正在尋找Harbourside Room at the MCA附近的酒店?不妨參考真實旅客的評價。


探索Harbourside Room at the MCA附近的熱門酒店




4.5/5205 評價


The Rocks|距離Harbourside Room at the MCA0.42km
這是一份修改後的評論,以強調酒店持續缺乏溝通。可以公平地說,酒店有一些很棒的事情要做,但遺憾的是,客戶支持不是其中之一。早餐很棒,屋頂 Aster 酒吧是享用雞尾酒和欣賞壯觀日落的好地方。然而,整個事情因管理層的極度乏味支持而失望。我妻子在酒店丟了眼鏡。它們是處方老花鏡,採用非常獨特的設計師鏡框,並裝在一個閃閃發光的金色盒子裡。我們在退房時在前台詢問是否找到了他們,並被告知他們沒有上交,但接待處會與 Aster 酒吧核實,我們認為他們已經離開了,但在退房時關閉了。我們原定在 4 天后再次回到悉尼,接待員記錄了眼鏡和眼鏡盒的所有細節和描述,並說她會給我發電子郵件,讓我了解最新情況。遺憾的是我們沒有收到回复。四天后,當我們返回悉尼時,我們在酒店檢查過,沒有任何反對我們預訂的記錄,值班接待員說無能為力,但無法確認是否在 Aster 屋頂酒吧進行了檢查。我要求與值班經理交談,一位愛爾蘭女士(遺憾的是我不知道她的名字)出來與我交談。她非常抱歉,說這不是我們應該期望從酒店得到的正常標準,並承諾會與 Aster 工作人員交談,她會在一天結束前通過電子郵件回复我。可悲的是,沒有進一步的溝通,並且向酒店發送的後續電子郵件仍未得到答复。我們意識到損失是我們的錯,但工作人員缺乏興趣以及管理層未兌現的空頭承諾肯定會阻止我們再次入住。管理層似乎對提高客戶滿意度沒有興趣。
4.3/552 評價


悉尼中央商務區 The Rocks|距離Harbourside Room at the MCA0.44km
Location drew me to Establishment, situated near some of my favourite restaurants in Sydney and close to the venue where I was doing business. Establishment delivers for location. I also chose Establishment for a little bit of luxury to break a heavy work schedule and it did not live up to expectation. It seems to be a great party crash hotel for the bucks/hens night with few services that really speak to the time poor luxury business traveller. It’s beautifully styled with a comfortable bed, but that is about the limit. It’s the services and the quality of the room features that let it down. No 24 hour room service and a menu that is not reflective of the quality of the food precinct it’s situated in. (I went out to get an excellent take away breakfast that I brought back to my room rather than order anything from the scant breakfast menu that looked like a take away menu). I left my computer power charger at home, but concierge could not help me with one to borrow or ideas on where I could buy a replacement. The bath is very narrow and not much hot water - I boiled the kettle to get it a bit warmer. Hunter products in the bathroom but there was no hair conditioner and few of the little luxuries that you would expect in such a stylish bathroom such as extra towels, make up mirrors/lighting, an extra soap for the bath. The room fittings are pretty tired and scuffed up. It’s certainly ready for a bit of a renovation/ refresh. The carpet looks like it’s seem some amazing parties. The room, particularly the bathroom, smelled strongly of cigarette smoke despite it being a non smoking hotel. The bathroom shower curtain was really dirty and needs to be replaced. Lots of marks on the walls and scuff marks on furniture - looks tired and a bit worn out. There is no dedicated space to work for business travellers, other than a long table near the window but I had to sit on the bed. Inside the lift the small seating looks like it had seen some parties as well and not clean enough to sit on. No hand sanitiser anywhere. This was the most expensive room rate for the CBD area I wanted to be in, and the result was disappointing. As a lover of boutique hotels, I was looking forward to staying here, but based on this experience I won’t return and can’t recommend this one.



