





4.8/555 評價


橫濱市中心 橫濱|距離市中心1.42km
「酒廊一泊四食的洲際你試過嗎?」 這次關東IHG大考察來到了橫濱Pier8的一泊四食吃到撐體驗,而我也是直到退房前,才發現它真的紮紮實實供應四餐給酒廊顧客。 優雅!太優雅了! /Check-in/ 抵達門口前二十公尺,立刻有服務人員飛奔過來詢問是否可以搶走我手上的行李箱,然後不知躲在哪裡的女士突然閃現出來,表示要帶我到辦理check-in的地方。 光是辦理入住前,他們就刷新了我對洲際飯店服務品質的認知。 辦理入住時,櫃檯人員很精準地條列說明我的各種權益,這點遠遠勝過前幾天的東京灣。(由於我旅程的頭尾都住東京灣洲際,也住最多晚,因此將會最後再寫它。) 整個入住辦理流程不到五分鐘已完結,櫃檯表示我的房間正在做最後確認,請我到旁邊大廳稍作休息。(此刻大約14:30) 結果我走過去屁股都還沒坐下,他就閃現到我面前說:「房間已經好了,您是否要先上去休息呢?」 優雅!太優雅了! 服務全程面帶笑容,英文溝通清晰好辨認,效率好又不會讓人有壓力,乃此次關東IHG體系考核第一名,可惜金魚腦的我沒記住人家的名字。 /房型/ 401 1Bedroom suite club lounge access outdoor living area 這個81平方公尺的房間,好像才是此次關東IHG考察的最大房間,勝過箱根英迪格。 但為什麼我腦海裡沒有覺得它最大呢? 因為它有不少坪數都劃給L型的超巨大陽台,加上這間位於面海的角間,絕對是大加分;讓你橫著看、豎著看,都能看到橫濱海灣最美的景致。晚上想變得很壞,也不用怕遠方有誰可以看見(大概只有拿望遠鏡的船長可以偷看)。 這個套房又大又漂亮,坪效也有效運用,室內切割出玄關+料理台、客廳、更衣室、浴室、臥房等空間。裝修風格是淺色木質調性,搭配淺白灰的家飾品,將色彩干擾壓制到最低,讓每一片落地窗外美麗的海藍色填滿視線。 <客廳> 輕輕鬆鬆就能透過外接HDMI孔接上自己的設備,對常常需要觀看自備串流節目的我很便利。寬敞的沙發、合宜的電視尺寸,讓待在這個客廳休息成為一種奢侈的享受,我都不知道該看電視還是旁邊落地窗磅礡的整面海景,索性在沙發上睡著,連夢裡都有著海的香甜味。(到底為什麼海是甜的XD) <臥室> 客廳與臥室有完整隔開,看電視跟需要休息的人不會互相干擾。 兩個空間的窗簾都可以透過電動按鈕控制,海景on & off就在指掌之間。 床是躺下去就會陷入夢鄉的等級,加上枕頭、被子包覆性很好,是鑽入被窩就會產生幸福感的體驗。 <浴室> 浴室空間大而奢侈,淋浴間與外面陽台有透明玻璃隔開。想要放開束縛洗澡給大海看,或是拉下窗簾享有私密洗浴空間,都是時尚、可愛,隨心所欲。 浴缸有激烈的按摩功能,我們都在討論這幾天的衣物累積得有點多,室內空間又這麼大,乾脆把衣服丟進浴缸開按摩功能洗。(欸只是空想,不要真的這樣做XD) 備品是關東洲際的定番Byredo Bal D'afrique,在寒帶國家洗出熱帶水果味,把自己變成香甜的芒果、水蜜桃,想必能讓保守的日本人想大快朵頤一番吧(到底在亂說什麼XD)。 <更衣室> 相較於其它空間,這個更衣室比較緊湊,但也比箱根英迪格套房的更衣室大1/3。 開放式的櫃體掛滿衣架,真的讓人打算在這裡好好洗一堆衣服(拜託不要這樣XD) /餐食/ 這裡的重頭戲,酒廊一泊四食,且讓我按照入住後用餐順序寫出流水帳。 <酒廊午茶> Check-in結束後,我們就立刻衝到酒廊享用午茶了。偵測到壽星降臨的服務人員,不忘在午茶架擺上一片生日快樂的巧克力牌。這幾天吃掉自己的生日牌似乎成為一種儀式,一片大概可以多一年壽命。 酒廊內有不少外籍服務人員,英語對談順利。使用酒廊的人不多,寬敞的空間只有三桌顧客分據前中後的座位區。 每個座位區都可以看到外面的海景,是很放鬆舒適的空間。 <酒廊Happy Hour> 不容錯過Pier8的Happy Hour,我以為我來吃點心喝杯小酒,結果他們給我一頓晚餐。 在與我們仔細確認會過敏的食材後,服務人員離開去備餐;等她再出現時,桌上端來看起來好精緻美味的食物。 吃了一盤冷盤,又來一盤熱盤。菜餚好看好吃,還有很豐富的酒可以選。也可以選擇無酒精的氣泡特調,再要來梅酒、杏子酒(這個好好喝),然後自己按照酒量多寡倒進去。 在這裡買醉,都不用煩惱喝醉了人生地不熟找不到回家的路。 <早餐> 不論是二樓還是五樓酒廊,早餐菜單據說都是一樣的單點菜單。 這次的早餐我們照樣選了和式,可惜擺盤的精美度不如箱根英迪格。味道上,由於連日的大魚大肉,我也不太有記憶,但不會難吃,大家可以把早上的胃安心交給它。 另外,這裡入住率似乎不高(?) 吃早餐時也不見幾桌客人。 <酒廊早午餐> 我以為這寫在單子上的早午餐,只是開開玩笑,沒想到他們很認真供應班尼迪克蛋、鬆餅等餐點,而且是吃得飽的份量。 但比起前面三餐,這頓飯感受得到預算限制;大約是一般Buffet的美味度,但改成單點端給你而已。不過,在我過往的記憶裡,甚至是跟台灣多數的酒廊比,這樣的誠意已是天下無敵。 入住橫濱洲際Pier8含酒廊房間,一次房錢,讓你四餐吃飽,真金換誠心。 /飯店設施/ <健身房、空中庭園> 這裡似乎沒有泳池、沒有健身房,沒有仔細看單子的我,只在建物裡找到兩個空中庭園、一間健身房的公設。 健身房不大,規模大約跟高雄洲際差不多而已,設備也簡陋,似乎打定主意讓住客貫徹休息到底。 空中庭園則讓非海景房的旅客也能有飽覽景觀的機會,但一月寒冬的氣候,應該沒有多少人能在這裡面不改色欣賞海景;沒有室外暖爐的地方,看看就好。 /心得/ 這是此趟旅程我唯一善用洲際大使權益的飯店,真的待到接近下午四點才退房。橫濱洲際Pier8值得你花出去的每一分房費,對於酒店公設沒有太多需求的朋朋,能在此感受到賓至如歸。 這座飯店幾乎位於海上,三面被海包圍,彷彿一艘即將出航的郵輪,我把它定位成老夫老妻二渡蜜月的飯店。 兩老一起約個時間,到橫濱這座遊客只能無所事事的城市散步看海,然後待在房間內,想像自己正乘坐在郵輪上,享受一場不會暈船的浪漫之旅,就是到此一遊的醍醐味。 #橫濱 #洲際酒店 #ihg #intercontinentalyokohamapier8







