







4/535 評價
Hi Trip Advisor ..Wishing everyone a Very Happy New year 2023... After 1001 contributions it was a great sabbatical ,thanks to Corona not the beer but the Covid 19. Though Holidayed for a week in gOA at Taj post lockdown, did not post any review. But this one is from my heart for the bountiful , unflinching and the relentless hospitality by the staff of Hotel Udaigarh in pursuit of satisfaction of the Guests... AND THIS IS NOT A PAID REVIEW AT ANY COST........BUT A Review for the BEST. To the brasstacks:- LOCATION :- 1. The hotel is in the old city of Udaipur near to City Palace (200m) and over looks the Lake Pichola. 2. The hotel is very well located with good shopping nearby for the Leather or the Antiques or for the miniature art paintings all with in the walkable Distance (150- 250m). 3. It is within the walkable distance of 200m from the ancient temple , the Jagdish ***dir. 4. All good and coveted restaurants are near by including the Rainbow, Jagat Niwas , Marwar Haveli and more. 5. The hotel is located next to Bagore ki haveli known for the Puppet show and Local cultural progamme show , at a strolling distance of 200m. 6. The place over looks Lal ghat and next to Gangaur Ghat both being very close by for capturing the beautiful sunsets. 7. It is nearer to the Famous Millets of Mewar Restaurant (100m) . 8. It itself has a roof top restaurant that offers great food with an astonishing view of Lake pICHOLA both by day and night.. Amazing sunset view at dusk and a better and near view of TAJ lake Palace. 9. Hathipole is the main market and is just 1.5 km away ,is worth exploring while one takes a walk. 10. The property has a pool , good for a cool dip in summers and may not be so during winters. 11. The hotel offers a great view 24 x7 and nothing beats it's location ,given the Budget, the hospitality and the location. THE ROOMS;- Rooms on Three floors and yes there is a LIFT. 1. The rooms are very well done up and every room has been decorated with Rajasthani paintings that are simply mesmerising. 2. The sitting areas of all the three floors have a different set up and beautiful ambience to make the moment. 3. Rooms ending with 01 are Superior Heritage and spacious rooms ..Those preferring exquisite space would love it, just that it has no paintings on the wall.. But that is even negligible. 4. Else all other rooms are well done up . Hardly any power cuts though there is power back , unlimited tea rations, kettle , water bottles , wifi etc etc are catered for. 5. Regular house keeping or as desired and 24x7 assistance through intercom. 6. Every floor has a seating area very well done up and lit up. Even the reception is very charming. 7. No room is over looking the lake , which is hardly an issue because the pool and restaurant area give abundance view 24x7. FOOD /BREAKFAST :- 1. First and foremost , the breakfast package is short sweet and great unlike the lavish spread of 5 star hotels but Ind
4.4/559 評價
4.3/540 評價
烏代浦爾最舒服的區域無疑是皮丘拉湖周邊,我從網站上選了湖景最漂亮的一家酒店,到達時剛好是下午5點。服務生領着我穿過庭院去房間,這家白色的酒店和四處漂亮的裝飾令我喜出望外。但更大的驚喜還在後麪,酒店的樓頂是一個巨大的平台,有泳池有茶座有餐桌,望出去是絕美的湖景,而我的房間就被安排在了頂樓,這意味着我可以十分方便地欣賞烏代浦爾最美的風景了。 這家Jagat Niwas Palace Hotel也是由哈維裏改造而來,通體潔白,很好地凸顯了白城的特點,而湖中的宮殿和對麪的房子也有不少被刷成了白色,儘管並不是那麼統一。在盈盈碧波的映襯下,白城的清新和浪漫一下子就散發出來了。 黃昏的色彩、湖畔的風景、酒店的清新,把連日來印度“髒亂差”的印象一掃而空,直到第二天中午退房時,我都沒有踏出過酒店的大門,衹是坐在窗邊的靠墊上,吃着晚餐和早餐對着美麗的湖景發獃,然後在並不太大的酒店裡轉悠,去看看帶着雕刻的木製傢具和壁龕裏漂亮的裝飾品。這趟旅行突然間就切換到了休假的模式,而白城的魅力,其實就在這慢慢消磨的時光裏吧。
4.3/58 評價
尼斯酒店,非常友好和樂於助人的員工。所有者直接照顧該財產,並且每次都可以到達。非常有幫助,因為我們需要第二天的拍速旅行者,我們在前一天的晚上8點叫他,儘管我們知道考慮到旺季這是很晚的要求,但是他以非常有競爭力的價格安排了拍速旅行者。 我打電話給他尋求其他幫助,他立即回應並完成了這些請求。 我建議大家在計劃訪問udaipur時事先獲得他們的幫助,他們可以很好地計劃您的行程並信任他們。我們根據他們的建議進行工作,我們可以在3天內覆蓋最多的位置。 幾個問題: 最多的房間沒有衣櫃。 帶2-3名廚師的居家型廚房,所以他們可能需要一些時間才能為許多人準備早餐。因此建議將bfast分別分配給4個人。 包含的早餐中(它們僅提供一份豆腐凝乳和一份茶或一份麵包煎蛋餅和茶),其餘全部按使用和付費使用。所以請相應地計劃。
4.7/564 評價
Kalu Kishan Gaurav and ***ish very well with the hospitality. Awesome place to dine and view from here is so mesmerizing that you will not forget the place and the food over is one of the best food in Udaipur. Experience you carry from here is gonna with you for years...
4.4/558 評價
整棟大理石建築挺精緻的,房間不是很大,如果住慣大房間的可能不會太適應,我個人感覺挺好。 樓頂餐廳的景色是最大亮點,餐廳的食物符合中國人口味,比之前德裏五星級酒店好太多了,價格也公道。在這裏看日落最棒! 店員英語口語都不錯,溝通無礙。




Maharana Pratap Airport是烏代布爾通往世界各大城市的主要航空門戶。倘若不想坐飛機到烏代布爾,火車也是另一個不錯的交通工具。

烏代布爾旅行太需要擔心住宿問題,因為這裡有超過283家可以選擇。在烏代布爾尋找酒店時,準備每晚410 HKD左右的預算,應該能找到不錯的住宿。烏代布爾有17家五星級酒店,平均每晚1928 HKD。烏代布爾有22家四星級酒店,平均每晚565 HKD。烏代布爾有73家三星級酒店,平均每晚375 HKD。烏代布爾有35家二星級酒店,平均每晚308 HKD。烏代布爾匯聚了眾多知名連鎖酒店,無論您是商務出行還是旅遊入住,都很合適。如若您對旅行住宿比較有要求,在烏代布爾還是挺容易找到舒適酒店的,像華美達旗下的酒店就很好。不少到烏代布爾的遊客都會預訂華美達的酒店。作為烏代布爾的熱門酒店,麗笙藍標度假酒店及水療-烏代布爾宮(Radisson Blu Udaipur Resorts & Spa)是評價最高的酒店之一。當然,許多遊客也會選擇烏代布爾金色鬱金香酒店(Golden Tulip Udaipur)入住。

烏代布爾市區有不少出名的特色景點,例如:城市宮殿, 烏代布爾日落點。在烏代布爾周圍尋幽探祕,Ganesha Temple, 榮譽之塔, Jataun ka Mandir Temple是個好去處。其實到烏代布爾旅遊,最熱門的景點還有水晶長廊, 湖中宮殿, 皮丘拉湖。而喜歡購物的旅客,記得把lakecity加入行程。
