

Monte Mar Palace 酒店
4/550 評價
Saga holiday which I found was great value staying in this delightful small hotel in an ideal location. I chose this resort for the peace and tranquillity that I desired and because I hadn’t really experienced the North coast on my travels to Madeira in the past. The hotel has good facilities for swimming and low impact sport. Dining was better than I expected and the menus were varied and adequate. The staff were exceptional and couldn’t be more friendly. If you are a photographer you will not be disappointed with the location and accessibility of locations that are fantastic to just wander about in, admiring the views. The scenery is quite outstanding. Travel to local locations is fairly simple by public transport or the shuttle bus which the hotel provides for visits to Sao Vicente. Reception can provide details on travel requirements and trips throughout the island. Whilst at the hotel I travelled to local locations, to Funchal and to Nuns Valley. There was always something to do at the resort and I was lucky during my stay to have great weather. The clientele were from all over Europe and the Saga group which I was part of were extremely friendly and a pleasure to be in the company of. I didn’t encounter any downside during my visit. Yes, the hotel could do with a slight makeover but this shouldn’t distract anyone for visiting. If you are requiring a break simply to recharge yourself then this is an ideal location.


  • 蓬塔德爾加達有哪些熱門4星級酒店?

    無論您是到蓬塔德爾加達公幹或遊覽,Monte Mar Palace 酒店 是您的首選酒店。

  • 蓬塔德爾加達的4星級酒店的平均價格是?

    蓬塔德爾加達的4 星級酒店,平日的平均房價為THB 18,155,週末(週五至週六)的平均房價為THB 15,472。

  • 蓬塔德爾加達哪些4星級酒店提供游泳池?

    蓬塔德爾加達有很多設有游泳池的4星級酒店。Monte Mar Palace 酒店 非常熱門。

  • 蓬塔德爾加達哪些4星級酒店提供健身設施?

    Monte Mar Palace 酒店提供健身設施。即使在旅遊途中,亦可以滿足您的健身需要!

  • 蓬塔德爾加達哪些4星級酒店設有酒吧?

    蓬塔德爾加達設有酒吧的4星級酒店中,Monte Mar Palace 酒店 非常熱門。

  • 蓬塔德爾加達哪些4星級酒店提供早餐?

    Monte Mar Palace 酒店提供美味早餐。吃一頓高質素的早餐,開展精彩的一天!

  • 蓬塔德爾加達哪些4星級酒店提供水療服務?

    想享受水療好好放鬆嗎?蓬塔德爾加達4星級酒店中,Monte Mar Palace 酒店非常熱門。

  • 蓬塔德爾加達哪些4星級酒店提供機場接送服務?

    對蓬塔德爾加達不熟悉?Monte Mar Palace 酒店提供機場接送服務。

  • 蓬塔德爾加達哪些4星級酒店酒店提供免費 Wi-Fi?

    網絡連接是旅行的必需品。Monte Mar Palace 酒店是提供免費 Wi-Fi 的熱門酒店。

  • 蓬塔德爾加達4星級酒店有哪些優惠提供?

    Trip.com 提供各種4星級酒店推廣及折扣。您可前往推廣活動頁面了解 Trip.com 有哪些推廣活動。


最高價格THB 25,612
最低價格THB 4,567
平均價格(平日)THB 18,155
平均價格(週末)THB 15,472


如果你還在煩惱去蓬塔德爾加達要訂什麼四星級酒店,Trip.com 一站式網上旅遊平台會是您的最佳選擇。旅行前要做足準備工作,應該要事先規劃好要參觀的蓬塔德爾加達景點再選擇適合的酒店。不論是跟家人或朋友出行,想要遠離繁囂來蓬塔德爾加達旅行一定不會令你失望。想要去蓬塔德爾加達的旅行應該要留意有沒有酒店住宿的空缺,因為當地的住宿選擇較少。

Church of the Good Lord Jesus是蓬塔德爾加達市中心人氣頗佳的旅遊熱點,有空可以到這些地方逛一逛。