4.7/558 評價


橫濱市中心 橫濱|距離市中心3.03km
We booked a Standard Double Room and were upgraded to a Club King as Bonvoy Platinum members. Our first impressions of the hotel were big, beautiful, convenient, but with minimal and stingy service. The Club King room was very nice, modern, quite large with a sofa and desk, and spacious bath. And very clean with lots of amenities. Bed was excellent. Location is very good with direct access to the station, shops, restaurants, and Takashimaya Department Store. Platinum Elite members can check in at the Club Lounge. The lounge is not too large, and I imagine it being very busy on weekends or holidays. Refreshments throughout the day are extremely minimal, just drinks and very light snacks like cookies and crackers (I would definitely not describe this as ”afternoon hors d’oeuvres” as stated on their website). The evening cocktail service is a bit more expansive with salad, 4-5 hot dishes, and dessert. I requested something vegetarian as there was nothing besides salad, and they were able to prepare a steamed vegetable plate and tiny fruit plate which were delicious but not filling, and nothing compared to the regular options available. When asked if it might be possible to prepare a main dish (something with more carbs), I was told they could either give me plain white rice or plain penne pasta with no sauce, I was told to add salt and pepper for flavor. Seriously? Would anyone feel pleased with such an offering? I obviously refused, and was left with a bitter feeling for the rest of our stay. Note that this property does not acknowledge the Marriott Platinum “Guaranteed 4 p.m. Late Checkout” benefit. We stayed on a Sunday, checking out the following Monday (not a holiday, and definitely not a peak day) but were denied late check out, only given 1:00. For a previous reservation, once again checking out on a non-peak Monday, we were also completely denied late check out (only standard 12:00 check out). To the Management of the Yokohama Bay Sheraton Hotel & Towers, I have a simple question, do you offer 4 p.m. late check-out to your Platinum Members? This is a major deciding factor for Platinum Members in choosing your hotel. Breakfast was not available in the Club Lounge, but in the buffet restaurant Compass. (Another clear indication that the Club Floor was not very busy, so why no late check out?) Breakfast here was nice, not an expansive selection, but a decent selection of both Japanese and Western dishes (but few or no vegetarian options). The orange juicer machine was especially good. Overall, this is a very nice hotel, but it does not feel like a Sheraton property as they deny Bonvoy Elite benefits when they see fit, and the service is not that of an international hotel. Elite Members are not treated as such. It feels more like a Japanese hotel that’s a step or two behind international standards. I really hope things improve as the hotel itself is very nice and we’d like to visit Yokohama again soon.









