at The Best Tacos Ever on Mondays) - and local beer from 50 - 65 pesos, hamburgers were 250 pesos at the beach clubs, and we paid as much as 500 pesos for lunch portion of grilled mahi-mahi with a small portion of yam fries. This seemed to always include fresh corn chips, salsa and very often live bands, not mariachis, but 3 to 5 piece bands. This is a new condo hotel residence located at 42nd Street and 5th Avenue, which is 2km north of the ADO bus terminal, the ferry terminal and the centre of the tourist area all of which are on 5th Avenue. It is about 4 blocks to the clean and modern Chadraui Grocery store and 4 blocks to the beach. It is a very pretty building with marble floors, open air lobby with front desk and coffee shop. Great cappuccino. The front desk is manned during the day time. Carlos was friendly, spoke English fluently and was very helpful. The desk’s job was to call the owner if there was a problem with a suite. There is a security person at the building lobby entrance 24 hours. Fresh linens were on Wednesday. This is not a full service hotel. The condo units are owned by different people - meaning, to us, each unit has different kitchen supplies and maintenance, for example. The one bedroom units have two bathrooms, and are designed to be locked off to create 2 separate units. The square footage of what you are renting is listed on the website. Check this carefully to know what you are renting. We had a full ( both parts - Suite 205 and 205L) of a one bedroom suite with balcony. One part would be bedroom with king bed, TV and bath. The other part has kitchen, table height dining bar for 4, TV and a pull out couch and bathroom. The building opened November 2021 and with travel restrictions, I am guessing this season could be considered their first. Like all new buildings, it has construction glitches to be worked out. Hot water was intermittent, water pressure was highly variable and for 24 hours there was no water. The safe in 205L did not work. One of our group (305 and 305L) had next day service (24 hours +) on getting their safe open when it failed. The entrance key for the suite is kept in a lock box beside the entrance door. You will be given a code to access your key. The locks are fussy. We requested and received a key card for the second entrance door. The balcony doors slide back to create a full open air kitchen. The bedroom had blackout curtains. The kitchen had dishes and cutlery for 4. It had 2 non-stick fry pans and assorted non-stick pots and cooking implements. There was
Anah la Quinta by Sunest
Anah la Quinta by Sunest
每晚最低價格: HKD 434
訪客我們剛剛經歷了住在PDC中心裏納羅哈酒店(Reina Roja Hotel)的可疑經歷。呃,這是一家位於PDC中心的“精品酒店”。我們之所以呆在那裏,是因爲我們讀過一些地方說這是城裏一家同性戀友好型酒店。遺憾的是沒有登錄Travelocity,查看點評(教訓學習!)首先好(嘿,不能全是壞吧?):電視機升級了,很大。早餐提供–,大部分還算可以。停車收費很少。酒店離著名的旅遊陷阱昆塔阿維達(Quinta Avenida)有幾步之遙,如果你願意離它那麼近的話。而且,雖然它的設計美學怪異,但它卻連貫一致;對我來說,它感覺相當令人毛骨然,而且輕柔的–,這並不一定是壞的。現在,壞的是:這是一個諾西的地方。Techno從上午10點開始,一直持續到凌晨。我有一個雨聲,直到季風水平,以掩蓋技術人員的砰砰聲。如果你在這次審查之後決定要住在這裏,要麼讓自己陷入昏迷,帶上大量的安眠藥,或者有很好的耳塞。傢俱是sp****,不舒服。比如牀很結實。很結實。克林貢風格的結實。沙發墊差的還有–,牀頭櫃只有一個。照明?主要是設計用,不實用。無論是牀邊還是沙發邊,都沒有有利於閱讀的燈光。毛巾被囤積起來像黃金一樣有原因(我在另一篇評論中提到);我們要求不止一個,但沒有拿到。淋浴時水壓嗎?我知道,淋浴問題在墨西哥是一個常見的問題嗯,這個地方也有。雨淋頭提供了更多的毛毛雨(小雨淋頭)–,溫度從正好的右邊波動到在一瞬間沸騰。不要被“精品”的誘惑,或者低價的誘惑。你可以在相同的價格範圍內找到更好的房產。
每晚最低價格: HKD 282


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