旅客若想住在佛羅倫薩的坎波蒂馬特,那麼橙花別墅酒店將會是一個便捷的選擇。坎普馬特火車站位於距離該酒店大約2km的地方。著名的景點PASTICCERIA CESARE、Museo Del Calcio和Chiesa di San Bartolomeo al Gignoro均可步行很短距離到達。酒吧給旅客提供了一個舒適的環境,可供休憩。旅客想要在自己的房間邊聽音樂邊享受美食,衹需呼叫送餐服務。酒店周邊的美食也等待着您的探索,Borgo San Jacopo(Borgo San Jacopo)(西餐)會供應一流的推薦美味Count Camillo Negroni And Campari Bitter Chips,La Bottega del Buon Caffe(La Bottega del Buon Caffè)(西餐)和Ora d’Aria(西餐)也會讓您大吃一驚,定會對Crème Brûlée Di Foie Gras和紅酒牛肉讚不絕口。酒店種類繁多的休閑設施能為每一位下榻於此的您創造多元化的休閑空間,這其中包括按摩室和室外泳池。酒店配備有會議廳和商務中心,可供旅客使用。24小時開放的前台服務可為您隨時提供訊息,以幫助您探索這個魅力之都。
Highly recommended to stay. Upon arrival, we are greeted by friendly staffs. The room is cleaned and we slept so well because the bed is comfortable. The dining in experienced is great as well. would like to compliment your entire staff for being so professional. With smile on their faces, they have been really very impressive in their service. Especially Sabrina. She performed an excellent attitude and service. We would like to encourage all the staffs to keep up the good work. Definitely a hotel we will stay if we ever come back to Florence. The Ng 🇺🇸
這家酒店可以說是超級完美。但是美中不足的是由於我跟我朋友一起去的酒店,那個酒店前台可以說是直接忽略我,然後給我分配了一個最小最小的房間,這讓我不是很高興,畢竟酒店錢也不便宜。我朋友跟我定的同一個房型。I mean during the check in the entire time, the staff ignored me the entire time, I understand he knows I was with my friends, but I have my reservation separately, he should handle it by the order, and not just assigned me the smallest room just because I was a single person.I booked the exactly same type of room just like my friends, and their room is twice bigger than mine. And I can only eat breakfast in bed because there was no room to put it. That’s hilarious actually.
梅蒂奇別墅酒店位於一座歷史悠久的 19 世紀宮殿內,現代豪華風情與迷人的古典氣息交相互融。酒店經過精心裝修,時尚客房品味出眾,還可欣賞華美庭園景觀或迷人的佛羅倫薩城市景觀。富有傳奇色彩的 Harry’s Bar Florence 坐落在繁茂的花園中,旁邊就是酒店泳池。聞名遐邇的 Harry’s Bar Firenze 供應特色菜品和標誌性雞尾酒,為您營造品味非凡的時尚氛圍。遊覽舊橋、大衞雕像、新聖母瑪麗亞教堂和烏菲茲美術館等眾多經典景點。酒店擁有精緻的會議和活動空間,配備專業的策劃團隊,提供定製餐飲服務,還可 360 度欣賞佛羅倫薩景觀,助力您締造卓越會議活動體驗。在花園泳池暢遊,或在健身俱樂部鍛鍊,度過充實的一天。於我們的佛羅倫薩酒店,感受歷史潤澤,啟發激越靈感
We just stayed at this Great Hotel and cant say enough about how nice it was. Everyone was extremely helpful and the room was perfect.. They offer a car to drive you to where you are going but not the airport or train... but what a perk and the driver was so nice. We walked most of the time but was nice if we were to tired. Food was good and breakfast buffett was wonderful..Lots to choose from.. The only downfall was the internet. Wifi they give you a coupon for 1 hour free, we got a free 10 hours and if you did not log off it was toast fast. Most hotels just let you on and you dont have to continue to log in and out. But saying that was the only downfall is not bad.. We traveled with a 10 yr old and in our room they added a mattress to the daybed for her and she was comfortable. true Italin comfort..
簡直太棒了。入住是在Hotel VIlla Royal酒店,我們被護送到一個角落,到我們的住宿。這是一個很大的宮殿。我們的房間在凹凸不平的地板上,從底層上走4層樓梯。一切都向我們解釋了。房間很舒服,乾淨,很安靜,位置在Piazza Indipendenza,jsut離SM Novella站10分鐘路程。離Mercato5分鐘。在該地區內,也有幾家餐館和酒吧,所以如果你不想去歷史中心,你可以很容易地在該地區用餐。結賬的早晨,我們將行李寄存在酒店,稍後將它們撿起來。非常友好的工作人員。肯定會再次訪問並推薦它。
An old, pleasant, quiet and tranquil hotel with high standards , 1 km south of the Porta Romana. 2.5 km south of the river so our fitness was tested. Serviced by the erratic number 11 bus from the train station. The room was spacious, very clean with a new bathroom. The staff were knowledgeable, efficient and helpful during our 4 night stay. Breakfast was minimal with cereals, eggs, cold meats-and cheese on offer. The hotel reception closes at 8:00 pm with entry to the hotel be a code. Good restaurants close to Porta Romana. Expensive, like any worthy hotel in Florence.
Villa le Fontanelle是一個令人歎爲觀止的物業。我們選擇這裏作爲去佛羅倫薩和托斯卡納度蜜月的主要住宿。我們都將推薦給任何人...,特別是給蜜月旅行者,或尋找親密目的地婚禮的人。場地和花園是壯觀的,該地區擁有佛羅倫薩最好的全景之一。就個人而言,我認爲菲耶索爾擁有城市最美麗的景色,但這提供了一個廣闊的景色 - 鳥類崇拜VLF周圍的區域,這使得一天開始可愛而難忘。我們住在La Torre和Limonaia。從塔樓(和,好吧,有自己的私人塔)的景色是 E .M .福斯特的東西,特別是在城市發光的夜晚。場地,教堂和工作人員使這是一個非常特殊的財產。我們在整個住宿期間都受到了善良和優雅的對待。如果你在這裏預訂,你可能知道你報名了什麼。這是一個稍微偏離了道路的財產,所以進入佛羅倫薩市中心在後勤方面比較困難,如果你想打到老城區的市中心。由於一些非常早的承諾,我們不得不多次打電話叫出租車。工作人員非常不可思議,幫助我們與當地的出租車服務(這可能是真正的藝術)進行協調,並確保我們有任何和所有的後勤工作完全分開。對我們兩個人來說,Citrarium也是讓我們的住宿感覺如此神奇的巨大部分。食物緩慢而精湛。我們在佛羅倫薩的日子結束時,我們非常喜歡回到別墅,在多道菜的餐點和一些工作人員建議的葡萄酒和阿瑪羅配對中徘徊。我們永遠感謝服務員,自從回來後給我們介紹一個令人眼花亂的超級植物園南部阿瑪羅...,我們已經和許多朋友和家人分享了。我們希望回來,但感謝Villa le Fontanelle的令人難以置信的熱情好客和美好的回憶!