三井花園酒店 橫濱港未來普米爾
4.8/5179 評價

三井花園酒店 橫濱港未來普米爾

橫濱市中心 橫濱|距離桜木町0.5km
26th – 29th August 2023 Yokohama, Japan Mitsui Garden Hotel, Yokohama Some random thoughts / comments regarding our stay as they spring up: - Taxi arrives at G/F, no porter service but guests have to wheel luggage to 20/F to check in - ultra modern hotel, bright & airy, spacious lobby and so new – freshly opened in mid May 2023 - push through glass doors to fully exposed outdoor lounge with sofas and low coffee tables to sit and chill while enjoying a wide stretch of city view through wide glass panels - minimalism theme throughout the reception, lobby and extended to the rooms with clean, light beech minimalistic design - check in smooth and staff even though not the most conversant in English, pose no barriers in carrying out simple conversation - guests are to collect toiletries at a small nook beside the check in desk before heading up to the room--- choice of individually wrapped razor ; toothbrush+ paste ; shower cap; vanity set, comb, Q-tips to put inside a white zip-bloc to bring along to the room for own consumption - all toiletries are displayed bare for guests to take at liberty and every guest feels at ease to take what is needed without any staff there to peep over their shoulder—very generous hotel policy indeed - two bottles of water , tea sachets and drip coffee replenished daily - iron + ironing board provided upon request - the entire hotel, i.e. everywhere smells fresh, everywhere looks bright and clean - bedding and towels all white, fluffy and clean - slippers provided - USB and sockets all well positioned in the room - Telly available and a bottle of room freshener spray provided - shower & bathtub in one enclosed area to save space which in fact is a good and efficient idea to have everything confined to one space - very powerful shower with stable temperature that is easy to adjust - shower area completely watertight so can fully enjoy a nice relaxing shower after a long day and no need to mop the spills afterwards - body gel, shampoo + conditioner all in three separate commercial bottles with dispenser firmly installed onto the wall - big clean panes in room for a nice view overlooking the city and partial harbour - furniture in room is all clean and sofa not sunken, which is one of the advantages of a new hotel - room is not very big but very comfy because everything is very functional while minimalist design gives a contemporary, fuss-free vibe - spacious , bright and clean lobby on 20/F where there is an auto-play piano and there are sofas + reading floor lamps all around the piano, so guests are free to sit and relax with a book or just enjoy the piano when it auto plays at stipulated times - an intimate bar on the other side of the lobby overlooking the pool, but closes before 12am - a gym + pool also on lobby level - a restaurant on lobby floor that serves breakfast - “ Lawsons Convenience Store “ on 2/F, 7-11 and family Mart also close by - Yokohama Cosmo World and Marine Park at walkable distances - Safe, c



