A Hidden Autumn Viewing Spot in Aba Prefecture

⛰️🌲 With the arrival of late autumn, many places in Sichuan have entered the best season for viewing colorful forests. Among them, the colorful forests in Wenchuan County, Li County, and Xiaojin County of Aba Prefecture have formed a series of splendid and colorful paintings. Today, I will take you to a less-known spot for viewing the colorful forests in Wenchuan County—Laoyashan. When it comes to lesser-known scenic spots in Wenchuan County, people are familiar with Ganhaizi, Panda Ping, and Yunzhong Pasture, but little do they know that there is another excellent viewing spot hidden in Wenchuan County—Laoyashan. ⛰️🌲 Although it is not as popular as Ganhaizi and other viewing spots, the natural scenery here can definitely compete with Ganhaizi. Laoyashan is located in Gengda Village, Gengda Town, Wolong Nature Reserve, Wenchuan County, Aba Prefecture, about 6 kilometers away from Gengda County Town and approximately 130 kilometers away from Chengdu City. Currently, this area is not fully developed, with few villagers living here, and on weekdays, only a small number of hikers come over. Once you enter the starting point of the hike in Laoyashan, there is basically no mobile network signal. ⛰️🌲 The most beautiful season for Laoyashan has to be autumn! In autumn, Laoyashan is covered with colorful forests, with trees of various colors interwoven together, looking from a distance like colors outlined in a painting. Anywhere in Laoyashan, the view of the colorful forests is breathtaking. The average altitude of Laoyashan is around 2000 meters, with the mountain peak nearly 3000 meters high. There are three alpine meadows here, from low to high, they are Meadow No.1, Meadow No.2, and Meadow No.3. ⛰️🌲 On different meadows, you can enjoy different styles of colorful forests, and each meadow is the best viewing platform, where you can see the most beautiful alpine colorful forests. Now is also the best season to enjoy the red maples and sequoias, and the red maples and sequoias in Laoyashan have all turned red, entering the best viewing period. Looking at the colorful alpine forests, feeling the charm bestowed by the alpine forests, it's like being in a paradise. 💓💓💓 Currently available natural landscapes to view: alpine colorful forests, alpine meadows, various wildflowers, red maples, sequoias, coniferous forests, broad-leaved forests, wild mushrooms, etc. 💗💗💗 Best photo check-in spots: Laoyashan mountain road colorful forest area, hiking starting point crop planting area, Meadows No.1, 2, and 3. 💕💕💕 Hiking difficulty and suitable crowd: Although the average altitude here is not high, and the number of hiking kilometers is not particularly large, the mountain road conditions are not very smooth, which is quite physically demanding, and some places have steep slopes, making the climb a bit strenuous. This place is more suitable for experienced hikers and those with mountaineering experience. It is not very suitable for bringing very young children, and friends with poor physical strength are also not recommended to come. 💟💟💟 Hiking kilometers and road conditions introduction: Round trip route, the total hiking kilometers back and forth is about 6 kilometers. Friends with poor physical strength can freely choose the climbing distance, you can check in and take photos at the starting point of the hike, and also at Meadows No.1 and No.2. 💞💞💞 Hiking suggestions: Experienced outdoor enthusiasts can reach the summit, while inexperienced climbers can choose to hike halfway. Friends who choose to summit can spend more time at Meadow No.3, and those who choose to hike halfway can spend more time near the starting point (crop planting area). Friends who do not want to climb at all can stay at the starting point of the hike, or walk down the road to enjoy the colorful forests. ✡️✡️✡️ Recommended hiking equipment: trekking poles, cotton jackets (storm jackets), sun hats, sunscreen, umbrellas (raincoats), mineral water, snacks (bread, biscuits, etc.), power banks. 💞💞💞 Transportation: Currently, there is no public transportation to Laoyashan, you can drive there or follow an outdoor hiking travel team (there are already many outdoor hiking travel teams that have opened one-day tours to Laoyashan) 💖💖💖 Warm tips: Laoyashan is not a mature scenic area, it is currently just a check-in spot for hikers. There are no independent toilets built inside Laoyashan, friends who need to use the toilet can only solve it on the spot or go to the villagers' homes. In addition, to climb to the top—Meadow No.3, a certain amount of physical strength is required, and the uphill road inside Laoyashan is not easy to walk. Friends with poor physical strength are not recommended to summit.
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Apr 8, 2024
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