

4.3/545 評價
Stopped here on our return to Blighty after a 7 hour journey from the deepest south, planned timing having gone a little awry due to personal ineptitude but in the end not a problem really. They have secure parking which is a must for me, coming from the crime riddled UK and working on the basis that everywhere must be at least as bad (not at all true). We’d noted on other reviews that the hotel is not necessarily going to attract passing trade by its looks which, now having seen it, is a fair comment, but really does belie the reality of what lies below the surface. This is a place that we will very definitely revisit both for the hotel, their food and the town. We arrived during rush hour it seemed and so had to recce the area before making a final approach when my co-pilot was launched to advise of our arrival. As a result, the large gates located to the right of the hotel were opened by the proprietor who assisted by halting the traffic whilst the rather narrow and unforgiving entrance was negotiated by my bus. The car park itself is located in a walled area and is indeed as advertised and as about as secure as it gets. There was a very pleasant welcome and we were guided to our ground floor, garden facing room which was modern, clean and well appointed (no tea and coffee facilities though which was a shame). There are possibly 10 or so rooms all facing the garden which is a large walled affair with a terrace/courtyard where meals can be enjoyed. Very pleasant, peaceful and relaxing particularly after a long journey. We’d booked for dinner which is only on offer to residents and was extremely good with a good choice of freshly prepared fare all for around E25 plus wine and coffee, each - bargain! Beaugency itself is a very pleasant, Loire side town and although we went for a wander after dinner, it deserves more exploration since there is bags of history in the town. We will definitely revisit after summer but this time plan it a little better. As regards the Le Beaugency hotel itself I would very definitely recommend a visit including the partaking of their dining facilities, all in all, extremely good value and a very enjoyable stay. The whole lot was just under E174 which included, comfy bed, lovely breakfast and superb evening meal which I’d regard as excellent value.


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    博讓西的2 星級酒店,平日的平均房價為KRW 130,094,週末(週五至週六)的平均房價為KRW 126,527。

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    Trip.com 提供各種2星級酒店推廣及折扣。您可前往推廣活動頁面了解 Trip.com 有哪些推廣活動。


最高價格KRW 173,450
最低價格KRW 98,052
平均價格(平日)KRW 130,094
平均價格(週末)KRW 126,527


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Chateau de Beaugency,Abbatiale Notre-Dame是到訪博讓西的必到景點,不要忘記去看一看。


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