三井花園酒店 橫濱港未來普米爾
4.8/5179 評價

三井花園酒店 橫濱港未來普米爾

橫濱市中心 橫濱|距離橫濱國際和平會議場0.56km
26th – 29th August 2023 Yokohama, Japan Mitsui Garden Hotel, Yokohama Some random thoughts / comments regarding our stay as they spring up: - Taxi arrives at G/F, no porter service but guests have to wheel luggage to 20/F to check in - ultra modern hotel, bright & airy, spacious lobby and so new – freshly opened in mid May 2023 - push through glass doors to fully exposed outdoor lounge with sofas and low coffee tables to sit and chill while enjoying a wide stretch of city view through wide glass panels - minimalism theme throughout the reception, lobby and extended to the rooms with clean, light beech minimalistic design - check in smooth and staff even though not the most conversant in English, pose no barriers in carrying out simple conversation - guests are to collect toiletries at a small nook beside the check in desk before heading up to the room--- choice of individually wrapped razor ; toothbrush+ paste ; shower cap; vanity set, comb, Q-tips to put inside a white zip-bloc to bring along to the room for own consumption - all toiletries are displayed bare for guests to take at liberty and every guest feels at ease to take what is needed without any staff there to peep over their shoulder—very generous hotel policy indeed - two bottles of water , tea sachets and drip coffee replenished daily - iron + ironing board provided upon request - the entire hotel, i.e. everywhere smells fresh, everywhere looks bright and clean - bedding and towels all white, fluffy and clean - slippers provided - USB and sockets all well positioned in the room - Telly available and a bottle of room freshener spray provided - shower & bathtub in one enclosed area to save space which in fact is a good and efficient idea to have everything confined to one space - very powerful shower with stable temperature that is easy to adjust - shower area completely watertight so can fully enjoy a nice relaxing shower after a long day and no need to mop the spills afterwards - body gel, shampoo + conditioner all in three separate commercial bottles with dispenser firmly installed onto the wall - big clean panes in room for a nice view overlooking the city and partial harbour - furniture in room is all clean and sofa not sunken, which is one of the advantages of a new hotel - room is not very big but very comfy because everything is very functional while minimalist design gives a contemporary, fuss-free vibe - spacious , bright and clean lobby on 20/F where there is an auto-play piano and there are sofas + reading floor lamps all around the piano, so guests are free to sit and relax with a book or just enjoy the piano when it auto plays at stipulated times - an intimate bar on the other side of the lobby overlooking the pool, but closes before 12am - a gym + pool also on lobby level - a restaurant on lobby floor that serves breakfast - “ Lawsons Convenience Store “ on 2/F, 7-11 and family Mart also close by - Yokohama Cosmo World and Marine Park at walkable distances - Safe, c



4.6/5118 評價
Our 6-people family had a wonderful Chinese Lunar New Year vacation here. New Grand is a great place to stay in Yokohama. Their staff are polite to my family. And its location is also perfect. Its opposite is Yama****a Park and it's very close to Chinatown.AND specially thanks for concierge IKUE SATOH, she speaks English very well and helps us contact different places to find my cellphone. Thank you. AND thanks for the bellman(in the front door),sorry I don't know his name. A wonderful guy with some white hair. He passed us some umbrellas when going outside at a heavy rain night. They are helpful. Anyway, thank you guys. From China 我會推薦給需要入住在橫濱的中國客人,無論商務或者旅遊,這裏鬧中取靜,很乾凈,服務很好,地理位置也很好,即使去東京也很方便。
3.8/5147 評價
4.8/584 評價
■ 觀景大巴豪華海雙海灣景房 房間內有乾淨的水壺,有大窗戶和陽台。房間,從陽台上看風景可以看到灣大橋,摩天輪。浴缸和淋浴房是另外々,可以慢慢泡澡。可以看到浴室的摩天輪夜景也很漂亮。早餐是棕櫚樹環繞,有南國風情的自助餐廳。品數很多,味道很好。這次,縣民價格適用,可以以合理的價格住宿。前台工作人員的迴應也很好。#橫濱灣酒店東急#夜景#櫻木町#Hetare叔叔的旅行
4.4/5114 評價
Hotel Edit 橫濱酒店
4.2/5121 評價
4.1/568 評價







橫濱有103家精品酒店,Trip.com能為您提供最高20%的折扣。當地酒店平均價格大概是577 HKD一晚,橫濱有各種各樣的酒店,定能滿足您對不同旅行的住宿需求。橫濱有3家五星級酒店,平均每晚1130 HKD。橫濱有8家四星級酒店,平均每晚665 HKD。橫濱有60家三星級酒店,平均每晚508 HKD。橫濱有21家二星級酒店,平均每晚862 HKD。橫濱匯聚了眾多知名連鎖酒店,無論您是商務出行還是旅遊入住,都很合適。在橫濱,連鎖酒店如喜來登是遊客們入住的熱門住宿。喜來登是去當地旅遊,遊客選擇最多的品牌之一。橫濱的橫濱新大谷尊貴酒店(New Otani Inn Yokohama Premium)是Trip.com客人最喜歡入住的酒店之一。假若您還有猶豫,Trip.com推薦您入住橫濱灣喜來登大酒店(Yokohama Bay Sheraton Hotel & Towers)。

在橫濱的市中心附近,您能夠方便的遊覽橫濱市開港紀念館, 橫濱棒球場, 橫濱公園。若想與家人度過一個愉快假期,可以到八景島海島樂園一遊。其實到橫濱旅遊,最熱門的景點還有橫濱中華街, 日產體育場, 橫濱國際和平會議場。若您希望購買一些當地特產,可以考慮去當地的商業區Alpen(川崎野川), 橫濱皇后廣場, 高島屋(橫濱店)逛一逛。