正在搜尋Harbourside Room at the MCA附近的酒店?比較房價和評價,找到您的理想酒店。
4.5/574 評價
4.3/552 評價
Location drew me to Establishment, situated near some of my favourite restaurants in Sydney and close to the venue where I was doing business. Establishment delivers for location. I also chose Establishment for a little bit of luxury to break a heavy work schedule and it did not live up to expectation. It seems to be a great party crash hotel for the bucks/hens night with few services that really speak to the time poor luxury business traveller. It’s beautifully styled with a comfortable bed, but that is about the limit. It’s the services and the quality of the room features that let it down. No 24 hour room service and a menu that is not reflective of the quality of the food precinct it’s situated in. (I went out to get an excellent take away breakfast that I brought back to my room rather than order anything from the scant breakfast menu that looked like a take away menu). I left my computer power charger at home, but concierge could not help me with one to borrow or ideas on where I could buy a replacement. The bath is very narrow and not much hot water - I boiled the kettle to get it a bit warmer. Hunter products in the bathroom but there was no hair conditioner and few of the little luxuries that you would expect in such a stylish bathroom such as extra towels, make up mirrors/lighting, an extra soap for the bath. The room fittings are pretty tired and scuffed up. It’s certainly ready for a bit of a renovation/ refresh. The carpet looks like it’s seem some amazing parties. The room, particularly the bathroom, smelled strongly of cigarette smoke despite it being a non smoking hotel. The bathroom shower curtain was really dirty and needs to be replaced. Lots of marks on the walls and scuff marks on furniture - looks tired and a bit worn out. There is no dedicated space to work for business travellers, other than a long table near the window but I had to sit on the bed. Inside the lift the small seating looks like it had seen some parties as well and not clean enough to sit on. No hand sanitiser anywhere. This was the most expensive room rate for the CBD area I wanted to be in, and the result was disappointing. As a lover of boutique hotels, I was looking forward to staying here, but based on this experience I won’t return and can’t recommend this one.
4.2/585 評價
4/5102 評價
房間沒有很多基本的設施.. 如室內拖鞋和礦泉水 (這價錢不便宜,連水都不捨得給.. 過分!!!!) 本來想住這裏可以有 opera house 的景色.. 但是並沒有 - 一樣價錢,可以住別家很好的酒店了 然後因為遇到 vivid Australia festival... 路封了... 我叫前台幫我叫車去機場,還特地問她要在哪裡等 (我知道路封了)... 結果她完全不知情,叫我在酒店等.. 結果車進不來... 還拖延了我的時間... 最後,他們根本就沒幫上忙... 我還要自己拖着笨重的行李走去大路叫車😡😡😡 總結,沒有必要住在這裏... 同樣的地理位置,還有很多其它選擇😎
4.6/5279 評價
真的超級喜歡這個酒店,無論酒店位置(市中心哦,去哪都方便)還是早餐都very very nice! 為了帶媽媽和寶寶一起看悉尼經典歌劇院景觀,選擇這個酒店準沒錯。走路5 分鐘就到達歌劇院。不得不多説一句,酒店的早餐真的好好吃🤤。服務態度也特別好。對待華人很友好。下次還繼續選擇這裏。
4.1/5116 評價
酒店位於悉尼岩石區中心的絕佳位置。酒店位於喬治·聖,位於海外郵輪碼頭對面,周圍有很多餐館和酒吧,並在週末開放的岩石市場旁邊。雖然位置一流,但遺憾的是,與我在其他 Rydges 酒店的經歷相比,酒店非常低調。酒店很舊,但不是舊的世界風格,只是普通的舊和疲憊。牀很舒服,房間非常基本。除了一張桌子和椅子,房間裏只有一張椅子,沒有休息室。作爲對任何有訪問問題的人的警告,每個樓層都在兩個層次上,電梯不會停止在替代級別上,所以你需要在每個層次之間使用大約8步的飛行。我的房間淋浴在浴室的上面只有3英尺多一點。淋浴天花板太長了,我無法正常站起來,熱水很熱(顯然沒有打閥),冷水全滿了,我只是打開熱水,否則太熱了。房間都是單獨空調的,但是我們的設置爲19.5°,還是很暖和的。電視太低了,幾乎不可能從牀上看(記得沒有休息室或桌子坐),真的需要安裝在牆上。從積極的方面看,工作人員真的很好,友好和樂於助人,儘管我很震驚地看到這位年輕女士檢查人們進入餐廳吃早餐,走過,從碗旁的表層撿起一塊培根,然後把它扔回去和另一隻鹹肉一起混合,然後把它和其他的混合在一起。


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    在 Trip.com 預訂酒店時,只需在頁面上輸入您的目的地、旅遊日期及住客人數即可。然後,瀏覽可預訂的酒店並選擇您希望預訂的酒店。最後按指示輸入您的付款資料便可完成預訂。

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正在計劃前往悉尼旅行嗎?在Trip.com網站或者Trip.com APP上您可以找到最新的悉尼酒店優惠。在澳大利亞,悉尼是一座比較繁華熱鬧的城市。悉尼是個讓您流連忘返的旅遊勝地,這裡有很多值得一遊的景點。


悉尼有1035家精品酒店,Trip.com能為您提供最高20%的折扣。當地酒店平均價格大概是1052 HKD一晚,悉尼有各種各樣的酒店,定能滿足您對不同旅行的住宿需求。悉尼有96家五星級酒店,平均每晚1748 HKD。悉尼有351家四星級酒店,平均每晚1184 HKD。悉尼有203家三星級酒店,平均每晚711 HKD。悉尼有46家二星級酒店,平均每晚518 HKD。作為著名的旅遊城市,悉尼入駐了許多為人熟悉的連鎖酒店品牌。華美達酒店是當地其中一個最有人氣的酒店品牌。悉尼有華美達的連鎖酒店,喜歡這個品牌的遊客可以選擇入住,享受華美達提供的優質服務。悉尼阿莫拉吉姆森酒店(Amora Hotel Jamison Sydney)是悉尼中較具人氣的熱門酒店之一。假若您還有猶豫,Trip.com推薦您入住悉尼四季酒店(Four Seasons Hotel Sydney)。

倘若您住在悉尼市區的酒店,可以優先遊覽附近的景點,比如悉尼博物館, 悉尼塔, 中央商業區。在悉尼周圍尋幽探祕,凱馬, 史蒂芬港, 藍山國家公園是個好去處。除了之前介紹過的景點外,悉尼歌劇院, 星光之城, 海德公園也是比較有名的。悉尼的商業氛圍比較濃厚,如果想購物您可以去Central Park, 皮特街購物中心, 牛津街。










