正在尋找JBY FUEL附近的酒店?不妨參考真實旅客的評價。


正在搜尋JBY FUEL附近的酒店?比較房價和評價,找到您的理想酒店。
5/51 評價
非常完美,位置很好。 我又訂了
3.7/52 評價
內石造船廠巴蘭班宿務的近地點 , 不久我們還會再訂
4.6/58 評價
3.7/57 評價
I stayed here for 5 days. The views are incredible, the food is great, the room was excellent, the staff was generally helpful and friendly, I was also surprised how little we ended up spending on food after all that room service. Some gardens like Alejandra are walkable if you can stand the heat. There are a view things you'll need to expect though, when coming here. They don't take credit cards, so be ready to pay cash. There is no ATM anywhere nearby, Balamban may be the closest. There are no taxis on the mountain road, and the hotel can't help find you a ride. There are vans that run up and down the road intermittently but they're usually full and won't stop. If you don't want to hitchhike, plan transportation in advance. One other unavoidable thing is bugs and lizards. It's in the middle of the mountains and surrounded by jungle so this just needs to be expected. The room was clean and comfortable but they will get in, mostly ants. There was also a power outage in just our room, they weren't aware until we contacted them and they were able to restore power once they knew. A few menu items seemed consistently unavailable. Some contacts like ”front desk” were not open/responsive much, but others like the restaurant would be able to help instead, it's a small and casual place with only a framework to be bigger, a bit wonky :) Again though, as a mountain retreat, it's amazing.
3.7/53 評價
Great ambiance for travellers like me especially it is a beach resort
3/52 評價


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宿霧氣候宜人,水清沙幼,素有“度假伊甸園”之美稱。對於貪戀陽光海灘的度假者來説,這裏無疑是世外桃源,沿海有許多度假勝地,豪華、一流的酒店、餐飲、娛樂、購物等設施一應俱全。對於潛水愛好者來説,這裏簡直是夢中的天堂,完善的潛水設備、專業的潛水課程、驚險刺激的水世界之旅,無一不令你流連忘返。麥克坦島(Mactan Island)、莫阿爾博阿(Moalboal)都是不容錯過的夢幻樂園。致力於探尋古迹的朋友在這座古老的城市處處可見歷史的烙印,在這裏,古韻風情與現代活力被演繹得近乎完美。州政府所在地宿霧市是菲律賓最早的城市,被稱為“南方皇后市”(Queen city of the South),也是維薩亞斯政治、經濟、文化、教育的主要命脈。舉世聞名的麥哲倫十字架、聖嬰教堂……散發著傳奇般的色彩。1521年,葡萄牙航海家麥哲倫由西班牙航行到中南美洲,途中,他驚喜地發現了這個美麗靜謐的小島。如今,在菲律賓的7000多個島嶼之中,詩情畫意的宿霧島已發展成為最受遊客歡迎的觀光點。宿務市位於宿務省(島)的東部沿海,維薩亞斯(Visayas)群島的中心位置,是宿霧省首府,

