The hotel itself deserves 5 stars for its cleanliness! I prioritize staying in clean hotels, and this one is undoubtedly the cleanest in the area. However, the breakfast at the hotel was expensive — a $20 buffet with a limited selection, unlike what you'd typically find at an average Hilton Garden Inn breakfast. The only downside to this hotel was the shuttle service. On two occasions during my stay, I had to use Uber from the airport because the shuttle never arrived despite calling and informing them of my location at the airport. Other hotel shuttles passed by multiple times while ours failed to show up, which was disappointing. Front desk staff and restaurant staff were very professional and friendly!
西雅圖機場希爾頓逸林酒店及度假村緊鄰SeaTac國際機場,毗鄰5號州際公路,距西雅圖市中心僅數分鐘路程,駕車可至華盛頓州的Federal Way 與 Tukwila。西雅圖機場希爾頓逸林酒店及度假村為您提供專業商務團隊,為您辦公打印或籌備500強商務晚宴等需求提供幫助及服務。酒店是您在華盛頓州商務出行、休閑度假的理想選擇。酒店熱情專業的員工期待您的光臨。入住即可免費獲得熱巧克力餅乾。
這是一家離西雅圖Tacoma機場不遠的酒店,如果選擇步行,需要20分鐘。當然對於長途旅行轉機的人而言,有那麼多行李要拿,怎麼可能步行呢。取完託運行李要再上一層樓,往Groud Transportation路牌指引方向走,一定要穿過Skybridge(天橋)然後再下一層樓,就會看到Curtesy vehicles (禮賓用車)的候車點,有逸林的穿梭巴士,具體候車位好像是A3。從整點起算,這家酒店每隔20分鐘會從酒店送客過來,從酒店過來約需6-7分鐘。所以你到達後基本可以估算酒店的車什麼時候到。通宵達旦都發車,7-24運轉! 酒店硬件設施有些年頭了,但前台工作人員禮數不會少,聖誕裝飾也很温馨,比較喜歡這種有年代感的老酒店。我訂的2117號房間,離大廳不遠,帶個陽台。兩張大床,完全夠一家三口睡。衣帽間裏套的衞生間,衣帽間也有一個盥洗台,加衞生間的就是兩個。但缺憾是房間沒有微波爐,如果要泡方便麪可以用膠囊咖啡機燒水。衞生間裏沒有暖氣,洗澡要注意保温。另外淋浴龍頭需要先往外拉一下,然後再旋轉取水。 酒店鄰主幹道對面有Subway(24小時快餐店)、有一家燒烤吧、一家泰餐,還有Denny's快餐(24小時營業)和 Jack in the Box漢堡店(24小時營業),然後不遠處還有一個叫“馬拉松”的加油站,那裡有小超市,裏面有泡麪、牛肉乾、飲料和水果賣。加油站對面是是Taco Bell墨西哥餐連鎖店。吃的挺多的,既可以Dining in room也可以Take away,也可以Drive -through。我介紹得夠仔細了吧!
I used their airport parking which charges less than the actual airport. The shuttles were not as often as advertised as I was considering taking an Uber while I waited. When I returned to my car after my trip there was a sticker on my window saying my car would be towed or booted that day! It was late in the day but I had prepaid for parking and was still within my paid for time. I’m not sure how this happened and although I’m grateful my car was still there I was quite angry they were somehow unaware that my vehicle was allowed to be there. At the gate while exiting there was no way to scan my prepaid parking and I had to can an attendant who seemed annoyed. I immediately reached out to the hotel via my Marriott Bonvoy account and although it has now been a week I never heard back. I do not recommend them for parking. Parking areas are also dimly lit and seem like they could leave vehicles vulnerable.
SureStay Plus Hotel by Best Western SeaTac Airport
塔科馬國際機場, 西塔科 | 距離angle lake0.86KM
"Good Location"
塔科馬國際機場, 西塔科 | 距離angle lake1.09KM
"Good Location"
This is just a wonderful property, probably one of the best Hampton Inns I’ve ever stayed at (and I’ve been to at least 100). Close by airport, prompt shuttle service, underground parking, and immaculately clean. Quick, professional check in, easy to get to rooms. Always an excellent breakfast spread, it’s well stocked and very clean - thank you Jeyralin! Also thank you to front desk Chris and Nicole. All are wonderful, professional people who make this one of the best Hilton properties around! Look forward to my return!
Stayed here twice in the last weeks. Liked the hotel very much, friendly staff, rooms are equipped with everything you need, inexpensive, free breakfast, flexible check in if room available, nearby restaurant and 7-11 within walking distance. Especially the flexible check in was much appreciated. Did not figure out the courtesy shuttle to the hotel outside regular hours. Told us to call the hotel for the shuttle but my foreign cell phone did not provide service in Seattle and courtesy phones at the airport do not operate any more. Minor problem if you take the inexpensive room rate into consideration and if you figure out that an Uber only costs around 13 usd. Would not recommend taxi service because they charged us at least 21 usd for a trip of less than 5 minutes.
PPat OThe hotel is clean and very functional. However, we stayed there because of its proximity to the airport and the free shuttle. Sadly the free shuttle only functions from 08:00. Not sure when it stops? Peak travel times mean being at the airport are early. Using the free shuttle means getting to the apart at 08:30 at best. So we took a taxi. Reception recommended a yellow cab. Cabby arrived early in his Prius. $20 was the fare for the few minutes to the airport. So always remember to add $20 to your hotel cost here or sleep somewhere else!
訪訪客我們是老年人,住在SEATAC,WASH,在一個較老的移動家庭,溫度幾乎100,沒有交流電,所以不得不在附近找個房間冷卻,我們不能再負擔3個晚上,因爲這裏仍然很熱。房間很好/很大,但設施很少。他們有硬木地板,而且很髒,因爲我在房間裏穿拖鞋襪子,而且在底部很髒。希望我們能有更好的交易。謝謝MAYNA J YOUNG
訪訪客我有點擔心住在這裏,因爲有一些負面的評論,但最後,一切都很好,我有一個美好的住宿。我需要在西雅圖機場附近的一家酒店住一晚,因爲我晚上到達,第二天早上必須回到機場。我將在酒店不到10個小時,所以我不想花很多錢。我預訂了Seitac Inn,因爲它離機場很近,我需要可靠的班車。班車司機在我兩次使用班車時非常迅速,非常有禮貌。接待員非常樂於助人。房間很好很乾淨,很基本,淋浴很棒,基本上是我支付的價格所期望的。我根本沒有抱怨。浴巾有點小,我聽到繁忙的道路上傳來的噪音,但不足以干擾我的睡眠。這些東西對我來說並不重要。我需要一個便宜的酒店,有可靠的班車,靠近機場,還有一個乾淨和安全的房間,即使有點過時,而且 SeaTac Inn 送來了。我作爲一個中年女性旅行,在酒店房間裏確實感到安全。如果我需要在西雅圖機場附近過夜的話,我會再次使用這家酒店。